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研究生(外文):Jyh-Haur Liu
論文名稱(外文):Hybrid Fuzzy PID Controller for a Magnetic Suspension System via Genetic Algorithms
指導教授(外文):Ing-Rong Horng
外文關鍵詞:hybrid fuzzy controllergenetic algorithmsmagnetic suspension system
  • 被引用被引用:8
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摘 要
Magnetic suspension systems are highly nonlinear and essentially unstable systems. In this thesis, we facilitate the position control problem for the DC electromagnetic suspension system.
We utilize a phase-lead controller operating in the inner loop to stabilize the system first, and try to design a PID fuzzy logic controller (PIDFLC) operating in the outer loop to overcome the nonlinearity of the system and to improve the system’s performance.
Since the work of setting fuzzy control parameters is a long-winded trial and error, we adopt non-binary modified GAs to help us setting and optimizing parameters. As experimental results show that the designed PIDFLC not only increases the system’s operating range, but also positions accurately and rapidly; meanwhile, it has the ability to eliminate extra disturbance.
In addition, comparing with other control theories, the control method which we utilize is easier to be implemented.
Contents I
List of Symbols IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables VIII
Chinese Abstract IX
English Abstract X

Chapter 1. Introduction and Papers Review 1
1.1 Research Motivation and Goal 1
1.2 Papers Review 1
1.3 Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic Controller 2
1.4 Research Results and Contributions 3
1.5 Thesis Structure 4

Chapter 2. Concerning about Genetic Algorithms 5
2.1 Brief History of Genetic Algorithms 5
2.2 Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 6
2.3 Simple Genetic Algorithms (SGA) 8
2.4 Modifications to Simple Genetic Algorithms 11
2.4.1 Encoded and Decoded Processes 12
2.4.2 Fitness Function Definition 12
2.4.3 Fitness Scaling 13
2.4.4 Reproduction(Selection) Operator 15
2.4.5 Crossover Operator 16
2.4.6 Mutation Operator 17
2.4.7 Elitist Strategy 18
2.4.8 Extinction and Immigration Strategy 19
2.4.9 The Structure of Modified Genetic Algorithms 21

Chapter 3. Concerning about Fuzzy Systems and Control 23
3.1 Introduction of Fuzzy Systems and Control 23
3.2 Fuzzy Sets and Membership Function 26
3.3 Simplified Fuzzy Reasoning Method 28
3.4 Hybrid Reduced Rule Fuzzy PID Like Controller 31

Chapter 4. System Modeling and Hybrid Reduced Rule Fuzzy PID Controller Design 35
4.1 System Modeling and Linearization 35
4.2 Hybrid Reduced Rule Fuzzy PID Controller Design 41
4.2.1 The Phase Lead Compensator 41
4.2.2 Suggestions about Design of PIDFLC Using GAs 44
4.2.3 Design Steps and Simulation for PIDFLC by
Simultaneous Design of Membership Functions
and Rule Bases Using GAs 46

Chapter 5. Experiments and Results 51
5.1 Experimental Apparatus 51
5.2 Experimental Steps 56
5.3 Experimental Results 57

Chapter 6. Conclusions and Recommendations 64

References 66
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