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研究生(外文):Yi-Ju Sung
論文名稱(外文):Construct Alert Relationship for Hyper-alert Correlation in Union Defense System
指導教授(外文):Nen-Fu Huang
外文關鍵詞:intrusion detectionalert correlation
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入侵偵測系統主要的設計理念是能夠確實的回報網路上的攻擊,但是目前市面上入侵偵測統的產品,產生錯誤的攻擊警訊的頻率一直高居不下,而這些入侵偵測系統大都產生為數過多的攻擊警訊,普遍缺乏有效的過濾及篩選的能力,使得網路安全的管理者在處理這些低階且準確度不高的警訊時,無法做出正確合理的判斷。目前已經有一些關於建立攻擊警訊的相互關聯性的技術被提出來解決這個問題,Hyper-alert Correlation就是其中之一,這項技術主要的觀念是認為網路上的攻擊不是單一的,大多都會具有關聯性,所以我們可以利用攻擊警訊要成立的先決條件以及攻擊警訊產生之後所會引發的後續事件來建立攻擊警訊間的相互關聯性,就可以輕易地把相關的攻擊警訊歸類在一起,但是這個方法的效果與怎麼去定義攻擊事件的關係習習相關。另一方面,隨著網路上攻擊事件不斷推層出新,假使以人工的方式去定義攻擊事件的關係的話,將會是一件相當複雜且煩瑣的事情。而本篇論文提出一個實際可行的方法輔助Hyper-alert Correlation來解決這個問題,由入侵偵測系統的攻擊特徵以及在Hyper-alert Correlation所定義的警訊類別為基礎,自動去建立攻擊警訊間的相互關聯性,此外,考量攻擊種類繁多,有些事件的關聯性可能會被遺漏,這時再輔以人工方式微調,便可以有效解決以上的問題。

In response to the attacks against internet networks, intrusion detection systems are deployed for this purpose. But current intrusion detection systems generate too many false alerts. The raising alerts are too elementary and do not accurate enough to be managed by a security administrator. Several alert correlation techniques have been proposed to solve this problem, such as hyper-alert correlation. The hyper-alert correlation takes advantage of the prerequisites and consequences of the attack to correlate the related alerts together. But the performance of this approach highly depends on the quality of the modeling of attacks. On the other hand, with growing of the network attacks, specifying the relationship for alert correlation would be quite complex and tedious task to perform mutually. This thesis presents a practical technique to address this issue for hyper-alert correlation. On the basis of the attack signatures and the hyper-alert types defined in hyper-alert correlation, the proposed approach constructs alert relationship automatically. Furthermore, to take the various kinds of attacks into consideration, some of the relationships between attacks may be neglected. At this time, fine tuning the relationship by human user can efficiently deal with the above problem.

Table of Contents
List of Tables i
List of Figures ii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Organization 5
Chapter 2 Related Work 6
Chapter 3 A Framework for Alert Correlation 15
3.1. Alert Correlation Architecture 15
3.2. Previous work 17
3.2.1. Hyper-alert Architecture 17
3.2.2. Hyper-alert type and Hyper-alert 18
3.2.3. Hyper-alert Correlation Graph 20
3.3. Modeling the Alert Relationship 21
3.3.1. Template Correlation 22
3.3.2. Implicit Correlation 31
3.3.3. Explicit Correlation 32
Chapter 4 Experimental Result 33
4.1. Single Attacker vs. Single Victim 33
4.2. Multiple Attackers vs. Single Victim 34
4.3. Single Attacker vs. Multiple Victims 36
4.4. Multiple Attackers vs. Multiple Victims 37
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 39
5.1. Conclusion 39
5.2. Future Work 40
5.2.1. Alert Aggregation 40
5.2.2. Correlate Alert from Different IDSs 40
5.2.3. Intrusion Plan Recognition 41
5.2.4. Attack Prevention 41
References 42

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