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研究生(外文):Chung-Wen Sun
論文名稱(外文):The study of the photochemical and photophysical properties of moiety “tropolone” in colchicine and thiocolchicine.
指導教授(外文):Tai-Shan Fang
外文關鍵詞:tropolonecolchicinethiocolchicinequantum effectWoodward-Hoffmann
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由Ⅰ、Ⅲ結果推測化合物〈1〉進行不受溶劑極性影響而對立體選擇性大的Woodward-Hoffmann 的電環反應;由Ⅱ、Ⅲ結果推測由於化合物〈5〉中(-SCH3)的效應,使得進行易受溶劑極性影響而對立體選擇性較小的電荷分離環合反應。
綜合上述推測,得知秋水仙素〈1〉光化學反應機制直接由單態激發態(π,π*)直接進行酮環上Woodward-Hoffmann 的電環協同反應(concerted reaction)。甲硫秋水仙素〈5〉光化學反應機制則由單態激發態能階(π,π*)經電荷轉移至電荷分離能階導致酮環上電荷分離環合反應。

The photochemical and photophysical properties of moiety “tropolone” in colchicine〈1〉and thiocolchicine〈5〉were studied. Irradiation of colchicine〈1〉in methanol gives mainly two photoproducts:β-lumicolchicine〈2〉andγ-lumicolchicine〈3〉. Further irradiation of β-lumicolchicine〈2〉in methanol gives the photoproduct ofα-lumicolchicine〈4〉. Irradiation of thiocolchicine〈5〉in methanol gives mainly two photoproductsβ-lumithiocolchicine〈6〉andγ-lumithiocolchicine〈7〉.
The low lying(π、π*) excited singlet state is responsible for the photochemistry of colchicine〈1〉and thiocolchicine 〈5〉 based on their UV-Vis absorption spectrum、fluorescence emission spectrum as well as fluorescence lifetime measurement.
In comparison of the quantum effect (ψ) of compound〈1〉and compound〈5〉 in different polarity solvents, the results of the 3 aspects are obtained as follows :
Ⅰ、the disappearance quantum yield of compound〈1〉:ψin methanol ≒ψin benzene.
(ψ〈1〉methanol=-1.25×10-6, ψ〈1〉benzene=-1.15×10-6)
Ⅱ、the disappearance quantum yield of compound〈5〉:ψin methanol <<ψin benzene.
(ψ〈5〉methanol=-4.90×10-9, ψ〈5〉benzene=-6.66×10-8)
Ⅲ、the quantum yield of photoadducts β/γ ratio of compound〈1〉>the quantum yield of photoadducts β/γ ratio of compound〈5〉.
(in benzene:β/γ〈1〉=6.5, β/γ〈5〉=2.1)
(in methanol:β/γ〈1〉=13, β/γ〈5〉=2.2)
The results of Ⅰand Ⅲ show that the photochemical mechanism of colchicine〈1〉is not affected by solvent polarity but by the molecular steric selectivity. This infers that the mechanism of colchicine〈1〉 favor Woodward-Hoffmann electrocyclic reaction. The results of Ⅱand Ⅲ show that the photochemical inactivity of thiocolchicine〈5〉is dominated by solvent polarity as well as the mesomeric effect of thiomethoxy group which can stabilize the charge transfer singlet excited state. So it is inferred that the mechanism of thiocolchicine〈5〉favors the concomitant charge separation of the excited singlet state of tropolone chromophore。
In summarize, results show that the key point of the photochemical behavior of mechanism of colchicine〈1〉and thiocolchicine〈5〉favors Woodward-Hoffmann electrocyclic concerted reaction due to the N-H─O bonded of moiety, tropolone, which is ended up with the 2+2(π, π*)single excited state energy transfer. The mechanism of colchine 〈1〉 favors the (2+2) electrocyclic concerted addition, whereas that of thiocolchicine〈5〉favor the concomitant charge separation of tropolone step-wised slower cycloaddition.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅳ
壹、緒論 1
貳、研究動機 15
叄、實驗部份 19
Ⅰ、藥品 19
Ⅱ、器材 19
Ⅲ、實驗步驟 21
一、秋水仙素部份 21
1、光化學反應及其產物的確定 21
2、不同溶劑之光量子效應的測定 22
3、各化合物之物理常數的測定 22
4、光量子產率的測定 23
二、甲硫秋水仙素部份 24
1、甲硫秋水仙素的合成與確認 24
2、光化學反應及其產物的確定 24
3、不同溶劑之光量子效應的測定 25
4、各化合物之物理常數的測定 26
5、光量子產率的測定 27
肆、結果與討論 28
Ⅰ、主題化合物與其光合成反應產物及其相關結構物理數據: 28
一、秋水仙素 28
1、反應機制 28
2、相關物理數據及光譜圖 37
二、甲硫秋水仙素 42
1、反應機制 42
2、相關物理數據及光譜圖 43
Ⅱ、秋水仙素(colchicine)系列化合物〈1〉、〈2〉、〈3〉、〈4〉 光物理的部份 47
一、溶劑效應 47
1、秋水仙素〈1〉的吸收與放射光譜 47
2、β-lumicolchicine〈2〉的吸收與放射光譜 50
3、γ-lumicolchicine〈3〉的吸收與放射光譜 53
4、α-lumicolchicine〈4〉的吸收與放射光譜 56
二、放射光譜與螢光生命期 59
1、秋水仙素〈1〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 59
2、β-lumicolchicine〈2〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 61
3、γ-lumicolchicine〈3〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 63
4、α-lumicolchicine〈4〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 65
三、化學動力學的研究 67
Ⅲ、甲硫秋水仙素(thiocolchicine)系列化合物〈5〉、〈6〉、〈7〉光物理的部份 78
一、溶劑效應 78
1、甲硫秋水仙素〈5〉的吸收與放射光譜 78
2、β-lumithiocolchicine〈6〉的吸收與放射光譜 81
3、γ-lumithiocolchicine〈7〉的吸收與放射光譜 83
二、放射光譜與螢光生命期 86
1、甲硫秋水仙素〈5〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 86
2、β-lumithiocolchicine〈6〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 88
3、γ-lumithiocolchicine〈7〉的放射光譜與生命期的測定 90
三、化學動力學的研究 92
伍、結論 108
陸、參考文獻 110
柒、附圖 114
捌、附錄 135
nF 900 Nanosecond Flashlamp Instrument 的操作與簡介

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