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研究生(外文):Ying-Kai Yu
論文名稱(外文):Diamond SAW Filter-Study of Acoustic Wave Propagation and Interdigital Transducers Design and Coupling
指導教授(外文):Hung-Yin TsaiRong-Shun Chen
外文關鍵詞:Surface Acoustic Wave DeviceDiamond SAW filterESPCoupling-of-Modes model
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微機電系統(Micro-Electro-Mechanical System,簡稱MEMS)是當前科技界公認本世紀最具發展潛力的研究領域之一。當今微機電技術的發展可歸功於半導體製程技術的蓬勃發展,卻因此而更加發揚光大,不再限於電的特性,更兼顧了機械、光學、熱力學、流體力學等特性,逐漸的發展出不同性質的產品,其中行動通訊領域更是其中一項應用。平日最常用的行動通訊系統首推行動電話,它在短短幾年中成為全球發展最快速的展業,原因乃是因為電信的自由化與其使用學習門檻很低。
行動通訊的要求越輕、越小、越省電,希望將大多數的元件整合在一起,以減低元件數量,降低製造成本,但是到目前為止,仍不會缺少的元件包括:低雜訊放大器(LNA)、表面聲波濾波器(SAW Filter)、多工器(Duplexer)、電壓控制震盪器(VCO)、調解電壓器(Mod/Demodulator)及訊號處理單元。

Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) is one of the potential research topics in this century and has rapidly grown in many different kinds of products, including communication. The advantages of the portable communication are lighter, smaller, and power-saved. It is until now the SAW devices are essential in mobile phone as the other devices are integrated in a chip. This study analyzes and designs a basic diamond film surface acoustic wave filter to obtain higher frequency filtering effect by reducing the line width of the electrodes. Since the diamond has the highest speed of the acoustic wave in all materials, the process limitation of the line width of electrode is not restricted if the higher frequency devices are required.
The effective surface permittivity method is successfully used in this study to estimate the values of the electromechanical coupling coefficient for bulk materials and multi-layer structures. The theoretical analyses of the three models show that the frequency responses of the different SAW devices can be simulated through specifying the parameters of each device. Furthermore, it shows that the simulation results agree well with the experimental results.

Abstract I
中文摘要 II
誌謝 III
Contents IV
Figure and Table Contents VII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Literature Review 7
1.3 Contents of This Thesis 8
Chapter 2 System Constitution and Elemental Analysis Results 10
2.1 Introduction of the SAW Devices 10
2.1.1 SAW Filter 11
2.1.2 SAW Resonator 11
2.1.3 Other Applications of Surface Acoustic Devices 12
2.2 Substrate Material Properties of SAW Devices 13
2.3 Selection, Simulation, and Analysis of Substrate Material 15
2.3.1 Effective Surface Permittivity (ESP) Method 16
2.3.2 Simulation Results and Discussion 24
Chapter 3 Analytic Methods for the SAW Filter Design 45
3.1 Analytic Methods for the SAW Filter Design 45
3.2 Delta-function Model Analysis 47
3.3 Mason equivalent circuit of IDT Electrodes 49
3.3.1 IDT Equivalent Circuit Neglecting Finger Reflections 50
3.3.2 Equivalent Circuit for an IDT with Finger Reflections 52
3.3.3 Equivalent Circuit for a Transmission Delay Line 55
3.3.4 Equivalent Circuit for a Reflection Grating 56
3.3.5 Simulation Results of All Integral Equivalent Circuit 57
Chapter 4 SAW Filter Design by Crossed-Field Model 60
4.1 Basic SAW Filter Equivalent 60
4.2 Basic SAW Resonator Equivalent 64
4.3 Simulation Results of Basic SAW Filter Design 68
Chapter 5 Coupling of Modes Theory 71
5.1 Fundamental of Coupling IDTs 71
5.2 Solution of COM Model 74
5.3 Simulation Results of COM Model 75
Chapter 6 Fabrication Processes and Measurement Instruments 78
6.1 Mask Design 78
6.2 Fabrication Processes 84
6.3 Measurement Instruments 88
Chapter 7 Experimental Results and Comparisons 91
7.1 OM Micrographs of SAW Devices 91
7.2 AFM Micrograph of SAW Devices 96
7.3 Measurement Results 98
7.3.1 Effect of IDT Finger Pairs and Overlap 99
7.3.2 Effect of Delay Line and Line Width 99
7.3.3 Effect of Center and Lateral Gratings 100
7.3.4 Effect of Apodized IDTs 100
7.3.5 Frequency of One-port Resonators 101
7.4 Comparisons 128
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Future Work 136
8.1 Conclusions 136
8.2 Future Work 137
References 138

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