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研究生(外文):Yu-Ying Hung
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Shong Shih
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單晶片微電腦8951常運用於通訊、控制器、量測等功能,因為它的指令功能強,記憶容量大,串列通訊等優點,使人們得以隨心所欲的設計所需的介面。本論文中,建立了一個感測元件- ADC0804-8951-LCD (RS-232)之微電腦單晶片介面偵測系統,並將此系統應用於化學實驗,本論文包含了酸鹼滴定、沉澱滴定、反應速率、反應級數等實驗。
沉澱滴定實驗部分:配製各種不同濃度硝酸銀、氯化鈉水溶液,以ORP(Oxidation Reduction Potential)氧化還原電極為感應端偵測各種各種不同濃度沉澱滴定的電位變化,利用8951微電腦介面將訊號輸出到LCD模組,讀出其滴定過程的電位值,繪製其滴定曲線,進而觀察沉澱滴定電位變化情形。
反應速率實驗部分:利用硫代硫酸鈉水溶液與鹽酸進行反應,探討濃度與溫度對反應速率的影響。藉由反應所產生的固態硫沉澱遮蔽CdS光敏電阻,增加CdS阻抗,引起CdS輸出電壓改變,以此電壓輸出量可測量所需反應時間,進而導出相對反應速率。本實驗探討(1)溫度對反應速率的影響,(2)硫代硫酸鈉水溶液對反應速率的影響,並探究此反應中[Na2S2O3] 的反應級數,(3)鹽酸溶液對反應速率的影響,並探究此反應中[HCl]的反應級數。

The 8951 one-chip microcomputer (μc) is usually used in communication, controller and measuring instruments .Because of the advantages of its powerful command, large memory capacity and series communication capability. The 8951μc can be used to design the interfaces we need . In this study , a chemical detection system including sensor 、amplifier 、ADC0804、89C51、LCD and RS-232 was prepared . The 8951 microcomputer detection system was applied in chemical experiments such as acid-base titration、hard water determining、and reaction rate.
In the acid-base titration experiment;The glass electrode as a sensor, with the 8951μc detection system to measure the titration potential .The signal from 8951μc detection system was transferred to PC with RS-232 interface for signal acquisition and data processing to get titration curve and store the data . The acid-base titration potential was observed as function of titration time .
In the precipitation titration experiment ;Various concentrations solution of AgNO3 and NaCl were prepared .In this study, ORP (Oxidation Reduction potential)electrode as a sensor with 8951μc to measure precipitation
titration potential . The digital output of 8951 microcomputer detection system was displayed in a LCD(liquid Crystal Display)device. The titration curves was drawn by reading the LCD display . The precipitation titration potential was observed as function of titration time.
In the reaction rate experiment;The reaction of thiosulfate with hydrochloric acid was carried out . The purpose of this experiment is to determine the effect of concentration and temperature on the reaction rate. In this reaction, solid sulfur is produced, lead to a cloud solution and the increased CdS photo resistance resulting in the decreased output voltage of CdS. The necessary reaction time and the reaction rate could be estimated from the change in output voltage of CdS. There are three parts in this experiment.(1)The effect of temperature on the reaction rate(2)The effect of concentration of thiosulfate ion on the reaction rate and determine the reaction order of thiosulfate in the reaction and(3)The effect of the concentration of HCl solution on the reaction rate and determine the reaction order of HCl solution in the reaction.

第一章緒論……………………………………………………… 1
1-1 8951……………………………………………………… 1
1-2 CdS……………………………………………………….. 4
1-3 複合電極………………………………………………… 6
1-4 OPA運算放大器..………………………………………. 8
1-5 AD0804………………………………………………….. 9
1-6 LCD顯示器……………………………………………… 12
1-7 RS-232………………………………………………….. 14
1-8化學容量分析…………………………………………… . 17
1-8-1酸鹼滴定………………………………………… 17
1-8-2沉澱滴定………………………………………… 20
1-9電位滴定法………………………………………….. 22
1-10反應速率測定………………………………………… 23
第二章實驗部分……………………………………………….. 25
2-1微電腦介面設計………………………………………. 25
2-1-1系統架構………………………………………… 25
2-1-2 8951單晶片電路圖………………………………. 26
2-1-3實驗資料流程……………………………………… 26
2-1-4程式………………………………………………. 28
2-1-4-1 8951組合語言程式……………………….. 28
2-1-4-2 QBASIC程式設計………………………… 36
2-1-5基本原理………………………………………… 39 2-2 微電腦介面酸鹼滴定…………………………………… 40
2-2-1試藥與器具………………………………………… 40
2-2-2實驗步驟…………………………………………. 40
2-3 微電腦介面沉澱滴定………………………………… 42
2-3-1藥品與器具………………………………………. 42
2-3-2實驗步驟………………………………………….. 42
2-4微電腦介面反應速率測定…………………………… 44
2-4-1試藥與器具………………………………………. 44
2-4-2實驗步驟…………………………………………. 44
第三章結果與討論……………………………………….. 48
3-1 微電腦介面酸鹼滴定………………………………… 48
3-2 微電腦介面沉澱滴定..……………………………… 52
3-3 微電腦介面反應速率測定………………………….. 60
第四章結論……………………………………………… 74
參考資料……………………………………………………. 76

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