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研究生(外文):Ming-Hsin Ku
論文名稱(外文):Design and Design Automation for One Mask Programmable Cell Array
指導教授(外文):Shih-Chieh Chang
外文關鍵詞:deep sub-micronmsk costNREOMPCArouting architecture
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在深次微米時代,光罩製作的複雜度與困難度提高使得光罩的成本顯著地增加。更高昂的光罩費用以及更多數量的光罩(可提供更多金屬層做繞線使用)造成非重複性工程費用(NRE cost)大大地增加了設計開發的費用。因此,降低在設計時使用的光罩數量不但能夠節省成本還可以縮短產品的開發時程。在本論文中,我們考慮到這個極端的例子是可讓設計取決於去程式改變一層光罩的結果,而這樣的設計方式我們稱之為一層可程式化光罩細胞陣列(One Mask Programmable Cell Array)。為了能夠達成一層可程式化光罩細胞陣列的設計方式,有許多在設計以及電腦輔助設計方面的問題需要被解決。在設計方面,包括了要去設計一層可程式化光罩細胞,還要設計一層可程式化光罩之繞線結構。這些設計決定的細胞功能與繞線只能夠被利用程式改變via34來變化,電腦輔助設計方面則包含了將不同的商用軟體工具整合以建立一層可程式化光罩之設計流程。此外,我們還撰寫一名為morphing之轉換程式將商用軟體工具產生的半成品設計變成真正的一層可程式化光罩設計。

The complexity and difficulty of mask manufacturing has increased in the deep sub-micron ear makes the cost of masks has been increasing significantly. The higher mask cost and the larger number of masks (to provide more metal layers for routing) has caused the Non-Recurring Engineering cost (the NRE cost), to increases substantially among the development cost. Reducing the number of masks in a design not only saves cost but also shorten the product cycle because the time reduction for mask manufacturing. In this thesis, we consider the extreme case where a design can be only decided by programming one mask, the design style of which is called One Mask Programmable Gate Array (OMPCA). To achieve OMPCA design, many design and CAD issues must be solved. The design issues include to design one-mask programmable cells, and to design the one-mask programmable routing architecture. The function and routing nets of a design can only be decided by programming via34. The CAD issues include to integrate different commercial tools and to build up an OMPCA flow. Besides, we would create a transformation program called morphing to transform semi-finished designs generated by commercial tools to OMPCA designs.

List of Figures……………………………………………………………3
List of Tables………………………………………………………………4
Chapter 1: Introduction…………………………………………………5
Chapter 2: OMPCA Cell Design…………………………………………10
2.1 Combinational Cell (LUT3)…………………………………………10
2.2 Driving Cell (for inverter and buffer)………………………13
2.3 Storage Element (for flip-flop and latch)……………………14
Chapter 3: Floor-plan Architecture and Routing Architecture for OMPCA……………………………………………………………………16
3.1 Floor-plan Architecture……………………………………………16
3.2 OMPCA Routing Architecture………………………………………17
3.3 Morphing………………………………………………………………24
Chapter 4: Automation for OMPCA and Other Design Issues………26
4.1 Methodology Automation……………………………………………26
4.2 Other Important Design Issues…………………………………28
4.2.1 Clock Tree Generation…………………………………………28
4.2.2 Set/Reset Turn On Simultaneously…………………………29
Chapter 5: Experimental Results………………………………………31
Chapter 6: Conclusions…………………………………………………34

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