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研究生(外文):Ching-Lin Lee
論文名稱(外文):Saturated Reluctance Identification of high voltage Induction Motor and Estimation of Induction Motor/Generator Effect
指導教授(外文):Ta-Peng Tsao
外文關鍵詞:nonlinear parametermodelmotor/generation effectinduction motor
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Saturated reluctance identification of induction motor can be implemented by additional sensor, finite-element method, spectrum analysis, or step voltage test in the research accounts. But it is not easy to implement in the field evaluation when we need to build up the power system model, because of the factory parameter absent, expansive cost, extra sensor installation, or variable voltage and frequency.
To be concerned with practicality, it is always inconvenient to build up simulation for the end user. The linear model of motor can’t provide the simulation answer accurately when models run into saturated during power system transient. Accordingly, this thesis discuss two paragraphs as following:
First, This thesis introduces a simple and practical method base on the manufacturer instruction manual to estimate the saturated reluctance of high / medium voltage induction motor in modeling. And we can analyze the motor dynamic characteristic by using the induction motor d-q-0 model directly, in place of traditional mathematical power equations.
Moreover, we can evaluate the motor-generation reaction because of the rotor inertia due to loss of voltage. To identify the discrepancy between numeral situations what the line capacitor existed or not. Besides, we can explain the existing voltage after power system break down by comparing the simulation result with recorder chart.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究動機
1.2 研究內容概述
第二章 感應馬達的模型參數估計
2.1 傳統線性參數模型
2.2 直流壓降法(DC test for stator resistance)
2.3 無載測試(No load test)
2.4 堵轉測試(Locked rotor test)
2.5 磁化電抗非線性化
第三章 實際感應馬達參數估計
3.1 實際感應馬達的計算探討
3.2 磁化電抗模擬計算
3.3 感應馬達等效模擬
3.4 感應馬達非線性磁化電抗模擬結果
第四章 感應馬達/發電機效應
4.1 線路電容與端電壓的關係
4.2 在停機過程中引起電壓再生
4.3 氧化物突波避雷器 (Metal Oxide Surge Arrester)簡介
4.4 模擬說明感應馬達停機過程的發電機效應
4.5 與實際信號的比較及說明
第五章 結論
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