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研究生(外文):Chen, Li-wei
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Emulsifying Factors on Emulsification Characteristics and Engine Performance of Multi-Phase Emulsions
外文關鍵詞:multi-phase emulsionlecithinultrasonic emulsificationdiesel engineemulsion stabilityair pollution of diesel engine
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The gaseous and particulate emission and disgusting smell caused by diesel engines had attracted serious concerns for a long time. Emulsification is regarded as one of the potentially effective techniques to reduce air pollution of diesel engines. The influences of various emulsifying variables on the emulsification characteristics of the multi-phase emulsions were studied in this research. Firstly the lecithin was used as the emulsifier to prepare multi-phase emulsions of diesel oils by a two- step emulsification method, in order to realize the influences of various emulsifying factors on the emulsification characteristics of the multi-phase emulsions. The results shows that the W/O and O/W/O did not have any obvious impact it proves to us that the O/W two-phase emulsions has played an important role. Moreover, NO emissions were reduced while the CO emission, smoke opacity and fuel consumption rates were raised after the lecithin was mixed with neat diesel oil as an additive.
In the second part of this research, an ultrasonic oscillating bath was used to prepare emulsions. The factors of oscillating time, water / oil volumetric ratio, total amount of oil and water mixture, proportion of surfactant addition were varied to investigate their effects on the formation of water- in- oil (W/O), oil- in- water (O/W) two- phase emulsions as well as oil- in- water- in- oil (O/W/O) three- phase emulsions. The experimental results show that the favorable emulsification characteristics such as uniform distribution of fine liquid drops, larger emulsion stability, and lower viscosity appeared by using the emulsification method of ultrasonic oscillation. The NO emission and smoke opacity were reduced as well. Furthermore, CO emission was obviously reduced in comparison with those emulsions prepared by a typical homogenizing machine.
誌謝 i
摘要(中) ii
摘要(英) iv
目錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1柴油引擎作動與污染排放 5
2-1-1 柴油引擎作動原理 5
2-1-2 柴油引擎排放之污染物種類 5
2-2 界面活性劑之性質與應用 7
2-3 乳化燃油之特性與製備 9
2-3-1 乳化燃油特性 9
2-3-2 乳化物的製備方法 10
2-3-3 多重相乳化物之製備 11
2-4 影響乳化特性的因子 13
2-5 卵磷脂之性質與應用 13
2-5-1 卵磷脂來源 13
2-5-2 卵磷脂的製造及功能特性 15
2-6 超音波乳化法 17
2-6-1 超音波效應 17
2-6-2 影響超音波特性之因子 19
第三章 卵磷脂為乳化劑之乳化柴油性質 21
3-1 序論 21
3-2 實驗設備與材料 21
3-2-1 實驗設備 21
3-2-2 實驗材料 24
3-3 實驗方法與步驟 24
3-4 結果與討論 26
3-4-1 均質機轉速對粒徑及乳化活性的影響 26
3-4-2乳化劑添加量對乳化安定性的影響 27
3-4-3以卵磷脂製備O/W/O型三重相乳化燃油之乳化現象 27
3-4-4卵磷脂乳化劑應用於其他油品乳化之影響 28
3-4-5卵磷脂乳化劑直接添加於柴油中對柴油引擎性能及廢氣排放物的影響 29
3-5 結語 30
第四章 超音波乳化柴油之油品及引擎性能和排氣特性 32
4-1 序論 32
4-2 實驗設備與材料 32
4-3 實驗方法與步驟 36
4-3-1 油品試驗方法與步驟 36
4-3-2 柴油引擎試驗方法與步驟 39
4-4 結果與討論 42
4-4-1 油品試驗部分 42
4-4-2柴油引擎測試部分 50
4-5 結語 58
第五章 結論與建議 60
5-1 結論 60
5-2 建議未來研究方向 61
參考文獻 62
表 67
圖 74
附錄一:本研究實驗誤差分析統計值 98
附錄二:本研究實驗測試結果數據表 99
附錄三:以純柴油為基準比較各種油品之污染量 101
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