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研究生(外文):Ming-Hao Liu
論文名稱(外文):Ballistic Spin Transport across Ferromagnet/InAs(2DEG) Multi-junction Structures
指導教授(外文):Ching-Ray Chang
外文關鍵詞:ballistic spin transporttransfer matrix
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最近, "鐵磁/二維砷化銦/鐵磁"之雙接面結構的理論研究已經有所進展. 而該研究是基於2001年Hu以及Matsuyama所提出的ballistic picture, 並且將該結構之二維電子氣通道(2DEG channel)中的自旋-軌道作用(spin-orbit interaction)視為主要來自Rashba effect的貢獻. 繼Matsuyama等人在2002年發表的工作, 我們引入一套更完整的轉移矩陣演算法, 進而可以有效的處理鐵磁與二維砷化銦所構成的多重接面結構. 更進一步的,該演算法所得出的傳播係數(transmission coefficient)可藉由Landauer公式計算出自旋相關之彈道導電率(spin-dependent ballistic conductance). 本文中, 我們將提出一些多重接面結構的數值運算結果, 包含"鐵磁/二維砷化銦/鐵磁"之雙接面結構於接觸源(source contact)與二維電子氣通道間插入另一鐵磁層之三重結構, 以及雙接面結構於二維電子氣通道中滲入一單原子層之鐵磁雜質所形成的四重結構.

Based on the ballistic picture proposed in 2001 by Hu and Matsuyama, the spin transport across F/InAs(2DEG)/F double-junction devices where the Rashba effect was considered as the dominant spin-orbit interaction in the 2DEG channel was theoretically studied very recently. Following Matsuyama et al., we introduce a systematic approach, namely the transfer-matrix formalism to solve the transmission probabilities which in turn can carry out the ballistic spin-dependent conductance using the Landauer-Butticker formalism across multi-junction structures composed of ferromagnets and InAs(2DEG). Numerical results for multiple junctions including the double junction with a source contact coated by a ferromagnetic filter layer and the double junction doped with a ferromagnetic delta-layer impurity in the 2DEG channel are presented.

1 Introduction and Survey
1.1 The Rashba Spin Splitting
1.2 The Basic Idea of Spin FET
1.3 The 2DEGat aHeterojunction Interface
2 Theoretical Calculation
2.1 The Eigenvalue Problem
2.1.1 Hamiltonian
2.1.2 Eigenfunctions, Eigenenergies, and Wave Functions
2.1.3 Boundary Conditions
2.2 The Transfer-Matrix Formalism
2.3 Analytical Results of T
2.4 The Landauer Formula
2.5 Summary
3 Numerical Results and Discussions
3.1 Single Junctions: The F/InAs(2DEG) Interface
3.2 Double Junctions: the F/InAs(2DEG)/FDevice
3.3 Multiple Junctions
3.3.1 Triple Junctions: A Ferromagnetic Filter Switch
Inserted between the Ferromagnetic Source Contact and
the 2DEGChannel
3.3.2 Tetra-junctions: The F/InAs(2DEG)/F Double Junction
Doped with a Ferromagnetic Delta-layer Impurity
in the 2DEGChannel
4 Conclusion

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