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研究生(外文):Fu-chuan Chan
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Cooperative Learning Through Literature Reading on Taiwan Senior High Repeaters'' Reading Comprehension: A Case Study in I-lan Senior High School
指導教授(外文):Jen Ting
外文關鍵詞:cooperative learningliterature readingshort storiesreading comprehensionrepeatersEnglish language teaching
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This study aims to investigate the effects of cooperative learning through reading short stories on senior high repeaters’ reading comprehension. The subjects of the study are sixty-eight first-year senior high school repeaters. Thirty-three of them join in cooperative learning as the experimental group and thirty-five are instructed in the traditional teacher-oriented strategy as the control group. All the subjects are assigned to read seven simplified American writers’ short stories. Seven tests of reading comprehension achievement are conducted to explore the effects of cooperative learning on reading comprehension achievement. The pretest and the posttest of reading comprehension proficiency are administered to probe the learning effects of different instruction strategies. Besides, the same posttest is given two months after the experiment to determine the long-term effect of cooperative learning. Then, a metacognitive awareness questionnaire and a literature reading questionnaire are adopted to examine their perceptions of reading and of literature reading. If there is no difference between the two groups, the responses will be considered as a whole to see the general tendency. Finally, a cooperative learning questionnaire is used to evaluate the participants’ responses to cooperative learning.
The major findings of this study are summarized as follows:
1. Cooperative learning works in a homogeneous class of “male” “low achievers” in terms of the participants’ motivation and their academic performance in global comprehension.
2. Although the effect of cooperative learning through literature reading on overall reading comprehension proficiency is not statistically better than that of teacher-oriented instruction, the participants involved in cooperative learning at least do as well as those in the traditional teacher-oriented classroom.
3. The results of the metacognitive awareness questionnaire and the researcher’s observation show that cooperative learning may produce better results on low achievers when teachers provide assistance or guidance.
4. Students should be given training in advance and given a period of time to get used to working cooperatively with others. Besides, if a new instruction strategy is to continuously have facilitative effects, it had better last for a period of time until the participants can internalize what they learn.
5. Low achievers get pleasure from literature reading. The attitudes toward and responses to literature reading have no differences between the experimental and control groups: being affirmative about the application of it in the reading class.
Based on the main findings of the study, some pedagogical suggestions are provided for EFL teachers.
1. The results from this study show that the cooperative learning approach can be an alternative for teaching L2 reading in the make-up course.
2. Teachers are not always the only source of students’ learning. Instead, they should sometimes play the role of consultants.
3. Teachers should teach the correct strategy of reading by demonstrating in class. Translating the text word by word in class will cause low achievers to have wrong perceptions about reading.
4. Textbooks are not the only teaching materials. Thus, teachers should adopt interesting materials to motivate students’ learning.
5. Prior to the applications of cooperative learning, students should be given correct concepts about the skills of group learning and discussion.
6. Teachers should give more concern to low achievers, pay attention to their improvement, praise them and encourage them very often.
1.1 Background and motivation 1
1.1.1 Repeaters 1
1.1.2 Cooperative learning 3
1.1.3 Short stories 7
1.2 Purpose and research questions of the study 8
1.3 Definition of terms 10
1.4 Significance of the study 11
1.5 Overview of the study 11
2.1 Problems of low achievers in reading 13
2.2 The place of literature in the language classroom 16
2.3 Cooperative learning 21
2.3.1 Components of successful cooperative learning 21
2.3.2 Positive outcomes of cooperative learning in language learning 23
2.3.3 Concerns about using cooperative learning in ESL/EEL classroom 31
2.3.4 Instructional practice of cooperative learning 33 Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD) 34 Jigsaw 35
2.3.5 Unexplored issues of cooperative learning 36
3.1 Subjects 41
3.2 Instruments 42
3.2.1 Pretest and posttest of reading comprehension proficiency 43
3.2.2 Texts of seven simplified short stories 46
3.2.3 Seven tests of reading comprehension achievement of the seven short stories 47
3.2.4 Motivation questionnaire 48
3.2.5 Perceptual learning style preference questionnaire 49
3.2.6 Metacognitive awareness questionnaire 49
3.2.7 Questionnaire on participants’ responses to cooperative learning 50
3.2.8 Questionnaire on participants’ attitudes toward literature-based reading 51
3.3 Procedures of instruction and data collection 51
3.3.1 Before the implementation of the study 51
3.3.2 While the implementation of the study 54
3.3.3 After the implementation of the study 55
3.4 Data analysis 56
4.1 The comparison of the pretest of reading comprehension proficiency 58
4.2 The comparison of reading comprehension achievement tests of the seven short stories 60
4.3 The comparison of the pretest, the posttest 1, and the posttest 2 of reading comprehension proficiency 63
4.3.1 The comparison of the pretest, the posttest 1, and the posttest 2 of reading comprehension proficiency in the control group 64
4.3.2 The comparison of the pretest, the posttest 1, and the posttest 2 of reading comprehension proficiency in the experimental group 66
4.3.3 The effects of different instruction strategies on reading comprehension proficiency 67
4.4 The comparison of the metacognitive awareness after the treatment 73
4.5 The responses to cooperative learning in the experimental group 81
4.6 The general responses to literature reading 90
4.7 The researcher’s observation of how cooperative learning indeed works through literature reading 95
5.1 Summary of findings 99
5.2 Pedagogical implications 102
5.3 Limitations of the study 104
5.4 Suggestions for future research 105
Appendix A-1 114
Appendix A-2 121
Appendix B 128
Appendix C 140
Appendix D 162
Appendix E 164
Appendix F 166
Appendix G 168
Appendix H 169
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