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研究生(外文):Yu-Yun Chen
論文名稱(外文):Taxonomy, distribution and reproduction of deep-sea eels in Taiwan waters and the phylogeny of Anguilliformes and Congroidei (Elopomorpha: Teleostei)
指導教授(外文):Hin-Kiu Mok
外文關鍵詞:phylogenytaxonomytrue eelsreproductiondistribution
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本研究第一部分共記錄台灣附近海域之深海鰻魚,平面分布區域自台灣東北角延伸到台東外海,至西南海域及南海;垂直分布從一百五十公尺以深至一千二百公尺深。其中包括草鰻科一種、鯙科二種、蛇鰻科三種、糯鰻科十四種、海鰻科四種、線鰻科二種、鴨嘴鰻科二種與合鰓鰻科十五種) 。共計八科四十三種,其中包括有新種三種 (如深海黑體蛇鰻,長吻前肛鰻,中華合鰓鰻),新紀錄種十一種 (如扁吻脣鼻鰻,大吻沙蛇鰻,黑頂康吉鰻,大頭鰻,索爾大頭鰻,日本康吉鰻,前鼻絲鰻,後肛鰻,箭齒前肛鰻,軟泥鰻,考氏合鰓鰻) ,並完成台灣海域深海鰻類之檢索表。同時記錄了上述魚種在台灣海域之分布及生態習性與食性。本研究發現在真鰻類的脊椎骨的模式中,在種內的變異不大,因此該模式實可作為種鑑定的依據。

第二部分從鰻類的泳鰾,胃腸,生殖腺體的形態與隔膜的顏色的研究中發現,多數特徵除可作為種類間的檢定依據外,也可初步將各科區分開來 (例如生殖腺體在肛門之後長度與生殖腺全長的比例,但是也有部份科別 (例如糯鰻科) 在科內缺乏一致性。另外,以生殖季節的分布狀況來分析,本研究中所調查之多數鰻類的生殖季節集中於九至十一月間,同時其他地區的深海魚類的生殖季節也集中於九至十月,因此實在有必要進一步了解深海魚類生殖季節集中之現象,並進而規劃深海魚類資源之管理。而合鰓鰻類則一致性地有二個生殖季節(在四至五月間與九至十月間) ,此也再次說明了合鰓鰻類的獨立演化。

第三部份之研究主要根據在骨骼與腦部神經的形態找出支持真鰻類為單系類群之多項離徵,也就是所有真鰻類有較近之親緣關係 (例如:退化的神經棘、血管棘與尾神經骨,三角形之尾基骨,上尾骨缺乏,收斂之第一與第二下尾骨融合,第三、第四與第五下尾骨融合,第一、第二下尾骨,副尾骨間的空隙,相當發達的嗅球,側面突出的大腦,大型的中腦,以及大腦與中腦之間的間隙支持鰻類是獨立的一個支系)。研究結果還包括了 (1) 大腦與中腦的狹窄間隙,退化的嗅球和嗅葉,以及小腦後孔形成一條隙縫指出鯙亞目和鰻鱺亞目應被視為一姊妹群。(2)獨立融合之三-四-五下尾骨板,卵型的中腦,大型的小腦,以及癒合的小腦後孔等的離徵,為蛇鰻超科,糯鰻超科以及合鰓鰻超科所共有,顯示糯鰻亞目的單一群系。 (3)合鰓鰻總科與糯鰻總科之間因共同具有副尾鰭骨與第一下尾骨融合以及尾神經骨與下尾骨間之凹陷等特徵,而被認為是一姊妹群。 (4)多數的糯鰻具有一FS發展方式與2、3下尾骨間之凹槽之尾骨而被認為是單一群系; (5)多數蛇鰻因具有一退化萎縮且下位之尾骨之離徵而被視為單一群系; (6)多數合鰓鰻類因具有一CLC發展方式之尾骨,上位之第三、四、五下尾骨,非常發達的嗅球,小型大腦,大腦側面突出較為發達,以及小腦後葉摺疊支持其為單一群系; (7) 合鰓鰻科內寄生鰻亞科與軟泥鰻亞科因共同具有副尾骨與第一下尾骨間之空隙的離徵而被認為是一姊妹群; (8)月尾鰻與單頷鰻的尾骨異常退化而被視為有較近之類緣關係,但仍需進一步的研究來闡明其間的關係; (9) 鱷頭鰻暗紅色的脈管小囊顯示其與鴨嘴鰻類的密切關係;(10) 盤狀的腦下垂體支持鰻類與北梭魚、鰭縮鯷、棘鰻、大眼海鰱、海鰱為親源關係較近的一群;(11) 北梭魚、鰭縮鯷、大眼海鰱、海鰱共同具有一特殊形態的中腦和小腦,而被本研究歸納為一親源關係較近的一群;(12) 從腦部的大部形態來看,北梭魚、鰭縮鯷、大眼海鰱、海鰱與鯡類等魚種的關係應是非常密切,而值得進一步的研究與觀察來闡明。
There are 43 species of deep-sea eels of 8 families, which including 1 species of Chlopsidae, 2 species of Muraenidae, 3 species of Ophichthide, 14 species of Congridae, 2 species of Muraenesocidae, 2 species of Nemichthyidae, 2 species of Nettastomidae, and 15 species of Synaphobranchidae, which its depth from 150 to 1200 meters and distribution from NE coast to the coast of Taitong and SW coast in Taiwan waters. Meanwhile, there are 3 new species (i.e., Dysomma longirostrum, Ophichthus aphotistos, Synaphobranchus sinensis) and 11 new records (i.e., Chilorhinchus platyrhynchus, Ophisurus macrorhynchus, Rhechias retrotincta, Macroceohenchelys brachialis, M. soela, Japonoconger sivicolus, nettastoma solitarium, Meadia abyssale, Dysommina rugosa, Ilyophis brunneus, Synaphobranchus kaupi) are described. The study in this part also recognize vertebral formulae is useful of elucidating the difference among the species.
Morphology of swimbladder, stomatch, gonads of the deep-sea eels and the melanin layer of diaphragm are able to be as a distinctive character to find out the relationship among the species and the families. Most eels’ reproductive season concentrate on September to November, whatever, the synaphobranchids have two reproductive seasons, which are on May and September to October. And it should become important to make further research on the above phenomenon.
True eels (anguilliforms) form a monophyletic taxon from 16 apomorphic characters, e.g., Well-developed olfactory bulbs, lateral-protruded telencephalon, large-sized tectum, a distinct gap between telencephalon and tectum, reduced neural arch, hamel arch, and uroneural, triangled urostyle, epural absent, convergent hypural, fused hypural 1-2 and hypural 3-4-5, gap between hypural 1-2 and parhypural, and a gap between hypural 1-2 and hypural 3-4-5. The present study also find (1) Muraenoidei and angulloidei are a sister –group by sharing a slit between telencephalon and tectum, smaller olfactory bulb and lobe, and slit on area posttrema; (2)Congroidei is a monophyletic group by sharing an oval tectum, large cerebellum, and ungrooved area postrema, fusion of hypural 3, 4, and 5; (3) Congroidea and Synaphobranchoidea share a fusion of parhypural with hypural 1 and a concave present between uroneural and hypural, which should be treated as a sister group; (4) most eels of Congridae share a FS-caudal-fin and should be treated as a clade; (5) Most eels of Ophichthidae share a reduced and degraded caudal-fin, which should be monoplyletic; (6) Synaphobranchinae、Simenchelyinae and Ilyophinae, uniquely sharing well–developed olfactory bulb, small telencephalon, lateral protrusion of telencephalon well developed, and cerebellum folded posteriorly, a CLC- caudal-fin and elevated hypural 3-4-5, and fusion of hypural 4 and 5, are belong to a monophyletic group; (7) a gap between parhypural and hypural 1 indicate Simenchelyinae and Ilyophinae should be treated as a sister group; (8) Eurypharynx, Cyema, and Monognathus sharing a reduced caudal fin and brain, which need further research to elucidate their relationship; (9) Dark-red saccus vasculosus appears to recommend a close relationship between Gavialiceps taeniola and duckbill eels. (10) A disc-like hypophysis suggests the eels, Albula, Pterothrissus, Notacanthus, Megalops, and Elops are closely related groups; (11) Albula, Pterothrissus, Megalops, and Elops share a distinct morphological type of tectum and cerebellum and they should be treated as closely related groups; (12) The brains’ gross morphology of Albula, Pterothrissus, Megalops, and Elops are well developed, a correlation distinctly similar to that of the Clupea which need further study on the relationship among the taxa mentioned above and the Clupeiformes.
章次 頁數
中文摘要…………………………………………… iii
英文摘要……………………………………………… v
目次………………………………………………… vii
表目次……………………………………………… ix
圖目次……………………………………………… x
附錄目次………………………………………… xxiii
壹、前言…………………………………………… 1
貳、方法與材料…………………………………… 4
(一) 研究方法…… ………………………………… 4
(二) 材料 …………………………………………… 4
甲: 一般材料………………………………… 4
乙:檢視之分類單元………………………… 5
丙:縮寫用語………………………………… 7
參、結果與討論……………………………………… 9
(一)台灣深海鰻魚的分類與分布…………………… 9
前言……………………………………………… 9
(二)台灣深海鰻魚的生殖與其他生物資料 ………45
前言…………………………………………… 45
材料與方法…………………………………… 45
結果…………………………………………… 46
討論…………………………………………… 49
檢視標本……………………………………… 52
(三) 真鰻類的腦部形態以及其對親源關係上的應用
前言…………………………………………… 55
材料與方法…………………………………… 56
結果…………………………………………… 56
討論…………………………………………… 60
檢視標本……………………………………… 62
(四) 以尾部骨骼的形態來探討糯鰻亞目的親緣關係
……………………………………………… 65
前言…………………………………………… 65
材料與方法…………………………………… 66
結果…………………………………………… 66
親源關係分析………………………………… 74
討論…………………………………………… 74
檢視標本……………………………………… 79
肆、綜合討論……………………………………… 82
伍、結論…………………………………………… 84
陸、未來需進一步闡明之問題…………………… 86
柒、研究成果……………………………………… 87
捌、參考文獻……………………………………… 88
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