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研究生(外文):Hai-Ming Lee
論文名稱(外文):Functional Reliability Study of MOS Transistors with Nano-Scale Gate Oxides
指導教授(外文):Charles Ching-Hsiang HsuYa-Chin King
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In this study, functional reliability of MOS transistors with oxide thickness ranging from 3.3 nm down to 1.2 nm is investigated in detail. In contrast with most reliability tests which focus on oxide reliability, various mechanisms resulting in transistor performance degradation are examined, while the on-state drain conduction current and off-state drain leakage current are the two most decisive device parameters that dominates MOS transistor functional reliability in the ultra-thin oxide regime. The degradation of off-state drain leakage current is caused by lately observed oxide soft-breakdown within the gate-to-drain overlap area, and its dominance tends to grow with scaling oxide thickness. Through experimental data analyses and theoretical calculations, we verified the dependences of device lifetime on oxide electric field, failure rate and device dimension. On the basis of physical mechanisms and models, we propose a methodology for MOS transistor functional reliability evaluation and a correlated unified functional reliability model which may contribute to the microelectronics technology development in the near future.
List of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Review of Ultra-thin Oxide Reliability
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Fundamental ultra-thin oxide characteristics
2.1.1 Current-voltage characteristics
2.1.2 Breakdown characteristics
2.2 Reliability evaluation of ultra-thin oxide
2.2.1 Definition of oxide failure
2.2.2 Stress methods
2.2.3 Reliability projection procedure
2.3 Physical and predictive models of oxide reliability
2.3.1 Anode-hole injection model
2.3.2 Thermochemical model
2.4 Oxide reliability and MOS transistor functional reliability
Chapter Three Experimental
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Device structure and oxide film preparation
3.2 Experimental setup
3.2.1 Stress condition setup
3.2.2 Measurement setup
3.3 Characterization techniques
3.3.1 Fundamental device characteristics extraction
3.3.2 Device lifetime extraction
3.3.3 Quantum effects and poly depletion
Chapter Four Fundamental I-V Characteristics of MOS Devices
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Fundamental I-V characteristics of MOS capacitors
4.2 Fundamental I-V characteristics of MOS transistors
4.2.1 Common I-V characteristics
4.2.2 Low-drain I-V characteristics
4.2.3 High-drain I-V characteristics
4.3 Other I-V characteristics of MOS transistors
4.3.1 Channel hot electron injection
4.3.2 Band-to-band tunneling induced gate current
Chapter Five MOS Transistor Functional Reliability
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Qualitative description of MOS transistor performance degradation
5.1.1 Fundamental I-V measurement
5.1.2 I-V characteristics degradation
5.2 Quantitative evaluation of MOS transistor functional reliability
5.2.1 Representative device parameter and relative criterion
5.2.2 Device parameter degradation
5.3 Lifetime extraction and projection
Chapter Six Establishment of The Unified MOS Transistor Functional Reliability Model
6.0 Introduction
6.1 Essentials of a reliability model
6.2 Reliability Physics: linear-E model? 1/E model?
6.2.1 Theoretical calculation of the linear-E and the 1/E models
6.2.2 Experimental data analysis of the linear-E and the 1/E models
6.3 Reliability statistics
6.3.1 Weibull distribution function
6.3.2 Weibull plot and Weibull slope extraction
6.4 The unified MOS transistor functional reliability model
Chapter Seven Conclusion
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