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研究生(外文):Ting-Wan Kuo
論文名稱(外文):IC Design and Implementation of A Boosted Voltage Generator Used in Memory Devices and Low Power Discrete Cosine Transform
指導教授(外文):Chua-Chin Wang
外文關鍵詞:DCTBack-bias GeneratorPumping StageBoosted Voltage Generator
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The first topic of this thesis is a novel voltage tripler using 4 clocks with different phases. Both the positive and negative polarities of the voltage are generated to serve as the boosted voltage and the back bias voltage. The proposed design is carried out by pass transistors and switched capacitors.

The second topic is a low-power discrete cosine transform (DCT) processor. It is suitable for portable applications. The number of clock cycles needed for processing an 8×8 block of pixels is increased, but the chip area is reduced. The reduction of the chip area leads to the reduction of the power dissipation.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文目的 2
1.3 論文大綱 3
第二章 應用於記憶體元件的電壓提昇電路 4
2.1 概論 4
2.2 原理架構說明 5
2.2.1 正電壓提昇電路 5
2.2.2 負電壓提昇電路 7
2.2.3 雙極性電壓產生器 9
2.3 晶片模擬結果 10
2.4 效能比較 13
2.4.1 Dickson電壓提昇電路 13
2.4.2 NCP2電壓提昇電路 14
2.4.3本晶片的電壓提昇電路 16
2.4.4 模擬效能的比較 16
2.5 晶片佈局 19
2.6 測試方法及結果 20
2.7 晶片預計規格與實際量測結果 23
2.7.1 晶片預計規格 23
2.7.2 實際量測結果 23
2.8 結論與討論 24
2.9 應用實例 32
2.9.1 在DRAM上的應用 32
2.9.2 在非揮發性記憶體中寫入及消除動作的應用33
第三章 低功率離散餘弦轉換 35
3.1 概論 35
3.2 架構簡介 36
3.3 晶片佈局 40
3.4 晶片的模擬 40
3.5 佈局驗證 42
3.5.1 FPGA驗證 42
3.5.2 TimeMill模擬波形 43
3.6 結論 44
第四章 結論 45
參考文獻 46
附錄 49
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