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研究生(外文):Uan-ju Shiau
論文名稱(外文):Deterpenation of Mandarin Peels Essential Oil with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction Using Activated Carbon as Adsorbent
指導教授(外文):Jer-Yann Lin
外文關鍵詞:Mandarin PeelsActivated Carbon
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摘 要
柑橘類是台灣產量較多的水果種類之一,生食、果汁加工外,每年丟棄的果皮可觀,如將果皮收集萃取精油,達到資源再利用減少垃圾量。精油可用於食品及化妝品工業上。本研究以椪柑皮作為材料。以往傳統精油萃取的方式,各有優缺點,隨著科技的進步,對精油品質的要求提高,以超臨界流體二氧化碳萃取柑橘精油,以避免溶劑殘留污染環境,並提高精油品質。 柑橘皮精油含有150種以上化合物,其中95﹪以上是 烯類(terpene)屬於非極性化合物,而在 烯類中的 90﹪以上是碳氫化合成的1,8-二烯 (d-limonene),然而1,8-二烯 (d-limonene)的香氣平弱,且難溶於水又易於儲藏過程中氧化變質,造成柑橘精油變味及不安定;其中含氧 烯包括醛、醇類與酯類及有機酸對香氣特性十分重要。柑橘精油為提高 烯氧化物比例,通常去除碳氫 烯。Paola,D.(1995)研究以矽膠作為吸附劑,先吸附含氧 烯再洗出,以此法固然可以分離柑橘精油中的碳氫 烯類。但是該方法仍存有若干缺點:需要提高操作溫度到60℃進行脫附洗出,不利於精油的品質。同時吸附、脫附也造成操作時間增加及溶劑的使用量。針對上述文獻的缺點,本研究以超臨界流體二氧化碳萃取柑橘皮粉末,並添加活性碳吸附劑去除碳氫 烯類。本研究發現萃取柑橘皮精油的最佳條件是12MPA、25℃、流速1ml/min。添加活性碳吸附劑有助於提高柑橘精油中含氧 烯類化合物的含量,但添加量會隨溫度、壓力、流速的不同而有差異。當壓力昇到12MPA以上時,因超臨界流體二氧化碳的密度改變,溶解能力隨之改變,而使含氧化合物成分易溶入超臨界的二氧化碳中,因此,隨溫度壓力的升高,萃出含氧 烯類的能力越好。
Citrus (citrus spoonensishort) is one of the most productive fruit crop in Taiwan agriculture, besides eating and manufacturing citrus drinks, there were humongous amount of wasted seedcases during the manufacturing process every year. The collection of seedcases to extract essential oil would provide one alternative to solve this perplexity; this enhances the recycling of resources and conservation of our environment under the idea of reducing gross rubbish. Essential oil could be presented in food and cosmetic production. This research aims at using Mandarin Peels as the extracting materials. The traditional essential oil extraction method has several merits and disadvantages of its own, but as the technology evolves and advances; the quality of essential oils has become more crucial than ever. The method of using Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide Extraction (SFE-CO2) to extract Mandarin essential oil would prevent and avoid the remnant solution polluting the environment and hence increases the overall quality of the essential oil. Mandarin Peels oil contains more than 150 compounds, more than 95% is terpene, and it belongs to unpolar compound; and 90% of the terpene is made up of hydrocarbon 1,8-d-limonene. However, 1,8-d-limonene’s fragrance is little weak to be identified, it is difficult to be dissolved in water and tends to oxidize very easy during the storing process; all these properties made the Mandarin Peels oil extremely unstable and stagnating. Oxygenated terpenes inside the Mandarin Peels oil include aldehydes, alcohols, esters and organic acids are important to the properties of oil’s fragrance. In order to increase the ratio of oxygenated terpene inside the Mandarin Peels oil, we often neglect and remove hydrocarbon terpene. Paola, D. (1995) developed the adsorbent based on silica gel, use adsorbent as an aid to adsorb out oxygenated terpene and then elutes it out, although this method would separate the hydrocarbon terpene within the Mandarin Peels oil, but the weakness to this approach is the process itself needs to be manipulated under the condition of 60℃ which would deficient the quality of the essential oil. The process of adsorbing and eluting are not only time consuming and also increases the amount of solution used. According to the disadvantage mentioned in the reference stated above, this research thesis aims at investigating Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide Extraction to extract Mandarin Peel powder, and add on Activated Carbon to clear out hydrocarbon terpene. The experiment has clearly demonstrated the best condition to extract Mandarin Peels oil is 12MPA, 25℃, at critical velocity of 1ml/min. The addition of Activated Carbon facilitates and increases the amount of oxygenated terpenes compound inside the Mandarin Peels oil, but the ratio will alter depending on the rise and falls of temperature, pressure, and critical velocity. When the critical velocity rises over 12MPA, because the density of Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide has changed, it effects the dissolving ability, then oxygenated compound will be easily dissolve into Supercritical Fluid Carbon Dioxide.Therefore, the higher the temperature and pressure, the better the extraction of the hydrogen terpene can be performed.
目 次
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 Ⅲ
謝 誌 Ⅴ
目 次 Ⅵ
表 次 Ⅷ
圖 次 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
一. 柑橘皮精油之成分3
二. 精油萃取方法 5
三. 超臨界流體二氧化碳技術13
第三章材料與實驗過程 20
一. 實驗材料20
二. 實驗過程22
(一)萃取條件對柑橘皮精油的影響 24
(二)活性碳吸附劑對柑橘皮精油萃取條件的影響 31
(四)標準品分析方法 50
第五章結論 88
第六章附件 89

表 次
表2-2 常用作為超臨界流體的物質性16
表3-1.萃出精油呈味成分出現的時間性 52
表3-2.標準品最佳濃度及出現的時間性 53
表4-1.在12 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的比較 55
表4-2.在20 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的比較 58
表4-3.在30 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的比較 62
表4-4在不同壓力時,各溫度萃出精油的比較 64
表4-5.在12 MPA、35℃不同方式添加0.1 g活性碳萃精油的比較66
表4-6.在12 MPA、35℃,1ml/min串列式加不同量活性碳吸附劑的比較.70
表4-7.在12 MPA、25℃,串列式添加不同計量活性碳吸附劑的比較72
表4-8.在12 MPA、25℃,混合式添加不同計量活性碳吸附劑的比較74
表4-9.在12 MPA、35℃,混合式添加不同計量活性碳吸附劑的比較76
表4-10.在12 MPA、35℃,串列式添加不同計量活性碳吸附劑的比較78
表4-11.在12 MPA下,比較不同方式的萃出精油 80

圖目錄 圖2-1. 三相圖---以二氧化碳為例14
圖3-1.實驗流程圖 23
圖3-2. 35℃,12 MPA柑橘精油製備 85
圖3-3.混合式圖示 90
圖3-4.串列式圖示 91
圖3-5.瑞香草酚(80ppm)在不同比率流動相中的分析圖 49
圖3-6.萃出精油成分分析和標準品比較圖 51
圖4-1在12 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的分析圖比較圖.56
圖4-2在20 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的分析圖比較圖.59
圖4-3在30 MPA、流速1ml/min時,不同溫度萃取精油的分析圖比較圖.61
圖4-4在12 MPA、35℃,流速1.1 ml/min添加0.1 g活性碳分析圖 67
圖4-5在12 MPA、35℃,流速1.1 ml/min添加0.1 g活性碳分析圖 68
圖4-6.不同濃度瑞香草酚(thymol) 分析比較圖 82
圖4-7.不同濃度辛醛(Octyl aldehyde)分析比較圖83
圖4-8.不同濃度乙酸箔酯(Bornyl acetate)分析比較圖84
圖4-9不同濃度香茅醛(Citronellal)分析比較圖 85
圖4-10.醋酸香茅酯(Citronellyl acetate)分析圖 86
圖4-11沉香酯(Linallyl acetat)分析圖 87
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