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研究生(外文):Meng-Chien Lin
論文名稱(外文):The relationship between flight attendants'' emotional load and their recognization of organization identification
指導教授(外文):Kun-Dong Yu
外文關鍵詞:Organization identificationEmotional laborTraining
  • 被引用被引用:73
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The growth of service industry enhances the importance of emotion issues in organizations. The airline company who want to survive in variable century must focus on the service quality. With the blossoming of the service industry, the emotion has been considered as a product for selling. Organizations also began to think how to take advantage of the Human Resource Management of Emotional Labor (HRMOEL) to build up and maintain the display rule, avoid burnout, and let emotional labor do their work efficiency.
In this research flight attendants were sampled in the study of influence on the pressures of emotional labors, and 112 employees of aviation were surveyed. To analyze the relationship of the extent of emotional labor, and the relationship with employees'' organization identification, ANOVA and Hierarchical Regression were used to test each hypothesis. The main purposes of this study are as follows:
1.The status of flight attendants'' emotional load and organization identification.
2.The relationship between flight attendants'' emotional load and their recognization of organization identification.
3.The relationship between the airline company''s education system and the flight attendants'' emotional load.
4.The interactive effect, airline companies'' training system, of flight attendants'' organization identification and their emotional load.
中文摘要......................... I
英文摘要......................... II
圖表目錄......................... IV
第一章 緒論....................... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機.................. 1
第二節 研究目的..................... 4
第二章 文獻探討..................... 5
第一節 組織認同之相關文獻探討.............. 5
第二節 情緒勞務之相關文獻探討.............. 9
第三節 組織認同與情緒勞務之相關文獻探討......... 17
第四節 教育訓練與員工工作態度.............. 18
第五節 個人特徵與員工工作態度.............. 22
第三章 研究設計..................... 23
第一節 研究架構..................... 23
第二節 研究變相之定義與衡量............... 24
第三節 抽樣方法與樣本.................. 28
第四節 資料分析方法................... 30
第五節 信度與效度分析.................. 32
第四章 驗證結果與討論.................. 34
第一節 組織認同對情緒勞務負擔之影響........... 34
第二節 教育訓練對情緒勞務負擔之影響........... 38
第三節 個人特徵與情緒勞務負擔之影響........... 41
第四節 交互作用分析................... 44
第五章 結論與建議.................... 46
第一節 研究結論..................... 46
第二節 研究限制..................... 50
第三節 研究建議..................... 51
參考文獻......................... 53
附錄一:本研究問卷.................... 58
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