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研究生(外文):Hsu, Cheng-hsien
論文名稱(外文):Study of MEA process and simulation for PEM fuel cells
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Experimental and mathematical studies of membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) have been conducted. Two MEA fabrication processes derived from the thin-film technique were used to realize the feature as well as to determine possible difficulty in mass production and effects on cell performance. To help us understand the interface between the catalyst layer and the membrane, as well as the membrane expansion when hydration occurs, an isothermal, one-dimensional, steady state model was established to understand the water transport phenomenon in the porous structure of the electrodes and the water content in the membrane. The cathode catalyst layer model was also included to measure the utilization efficiency of the catalyst.
In practice, the swelling of the Nafion film always makes it very difficult to deposit thin catalyst layers on the membrane electrolyte. An innovative process has been developed which utilizes the expansion of Nafion film in the deposition so as to mitigate this problem. When the film is fully expanded, we can apply catalyst ink onto the membrane directly by means of spraying or blade pasting without the concern of swelling. The results of the so-fabricated MEA show good performance relative to commercial product. A decalcomania process for MEA fabrication was also used as the other experiment. Kinetic analysis of the electro-active surface including ac impedance was executed for the two processes.
The simulation of the model with different input parameters, such as the electrode porosity, the stoichiometric coefficient for reactants, the catalyst thickness, and the current density, were correlated with the experimental data.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 The Development Background of Fuel Cells 1
1-2 Principle and Construction of PEM Fuel Cells 6
1-2-1 The Polymer Electrolyte Membrane 6
1-2-2 The Membrane/Electrode Assembly 9
1-2-3 The Gas Diffusion Layers 11
1-2-4 The Flow Field Plates and Current Collectors 12
1-3 Mathematical Models of PEM Fuel Cells 13
1-3-1 One-Dimensional Models 13
1-3-2 Two-Dimensional Models 15
1-3-3 Water Management Models and Others 15
1-4 Progress of the MEA Development 16
1-4-1 Designs of the MEA Fabrication Process 17
1-4-2 Mass Production Techniques for MEAs 20
1-5 Purpose and Scope of this Study 21
Chapter 2 Mathematical Simulation of PEM Fuel Cells
2-1 General Description 23
2-2 Mathematical Models 27
2-2-1 Overall Mass Balance 27
2-2-2 Anode Gas Diffusion Layer 29
2-2-3 Cathode Gas Diffusion Layer 30
2-2-4 Water Transport in Membrane 31
2-2-5 Cathode Catalyst Layer 33
2-2-6 Solution Techniques 37
2-3 Results and Discussion 38
2-4 Conclusions 59
Symbols and Notations 62
Chapter 3 An Innovative MEA Process Using the Expansion of
Nafion Film
3-1 Introduction 64
3-2 Experimental 66
3-3 Results and Discussion 69
3-4 Conclusions 81
Chapter 4 Comparison and Simulation of Two Different Thin-film
4-1 Introduction 82
4-2 Experimental 83
4-3 Results and Discussion 86
4-4 Conclusions 96
Chapter 5 Conclusions 97
References 99
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