參 考 文 獻
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45.Hideaki Sone﹐Member﹐Tasuku Takagi﹐〝Role of Metallic Phase Arc Erosion in Ag Contacts〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp.﹐Hybrids﹐and Manufacturing Technology﹐Vol.13﹐No.1﹐March 1990.
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56.V.Behrans﹐Th.Honig﹐A.Kraus﹐R.Michal﹐N.Minkenberg﹐K.E.Saeger﹐〝Application of a New Silver/Tin Oxide for Capacitive Loads〞﹐Conference on electric contact IEEE 1994.
57.V.Behrens﹐Th.Honig﹐A.Kraus﹐R.Michal﹐N.Minkenberg﹐〝Performance of Different Types of Silver/Tin Oxide in Regard to Applications in Automotive Relays〞﹐Conference on electric contact IEEE 1996.
58.Zhuan-Ke Chen﹐〝Effect of Arc Behavior on Material Transfer A Review〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐and Manufacturing Technology-Part A﹐Vol.21﹐No.2﹐June 1998.
59.Zhuan-Ke Chen﹐〝Contact Erosion Patterns of Pd Material in DC Breaking Arcs〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐and Manufacturing Technology-Part A﹐Vol.17﹐No.1﹐March 1994.
60.N.Ben Jemaa﹐〝Anodic to Cathode Arc Transition According to Break Arc Lengthening 〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐and Manufacturing Technology-Part A﹐Vol.21﹐No.4﹐December 1998.
61.Nouredine Ben Jemaa﹐〝Erosion and Contact Resistance Performance of Materials for Sliding Contacts Under Arcing〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐ Technologies﹐Vol.24﹐No.3﹐September 2001.
62.Jonathan Swingler and John W.McBride﹐〝The Erosion and Arc Characteristics of Ag/CdO and Ag/SnO2 Contact Materials Under DC Break Conditions 〞﹐ IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐and Manufacturing Technology-Part A﹐Vol.19﹐No.3﹐September 1996.
63.J.Swingler & J.W.McBride﹐〝A Comparison of the Erosion Arc Characteristics of Ag/SnO2 Contact Materials under DC Break Conditions〞﹐Conference on electric contact IEEE 2002.
64.Chi Leung and Eric Streicher﹐〝Material Transfer in Dynamic Welding of Ag and Ag/SnO2 Contact Material〞﹐Conference on electric contact IEEE 2002.
65.N.Ben Jemaa﹐〝Transition form the Anode Arc Phase to the Cathode Metallic Arc Phase in Vacuum at Low DC Electrical Level〞﹐IEEE Trans. Comp﹒﹐Packaging﹐ Technologies﹐Vol.25﹐No.4﹐December 2002.