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研究生(外文):Sie-Wei Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Wireless Ad Hoc Routing protocol Based on Physical Layer Characteristics
指導教授(外文):Jyun-Hong Richard Lin
外文關鍵詞:Wireless Ad HocThe Limited Broadcast AlgorithmPhysical LayerRobust LinkBit Error Rate
  • 被引用被引用:1
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在無線網路環境中,傳輸的效能與傳輸環境息息相關,由於無線電波的特性與節點的移動性,增加了繞路通訊協定設計上的困難。傳統的繞路通訊協定主要研究方向在於尋找最短距離路徑、提供QoS服務、減少End to End delay等方面。
本文以不同的考量角度提出一個在隨意式無線網路(Wireless Ad Hoc Network)依據實體層的特性決定繞路資訊的通訊協定。在此通訊協定中,節點在有需求時才藉由要求繞路資訊機制與回覆繞路資訊機制建立繞路資訊,在繞路建立過程中考慮當時節點的封包錯誤率以及傳送者與接收者之間是否能提供穩定鏈結。在傳送資料的過程中,依據當時環境的因素,如:雜訊比、鏈結的穩定性、兩個節點間的距離等資訊,動態的詢問與修正繞路資訊,以減少封包重新傳送次數、以及鏈結斷裂次數,與避免週期性的廣播,減少廣播風暴所造成的影響,期望資料在一個較於穩定的環境中傳輸,以減少資料遺失、增加網路效能與減少傳送延遲。
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in wireless ad hoc
network. One of the major issues in wireless network is developing
efficient routing protocol. Based on the concept of designing protocol
model such as OSI model, the designers distilled the process of
transmitting data to its most fundamental elements and identified which
networking functions had related uses and collected those functions into
discrete groups that became the layers. It is not suitable to design wireless
ad hoc routing protocol based on OSI model conception because the OSI
model is developed from the view point of wired network and there are
many different characteristics between wired and wireless environment.
The main different characteristics between wired and wireless are the
mobility of mobile host and the transmission medium. Such differences
have great effect on network performance. Due to the differences between
wired and wireless characteristics, we present a comprehensive
conception of designing wireless ad hoc routing protocol. In this context,
we provide a wireless ad hoc routing protocol based on physical layer

characteristics, ex: bit error rate, robust link. Our routing protocol will
find out a route in good transmission environment and it is efficient to
improve network throughput. Furthermore, our routing protocol will
decrease the number of route request packets, the amount of
retransmissions, link breakage rate, and increase throughput.
中文摘要 - 1 -
英文摘要 - 3 -
第1章 簡介 - 4 -
主動式繞路通訊協定 - 5 -
被動式繞路通訊協定 - 5 -
第2章 相關研究 - 7 -
第3章 系統架構 - 11 -
3.1. 影響系統效能因素 - 11 -
3.1.1. 實體層 - 11 - 位元錯誤率 - 11 - 鏈結穩定性 - 12 -
3.1.2. 鏈結層之媒介擷取控制 - 14 - 二元指數後退演算法 - 16 - 優先權後退演算法 - 17 -
3.1.3. 網路層 - 19 - 限制性廣播繞路控制封包 - 19 -
限制性廣播演算法 - 21 -
3.2. 運作機制 - 23 -
3.2.1. 建立繞路資訊 - 23 - 要求繞路資訊運作機制 - 23 - 回覆繞路資訊運作機制 - 24 -
第4章 模擬結果 - 25 -
4.1.模擬環境 - 25 -
4.2. 完成一次成功傳輸所需要的傳輸次數 - 26 -
4.3.網路拓樸連通性 - 27 -
4.4.要求繞路控制封包個數 - 28 -
4.5.鏈結的跳躍數 - 29 -
4.6.移動所造成的鏈結斷裂 - 31 -
4.7.網路效能 - 32 -
第5章 結論 - 34 -
參考文獻 - 35 -
附錄:英文論文 - 40 -
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