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摘 要
This study tries to realize grade 6th students’ understanding about quadrilaterals, through the interaction between the concept image and the concept definition. Before we get to the interaction between concept image and the concept definition, first we need to understand what ideas student have about concept image and the concept definition. Therefore, this study will be divided into two parts. First part is to understand what ideas students have on concept image and concept definition regard to quadrilaterals. Research target is 30 students in my class. First, I did a concept test with these students. Then base on the myth that shows on the test result, I’d chose 12 students, and did the individual interview. Base on the content of these individual interviews, move on to part II of this study. The second part of this study is to understand during the development of concept, how the interaction takes place between concept image and the concept definition. 3 target students are chose from the 30 students, and did individual interview. The analysis data for part II study is base on the interview videos of these 3 target students。
Research found, generally speaking, students’ concept image is not fully covered about quadrilaterals. That is to say, some graph is excluded wrongly. For example:students took oblique square is rhombi, not square. This phenomenon probably caused by they see the typical shape all the time, which will impact the development of the higher level reasoning. Say, students might not be able to understand the inclusion relationship between square and rhombi. In addition, some of the concepts show just the opposite phenomenon. That is the concept image mix the mistaken shapes. For example::Students thought kite is part of the rhombi. Regard to above issues, I try to handle them by adding the non-typical types、exceptions, or announce the opposite examples. I found it not only can fix students’ concept image, but also can change their concept definition. Take Vinner’s(1991)problem solving process model graph for reference, I also tries to explain these fixing process with the model graph.
As to the concept definition, students have gradually developing the ability to describe the shapes. However, their language ability is limited, so some logical terms are not easy to be understood to students, and caused some myth. Through the concept image, students build up and fix the concept definition of quadrilaterals; nevertheless, the adjustment of concept image often needs help from the concept definition. However, students might not aware of their concept image and concept definition are not consistent, when point that out students tend to rely on the concept image more.
In the process of study the concept image, I found answer by picking is better than drawing. I assume it has to do with students’ problem solving process, this can also be explain with research’s concept develop model graph.
內 容 目 次
第一章 緒論…… …….…………………...…………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………….1
第二節 待答的問題……………………………………….3
第二章 文獻探討………………..………..…...………………4
第一節 學童幾何概念之理論…………………………….4
第二節 概念心像和概念定義之探究..………………….19
第三節 定義和圖例間不一致性的探討………………...27
第四節 國小學生幾何圖形概念的探究………………...32
第三章 研究一:幾何概念知識的調查…………….……….40
第一節 研究對象……………….………………………..40
第二節 研究工具………………………………………...40
第三節 實施步驟………………………………………...44
第四節 結果與討論……………………………………...45
第四章 研究二:個案的研究……………………….……….56
第一節 受試者………………………………………...…57
第二節 訪談問題與程序……………………...…………57
第三節 訪談的實施及反思記錄………………………...60
第四節 資料的整理與分析……………………………...61
第五節 結果與討論……………………………………...61
第五章 結論與建議…………………………………..….…95
第一節 結論……………………………………………...95
第二節 建議…………………………………………….105
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