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研究生(外文):Ya-hui Yang
論文名稱(外文):Toward Performance Self-consciousness: Consciousness of Self in Sam Shepard''s Plays
指導教授(外文):We-jan Chi
外文關鍵詞:consciousness of selfperformanceidentity crisis
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摘 要
This thesis intends to explore how consciousness of self characterizes Sam Shepard’s dramatic field in terms of its philosophical, psychological, theatrical and literary meaning. As is observed by many of his critics, Shepard’s early work is characterized by a heightened consciousness. However, this consciousness of self seems to be related to a thematic content, which is crucial to Shepard’s personal history as well as his artistic creation: his identity crisis and formation.
The introductory chapter traces Shepard’s sense of rootlessness to his childhood experiences as the motif of his journey of identity reconstruction. Self-consciousness is essential in the formation of the identity of the “I-ness” for the observing subject and the observed object meet each other when self-consciousness is in action. This makes “self-positing” and “re-positing,” the essential acts of identity formation, happen. Meanwhile, comparing Shepard’s theater with that of Brecht’s, I assort Shepard’s dramaturgy with the postmodern artists. Although there are apparent similarities between the two dramatists, self-consciousness distinct Shepard’s theatricality from Brecht’s with an immediacy of the experiencing present.
Chapter two maps the domain of sensory self through private consciousness of self. Three fundamental elements, “double stimulation,” “body boundary” and “mirror-image recognition” are used to clarify the private domain of self. Two plays, Chicago and Red Cross, are discussed with a view to the physicality of theatric images.
Chapter three demarcates the boundary of cognitive self through public consciousness of self. Three bases of reference--“self-esteem,” “covertness,” and “different perspectives” are included to specify the public domain of self. Since the identities of Self and Others are mutual constitutive of each other, the meaning of I-ness is to be completed in the context of the communal and cultural dialectics. The play, Icarus’s Mother is used to explicate the communal interaction.
Chapter four deals with “desire” and “anxiety.” Both of them are the natural effects of self-consciousness because it generally leads to the polarization of affective discharge. I argue that the emotional agitation featuring most of Shepard’s self-conscious characters is essentially “existential anxiety.” The parental struggle between Shepard and his father is discussed through an analysis of two plays--The Rock Garden and The Holy Ghostly. Moreover, using Freud’s theory of mind, I explore the psychological operation behind the Oedipus complex and desire of transgression in his works.
The last chapter places consciousness of self in the context of the postmodern performance theories and experiments. I argue that it is generated from the dialectics between performance and text. By categorizing the postmodern avant-garde theatricality into two phases, I attribute Shepard’s exploration of cognitive self to the first period and his investigation of cognitive self to the second period. Finally, I conclude that “performance consciousness of self” is central to Shepard’s theater for its “Absence” and fluidity make it possible for the self as the perceptual recipient to experience, for emotional gesture to generate and for the performative self to play and create without end.
Table of Contents
Chapter One Introduction: “Consciousness of Self” Reconsidered 1
I. Consciousness of Self as Subject Matter 1
II. Brecht vs. Shepard: History vs. Experiencing Present 4
III. Re-considering “Consciousness of Self” 11
IV. Reconstruct an Identity of Self: Shepard’s Sense of Rootlessness 13
V. Self-Positing and Formation of the Identity of the “I” 16
Chapter Two Private Consciousness of Self: Demarcating the Domain of Sensory Self 24
I. Inside vs. Outside: an Exploration of Physical and the Social Being of Self 27
II. Private Consciousness of Self 29
III. A Sensory Theater 44
Chapter Three Public Consciousness of Self: Demarcating the Boundary of Cognitive Self 49
I. “Self-esteem”: Self-driven vs. Social-driven Evaluation of Self 51
II. “Covertness”: Share and Unshared Feelings 59
III. “Different Perspectives”: On Individuality 63
IV. From a Social-constructed Self to a Mythic Self 68
Chapter Four Anxiety, Parental Struggle and Desire of Transgression 77
I. Self-consciousness and Polarization of Affective Discharge 78
II. Existential Anxiety 81
III. Self-conscious Family Plays: A Parody on Shepard’s Personal History 83
IV. Shepard vs. His Father: Desire of Transgression 91
V. Off-stage Father Transgressed: Oedipus Complex vs. Freud’s Theory of Mind 96
Chapter Five Conclusion: Toward Performance Consciousness of Self 107
I. Anti-textuality 107
II. Staging Consciousness: Performative Text and Materialization of Mind 109
III. Performance Consciousness of Self 116
Works Cited 124
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