Bibliography [1] Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Specification of the Bluetooth System , ver- sion 1.1, volumes 1, 2, and profiles, Feb 2001. [2] Brent A. Miller and Chatschik Bidsdikian, Bluetooth Revealed, Prentice Hall , 2001. [3] D. Kammer, G. McNutt, B. Senese, and J. Bray, Bluetooth Application Devel- opers Guide , Syngress Publishing, 2002. [4] Jennifer Bray and Charles F. Sturman, Bluetooth Connect Without Cables , Prentice Hall, 2001. [5] Zucotto Wireless Corp. XJB 100 Bluetooth Host Stack . the informattion about it is available at http://www.zucotto.com/ . [6] Axis Communications. An open source Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux . this package is made available at http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/ . [7] IBM. A Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux . the information about this package is available at http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/bluedrekar/. [8] Marcin Michalak, Multimedia transmission in Bluetooth-based networks , Mas- ter of Science Thesis, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Porland, 2001. [9] Free Software Foundation, ”USING AND PORTING THE GNU COMPILER COLLECTION” , http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/ . [10] Penbex Inc, Introduction to Penbex PDA progrmming guide , http://www.penbex.com.tw/Developer/index.html . [11] ETSI Technical Specicfication 07.10 , http://webapp.etsi.org/pda/ . [12] CF+ and Compact Flash Specification Revision 1.4 , http://www.compactflash.org/ . [13] Universal Serial Bus (USB) Device Class Definition for Human Interface De- vices (HID) , http://www.usb.org/ .