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外文關鍵詞:Low-Voltage Industrial WiringState spaceColoured Petri Netanalysis
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本研究提出以CPN為資料模型的低壓工業配線電路表示方法並加以分析。首先發展出元件的CPN模型,其次依照線路組合原則產生階梯圖的CPN Graph,最後以State Space分析電路狀態。藉由分析的過程,可以計算出電路的元件動作順序、電壓狀態及電流走向。短路偵測是本研究的另一項重點。在建立CPN Graph時便可偵測出危險迴路的位置,而從State Space中分析token的變化情形可以即時偵測是否發生短路。
本研究提出之元件模型,經過State Space分析,皆完全吻合元件的時序圖。新增元件模型時,並不會對於已測試成功的的元件模型造成影響,也不用改變原有的線路組合原則,因此具有優良的穩定性和擴充性。
This thesis presents a colored Petri-Net (CPN) based analysis of Low-Voltage Industrial Wiring. CPN model of individual wiring component is presented. The rules for connecting the individual CPN to reflect actual wiring between components are discussed. Analysis of the circuit is done by state space analysis of the corresponding CPN. By examining the firing sequence of the CPN, status of the circuit components, including voltage state and the electricity current flow direction, can be analyzed. Furthermore, faulty circuit wirings that can result in short circuits can be readily detected in the analyzing process and the origin of the faulty wiring can be pinpointed. The CPN model has the added flexibility that new component Petri Net model can be added to the model without changing the connecting rules.
The CPN model for analysis of low-voltage industrial wiring is proved to be correct by mean of exhaustive analysis of the possible states and matching that against possible time series of the wired circuit board. The analysis shows a one-to-one correspondence between intermediate states of CPN and the charged circuit board. Experiment with 50 low-voltage industrial wiring samples taken from the official technician certification tests show that the CPN model can be used to efficiently analyze correctly wired as well as faulty circuits.
第一章 緒論
1.1 簡介
1.2 相關研究探討
1.2.2 Petri Net應用在電路分析方面的研究
1.3 低壓工業配線與Petri Net的對應關係
1.4 研究問題與目的
第二章 背景知識
2.1 低壓工業線配系統的動作原理
2.2 Petri Net Theory
2.3 Coloured Petri Net理論及分析
第三章 配線元件的Coloured Petri Net Model
3.1 負載
3.2 開關
3.3 電驛
3.4 電源
3.5 接地
3.6 Summary
第四章 階梯圖的Coloured Petri Net Graph
4.1 階梯圖的Coloured Petri Net Graph
4.2 階梯圖的State Space分析
4.3 錯誤電路的分析
4.4 Summary
第五章 應用與電路分析實例
5.1 低壓工業配線模擬系統介紹
5.2 元件model歸類與電路分析實例
5.3 討論
5.4 Summary
第六章 結論與未來研究
6.1 結論
6.2 未來研究
附錄A 低壓工業配線基本元件介紹
附錄B 配線元件的接腳圖與電路符號之對應
附錄C 配線元件的Coloured Petri Net Model 及分析
附錄D 元件state space的狀態解譯
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