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研究生(外文):Tai Wen-chi
論文名稱(外文):An Integrative Study of Taiwan’s “Classroom management” Dissertations and Theses
指導教授(外文):Lin Pei-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:classroom managementintegrative studyteacher characteristic studiesteaching effectiveness studiesclassroom ecological studiesteacher thinking studies
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The purpose of this study is to integrate Taiwan’s “classroom management” dissertations and theses. First, the study analyzes the meaning and contents of classroom management from related research literature. After searching through “Dissertation and Thesis Abstract System”, 34 studies titled “classroom management” have been found since 1993. Then taking the respective of research on teaching as a reference model, the study finds that Taiwan’s “classroom management” dissertations and these can be divided into six types: 1.correlational studies of teacher characteristics and classroom management; 2. teaching effectiveness studies of classroom management 3.studies of classroom management strategies; 4. correlational studies of context variables and classroom management; 5. teacher thinking studies of classroom management; 6. classroom ecological studies of classroom management. This study analyzes the research background, major findings, research methods, contributions and limitations of each type of studies. The findings are as following. Because of classroom management has become a subject of teacher education, the study titled “classroom management” began in about 1990s, and has grown increasingly in 2000 and 2001. Due to the emphasis on teacher characteristics in early research on teaching, the stress on teacher character in Taiwan traditional culture, and the influence of empiricalism and behaviorism, most Taiwan classroom management dissertations and theses focus on teacher characteristics and classroom management strategies. With the improvement of research on teaching, educational revolutions, the change of social ecology, the growth of cognitive psychology, and the awareness of teacher profession, a few studies focus on classroom ecology and teacher thinking, but they still need to expend. Besides, as for the research method, most dissertations and theses are quantitative and objective empirical studies. Though qualitative, descriptive, or interpretive studies have been regarded highly in recently years, the number of studies and dimensions are still limited. As the shift of research paradigms, the way of selecting research objects changes from random sampling to purposed selecting. The role of researcher also changes from objection, neutrality to participation in studies, and teachers become active researchers. Finally, according to these findings, this study offers implications and suggestions to teaching practices, teacher education, and research on teaching.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究範圍 6
第四節 研究的重要性 8
第五節 名詞釋義 10
第六節 研究限制 12
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 班級經營的發展 14
第二節 班級經營的意涵 20
第三節 班級經營研究的類型 33
第三章 研究方法論 57
第一節 整合研究的意涵 57
第二節 整合研究的歷程 62
第四章 結果與分析 70
第一節 教師特質與班級經營關係之研究 73
第二節 班級經營之教學效能研究 86
第三節 班級經營策略之研究 91
第四節 情境因素與班級經營關係之研究 109
第五節 班級經營之教室生態研究 116
第六節 班級經營之教師思考研究 122
第五章 結論與建議 132
第一節 結論 132
第二節 建議 145
參考書目 155
附錄 166
中文書目 (註:” * ” 表整合之研究樣本)
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第一頁 上一頁 下一頁 最後一頁 top
1. 吳天元,張以儒(民90)。綜合高中班級經營之策略。教育研究資訊,9 (6),123-138。
2. 王瑞賢(民85)。追求安靜的教室生活?─教師潛在教育學之分析。教育研究資訊,4 (4),1-12。
3. 謝金青(民81)。校園安全落實之道。國民教育。32卷7.8期。頁50-52。
4. 吳清基(民89)。教育研究與訓練的發展。研習資訊,17 (4),1-11。
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6. 黃祖年(民86)。談學校的危機管理。南投文教。第10期。頁80-81。
7. 黃振球(民85)。談校園危機管理。教師天地。頁19。
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11. 王垠(民89)。談校園危機管理。高中教育。15,20。
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13. 谷瑞勉(民87)。學習教學─兩位初任幼兒教師的班級經營。屏東師院學報,11,341-366。
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