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論文名稱(外文):Incorporating UML with Petri Net for design and analysis of computer integrated manufacturing system
外文關鍵詞:Unified modeling languagePetri netcomputer integrated manufacturing
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In modern industry, computer integer manufacturing (CIM) has become a major trend and is still attracting a lot of attentions on research and development in manufacturing. Manufacturing integration does not only mean automating and integrating manufacturing facilities but also managing and controlling the information flow among all computerized manufacturing application systems. It is a manpower- and time- consuming task to develop a highly maintainable computer software module for information control by repeated testing and debugging. Although there are some syntax errors can be found through the debugging, there are still some logical errors incurred during the design process that can not be found. This thesis used the standard UML diagram to model standard information flow procedures and industry dependent regulations and rules in designing the workflow control module among manufacturing application systems for CIM systems. Each use case in Use case diagram specified by UML represents one specific set of related scenarios in controlling the information flow. They can be modeled by activity diagrams in UML and then transformed into corresponding Petri net models. We then utilized the configurable graphic interface and the mathematical analysis methods of the Petri Net to find the logical error in these models. The Petri net was then analyzed by two fast algorithms with the execution of equivalent Integer Programming problems, and LINDO was used to solve these IP problems. Designer can correct as many logical errors as possible during the design phase
of the system before implementation.
1 Introduction 1
2 Unified Modeling Language(UML) 6
2.1 Use case Diagram 7
2.2 Class Diagram 9
2.3 Sequence Diagram 11
2.4 Collaboration Diagram 12
2.5 State Diagram 13
2.6 Activity Diagram 14
2.7 Component Diagram 18
2.8 Deployment Diagram 18
3 Petri Nets 20
3.1 Basic Definition 20
3.2 Structural Properties 22
3.3 Behavioral Properties 24
4 Computer Integrated Manufacturing and CIM Architectures 27
4.1 Mechanism to Control and Manage Information Flow for CIM 27
4.2 Data Commonalities among CAD/CAM/MRPII/SFC 28
4.3 Functional Design of CAD/CAM/MRPII/SFC 29
5 Research Methodology 30
5.1 System Modeling and Analysis 30
5.2 Translation between UML and Petri Nets 31
5.3 Fast Algorithms for Discovering Structural Errors in Petri Nets 37
5.4 Basic Scenarios Formed for CIM 42
6 Design and Analysis of CIM 45
6.1 UML Models of Basic Use Cases/Scenarios in CIM 45
6.1.1 Use case diagram 46
6.1.2 Class diagrams 47
6.1.3 Activity diagrams 51
6.2 Petri Net Models 54
6.3 Analysis for Discovering Structural Errors in Petri Net Models 57
6.3.1 IP formula for structural boundedness 58
6.3.2 IP formula for Structural Liveness 59
6.3.3 Results and discussions 60
7 Conclusions 73
References 74
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