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研究生(外文):Chia-Wen Liao
論文名稱(外文):Nutrient species that limit the growth of Synechococcus in marine environments near Taiwan.
指導教授(外文):Jeng Chang
外文關鍵詞:Synechococcusnutrient enrichmentgrowth ratepicoplankton
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為了確認何種營養鹽才是真正影響台灣附近海域聚球藻(Synechococcus)生物量以及生長率的因子,我們在 2002 年間於基隆沿岸測站及東海航次中進行了,海水採集以及營養鹽添加的培養實驗。並在比較了各種生長率測量法後,選用了原核抑制劑添加法來測定各種營養鹽處理下聚球藻的生長率。基隆沿岸實驗由 2002 年 5 月 至 12 月,每月進行 1 - 2 次。營養鹽添加實驗分成五個添加組,包括無任何添加之海水及添加氮、磷、微量金屬及維生素各一組。培養於實驗室培養箱中進行 48小時,溫度維持在 26℃,維持 12:12 光週期,光期強度為 200 μE m-2 s-1 之光照。探討東海海域聚球藻限制因子之實驗則利用 2002 年 7 月 1 日至 7 月 3 日的海研一號 649 航次來進行,航行範圍涵蓋東海陸棚水域南部,共計在 2 個測站進行,營養鹽添加實驗,樣本置於甲板上循環海水培養箱中培養。結果顯示基隆沿岸測站聚球藻細胞數的變化從 3.2 × 103 到 3.4 × 105 cells ml-1在夏季達到最高值。而在東海南部,大陸沿岸海域聚球藻的數量大約為 4 × 104 cells ml-1 左右,在台灣海峽出口附近細胞數量達到最高值大約在1 × 105 cells ml-1 以上,到了黑潮海域細胞數大約只維持在 5 × 103 ceslls ml-1 以下。而營養鹽添加方面,發現添加含 Fe、Cu、Zn、Co 、Mn、Mo的微量金屬混合液能使聚球藻的生長率明顯高於無任何添加之海水(p<0.001),這結果顯示微量金屬混合液中確實有某種微量元素能刺激聚球藻的生長,可是添加其他營養物質並不會改變聚球藻的生長率。

In order to determine the nutrient species that limits the growth of Synechococcus in waters near Taiwan, nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted at a coastal station in Keelung and during a cruise to the East China Sea in summer, 2002. Based on results of an experiment that compared several methods estimating Synechococcus growth rates, the method of selective prokaryotic inhibitor was used in the present study. The experiment at the coastal station was performed 1 to 2 times monthly from May to December 2002. Nutrient addition was consisted of 5 treatments including seawater with no nutrient added, the addition of nitrate, the addition of phosphate, the addition of trace metals and the addition of vitamins. All treatments were incubated for 48 h. The temperature was maintained at 26℃, and the light intensity was 200μE m-2 s-1 with 12:12 light:dark cycle. Field experiments in the East China Sea were conducted in cruise 649 on board R/V Ocean Researcher I between July 1 and 3, 2002. Seawater samples under various treatments were incubated on deck for 48 h using running seawater to maintain the temperature. In addition, neutral-density plastic sheets were used to simulate the light intensity at the sampling depths. The result indicated that Synechococcus abundance at the Keelung coast station varied from 3.2 × 103 to 3.4 × 105 cells ml-1 with a maximum occurred in summer. In southern East China Sea, Synechococcus abundance in the coastal zone was about 4 × 104 cells ml-1. Maximum abundance of more than 1 × 105 cells ml-1 were observed at sampling stations near the northern outlet of Taiwan Strait. However in the Kuroshio abundance decreased to less than 5 × 103 cells ml-1. In nutrient enrichment experiments, Synechococcus growth rates were obviously higher in seawater treated with a mixture of trace metal containing Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, Mn, and Mo. The result suggested that one or more minor elements in the mixed fluid stimulated Synechococcus growth, but other nutrients had no influence on the growth rate of Synechococcus.

摘要 ………………………………………………. i
Abstract ……………………………………………….. iii
目錄 ………………………………………………. v
圖目錄 ………………………………………………. vi
前言 ………………………………………………. 1
材料與方法 ………………………………………………. 3
結果 ………………………………………………. 11
討論 ………………………………………………. 18
參考文獻 ………………………………………………. 23
附圖 ………………………………………………. 27
附錄 ………………………………………………. 45

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