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論文名稱(外文):An Implementation of All-Digital Underwater Transceiver Using TMS320 C6X DSP Module
外文關鍵詞:multipathDoppler effectTMS320 C6711 DSKall-digital underwater transceiverADPLLA/D converterCCS
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The underwater acoustic channel is characterized as a time-varying multipath environment, which in addition to possible Doppler effect make developing an underwater communication system a very challenging task. Digital communication technology was used popularly to deal with these problems in recent years. Underwater communication systems generally use phase-shifting-keying (PSK) modulation/demodution techniques.
In conventional receiver, carrier recovery is conducted by controlling the frequency and phase of the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) in the phase-locked loop. The QPSK modulation techniques for all-digital underwater acoustic transceiver are investigated in this thesis. An all-digital PLL (ADPLL) for QPSK carrier recovery is employed to overcome the channel effect. The frequency offset estimator is also included in the ADPLL to enhance the performance. The TMS320 C6711 DSK module with the A/D converter circuit was used to build up a fundamental hardware architecture. The QPSK modulator/demodulator with ADPLL will be realized by software on DSP. And we use TI C6X assembly language and C language to complement the system programs on CCS. The experiment results from ideal channel and UW channel show that all-digital underwater transceiver is practicable.
1 緒論 1
1.1 背景簡介............................ 1
2.2 研究動機與目的...................... 2
1.3 各章節內容概述...................... 4
2 水下通訊環境與全數位接收機 6
2.1 水下環境與水下聲速.................. 6
2.2 水下聲波通道........................ 8
2.2.1 背景雜訊與有限頻寬............ 8
2.2.2 多重路徑與都卜勒效應.......... 9
2.3 全數位接收機........................10
3 QPSK水下同調通訊系統 12
3.1 水下通訊系統........................12
3.2 QPSK調變解調技術....................14
3.2.1 QPSK..........................14
3.2.2 QPSK調變/解調器...............16
3.3 全數位鎖相迴路......................19
4 全數位水下收發機之實現 24
4.1 簡介................................24
4.2 TI C6X數位訊號處理器................25
4.3 軟體實現工具 Code Composer Studio...28
4.4 數位類比轉換........................30
4.4.1 數位/類比轉換電路.............30
4.4.2 類比/數位轉換電路.............32
4.5 軟體設計............................35
4.5.1 發射端程式設計................36
4.5.2 接收端程式設計................38
4.6 全數位水下收發機....................42
5 實驗測試與結果 43
5.1 基礎發收測試........................43
5.2 水槽實驗測試........................50
6 結論與未來發展 61
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