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論文名稱(外文):An Study of Cosmetic Brand Operation-An Empirical Analysis of Six Cosmetic Brand
外文關鍵詞:Brand OperationBrand AnalysisBrand Strategy
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本研究以六家專櫃化妝品品牌為研究對象,分別為香奈兒(CHANEL)、倩碧(CLINQUE)、蘭蔻(LAMCOME)、資生堂(SHISEIDO)、植村秀(SHU UEMURA)、SKⅡ。採用問卷方式蒐集初級資料,對大台北、大台中與大高雄三大都會區之女性消費者實施抽樣調查。將所得之資料運用多元尺度分析、卡方分析、迴歸分析等方法對資料進行品牌追蹤之各項分析後,根據所得結果對研究對象提出適當之結論與建議。
With the increase of competition in marketing, brand management is increasingly demanded by enterprises. Once the brand is properly managed, obvious brand extension effect is obtained. Proper brand management costs much lower than creating a new brand and results in more benefit.
The thesis is based upon the investigation of cosmetic brand, in which brand awareness, brand royalty, brand association, brand perception and brand competition are included and analyzed. With data being statistically analyzed, the brands are thoroughly investigated. By brand royalty analysis, the brand royalty structure of cosmetic brands can be constructed. By brand competition analysis, we can recognize the main competitor and know its market share, key success factor, competitive strength and weakness, and competitive strategy. By brand association analysis, we can calculate the brand association of each cosmetic brand. According to the result of brand monitor analysis, the brand strategy can further be determined.
Brand strategy planning including brand product strategy, brand promotion strategy, brand channel strategy, brand competition strategy, brand advertisement strategy, etc. The thesis thus provides cosmetic brand, such as CHANEL, CLINQUE, LACOME, SHISEIDO, SHU UEMURA, and SKⅡ with strategic suggestion to enhance the brand equity.
The advantage of CLINQUE is price, and the advantage of SHISEIDO is whiting, whole value, and price. The advantage of SHU UEMURA is nature component, and the advantage of SKⅡ is moisture and whiting. Then formulating related brand strategies.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 章節結構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 品牌相關定義 4
2.2 品牌權益範疇 5
2.3 品牌識別系統 17
2.4 品牌價值塑造 21
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1 研究架構 25
3.2 市場資料分析 27
3.3 品牌追蹤分析 30
3.4 品牌權益評估 33
3.5 品牌策略規劃 34
3.6 研究流程 37
3.7 研究假說 38
3.8 問卷設計 39
3.9 抽樣設計 42
3.10 統計分析方法 44
第四章 實證研究 46
4.1 化妝品市場概況 46
4.2 樣本結構分析 50
4.3 競爭態勢分析 51
4.4 顧客行為分析 54
4.5 品牌追蹤分析 57
4.6 品牌權益評估 80
4.7 品牌策略規劃 82
第五章 結論與建議 92
5.1 研究發現 92
5.2 策略涵意 94
5.3 研究貢獻 96
5.4 研究限制 96
5.5 後續研究建議 97
參考文獻 98
附錄 104
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