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研究生(外文):Ya-Lan Chou
論文名稱(外文):A preliminary study to quantify the suitable substratum of marine sessile invertebrates.
指導教授(外文):K. Soong
外文關鍵詞:intensification phnomenonlarval settlementbarnacle
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我們假設1公尺的空間尺度為一較為封閉性的環境,試圖尋找1公尺尺度間不同面積的附苗板上是否有附苗強化效應(intensification phenomenon),若真如此,可以利用此現象來估算天然所的供給量。同時並以墾丁跳石海域、核能三廠入水口與後壁湖遊艇碼頭三個區域做不同水流環境對附苗強化效應的影響比較,以進一步了解附苗強化效應發生的可能性。另外由較大的空間尺度來看,礁區與砂區為兩個天然底質不同的區域,在這兩個區域分別放置面積相同的附苗板時,由於礁區的天然底質數量較多,根據附苗強化效應,幼生在附苗板上的附苗密度應在砂區較高。
Seasonal reproduction of marine sessile organisms may be an adaptation of seasonal variation in suitable substratum availability. This research is focused on how to quantfy the suitable substratum of marine sessile organisms. Then the potential seasonal change of suitable substrate availability can be assessed.

We tested 1-1.5 meters scale is a population closed spatial scale. At this scale we try to find “intensification phenomenon” using different-size panels. If intensification phenomenon dose exist at 1-1.5 meter scale, then the amount of the suitable substratum can be estimated. We also compared three different current environments at Tiaoshi area in Nan-wan-Bay, the 3rd Nuclear Power Plant Inlet and the Hobihu Yacht Wharf to find out if the intensification phenomenon exists at this different situations. Lastly, sand and reef area were compared. Since reef areas has more suitable natural substratum than sand areas.

The intensification phenomenon at 1-meter scale was not found. The larval density in water column might be highly heterogeneous even in very small scale. On the other hand, we consistently found higher settlement density in sand areas than in reef areas. This phenomenon may well have been caused by the intensification phenomenon.
壹、前言 1
貳、材料方法 7
參、結果 11
肆、討論 14
伍、參考文獻 19
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