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論文名稱(外文):The study on damage evaluation of decayed wood member by DmP investigation
外文關鍵詞:DensityHistorical buildingDmp investigationBrown-rot decayWhite-rot decayDrill resistance
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木構造之損壞及剩餘強度評估為歷史建築物補強或修復時非常重要的參考指標。由於木材之密度為木材強度的重要影響因素,且台灣歷史建物中之木構材常發現腐朽的情形,因此找出適合檢測木料腐朽並可合理推估木料密度的非破壞檢測法是非常重要的。因此本研究以台灣地區歷史建築常見之用材:鐵杉(以西部鐵杉代替)、台灣杉、紅檜、柳杉、杉木、台灣櫸、相思樹等樹種之心材,在實驗室中以褐腐菌Laetiporus sulphureus及白腐菌Lenzites betulin兩株菌種進行加速腐朽劣化試驗,並以DmP(Digital MicroProbe)檢測系統檢測其變化。實驗時間為4、6、8、9、10、11、12週。實驗結果發現實驗用所有樹種之心材對白腐菌L. betulin皆有優良的耐腐性(12週後重量損失率<5%);而台灣杉、紅檜、柳杉、台灣櫸、相思樹之心材對於褐腐菌L. sulphureus皆有優良的耐腐性(12週後重量損失率<5%),但杉木及西部鐵杉則受到褐腐菌較嚴重的腐朽(杉木12週後重量損失5.3%、西部鐵杉12週後重量損失12.3%)。以DmP檢測後發現,受腐朽後之試材的鑽孔抵抗值(R)有明顯降低的現象,其推估密度值也相對的受到影響,所得之鑽孔阻抗圖與試材相比對後,圖中R值偏低之處與試材受腐朽後造成之變色或空洞處相符。且實驗中所用針葉樹種之健全材推估密度與其實際密度皆為顯著相關(R2>0.7),但闊葉樹種則否。由此可知,若以DmP檢測系統檢測針葉樹材,不但可以合理的推估其密度,還可以將其腐朽損壞之處定位,對於歷史建物中大木構件的檢測工作非常有幫助。
The problem of evaluating wood decay and related residual strength capacity in existing wooden structures in historical buildings is particularly important when deciding on the possibility of restoration and the kind of strengthening intervention needed. The density of wood effects it’s strength very much and we can usually find decay on the wood member of historical buildings in Taiwan. So it is important to find the method that can evaluating the damage of decayed wood member and determine the density reasonably. This study uses one species of white-rot fungi(Lenzites betulin), and one species of brown-rot fungi(Laetiporus sulphureus) against seven kinds heartwood of common use in historical buildings in Taiwan (Western hemlock, Taiwania, Taiwan red cypress, Japanese fir, China fir, Taiwan zelkova, Taiwan acacia) . Use DmP investigation to evaluate the damage of decayed wood. The result shows the above heartwood samples all have good decay-proof property against White-rot fungi L. betulin (weight lose<5% after 12 weeks). Taiwania, Taiwan red cypress, Japanese fir, Taiwan zelkova and Taiwan acacia all have good decay-proof property against Brown-rot fungi L. sulphureus (weight lose<5% after 12 weeks). But Brown-rot fungi makes Western hemlock lose about 12% weight and China fir lose about 5.3% weight after 12 weeks. The drill resistance and the appraised density of decayed wood are much lower than sound wood. According to this experiment, the appraised density and the actual density for sound wood of softwood are of highly significant relevance; While that of hardwood aren’t. In view of this, DmP investigation is not only can well-predict the density of softwood but also can help orientate the spot of decay, which is rather useful for the detection of wood structure for historical buildings.
目 錄
摘 要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅰ
ABSTRACT --------------------------------------------------------------------- III
目 錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- V
表 目 錄 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII
圖 目 錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII
壹、前 言 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
貳、文獻回顧 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
2.1應用於木構件之非破壞檢測法種類 ------------------------------ 5
2.2木材之腐朽 ------------------------------------------------------------ 8
2.3非破壞檢測應用於腐朽材之研究 --------------------------------- 14
參、實驗材料及方法 -------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.1實驗材料 --------------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.3實驗流程 --------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.3.DmP非破壞檢測系統 ------------------------------------------------- 23
3.4評估方法 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.4.1 重量損失率 -------------------------------------------------- 26
3.4.2 鑽孔抵抗力 -------------------------------------------------- 26
3.4.3 推估密度 ---------------------------------------------------- 27
肆、結果與討論 ------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.1西部鐵杉 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 30
4.1.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 30
4.1.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 31
4.1.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 32
4.2台灣杉 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4.2.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 36
4.1.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 37
4.1.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 38
4.3紅檜 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 40
4.3.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 40
4.3.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 40
4.3.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 42
4.4柳杉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
4.4.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 44
4.4.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 44
4.4.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 46
4.5杉木 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 48
4.5.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 48
4.5.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 48
4.5.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 51
4.6台灣櫸 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
4.6.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 54
4.6.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 54
4.6.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 56
4.7相思樹 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
4.7.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 57
4.7.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 57
4.7.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 59
4.8 綜合比較 --------------------------------------------------------------- 61
4.8.1重量損失率 --------------------------------------------------- 61
4.8.2鑽孔抵抗力 --------------------------------------------------- 62
4.8.3密度 ------------------------------------------------------------ 63
伍、結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 66
陸、參考文獻 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 68
表 目 錄
Table 1 國內曾採用之非破壞檢測技術
The nondestructive testing techniques that have used in Taiwan -- 6
Table 2 鐵杉試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Chinese hemlock ----------------------------------------- 30
Table 3 台灣杉試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Taiwania --------------------------------------------- 36
Table 4 紅檜試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Taiwan red cypress ------------------------------------ 40
Table 5 柳杉試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Japanese fir -------------------------------------------- 44
Table 6 杉木試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of China fir ------------------------------------------------ 48
Table 7 台灣櫸試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Taiwan zelkova ----------------------------------------- 54
Table 8 相思樹試材之重量損失率
Weight lost of Taiwan acacia ----------------------------------------- 57
圖 目 錄
圖 1
Fig.1 試材尺寸示意圖
The diagram of specimen size --------------------------------------------- 18
Fig.2 試材取法
Sampling of specimen ------------------------------------------------------ 19
Fig.3 暴露於褐腐菌12週後之柳杉試材照片
The photo of Japanese fir decayed by brown-rot fungus after 12 weeks --- 21
圖 4
Fig.4 試材之鑽點區域示意圖
The diagram of drill areas ----------------------------------------------- 22
Fig.5 DmP非破壞檢測系統
DmP investigation system -------------------------------------------------- 24
圖 6
Fig.6 DmP儀器配件
Details of DmP investigation part -------------------------------------- 24
Fig.7 DmP非破壞檢測系統探針金屬鑽針示意圖
The sketch of DmP investigation metal probe --------------------------- 25
圖 8
Fig.8 鑽孔抵抗力分佈圖
Drill resistance distribution ----------------------------------------- 25
圖 9
Fig.9 推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution ----------------------------------------- 28
圖 10
Fig.10 鐵杉DmP檢測結果與試材之對照
DmP investigation of Chinese hemlock on specimens ------------------- 31
Fig.11 受褐腐菌腐朽11週之鐵杉測點鑽孔抵抗圖
Drill resistance distribution of Chinese hemlock decayed by brown-rot fungus after 11 weeks --- 32
Fig.12 鐵杉對照組推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Chinese hemlock --- 33
Fig.13 鐵杉褐腐11週後之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of Chinese hemlock after 11 weeks decaying by brown-rot fungus --- 34
Fig.14 鐵杉之實際密度與推估密度相關性圖
The correlation coefficients of appraised density and actual density of Chinese hemlock --- 34
Fig.15 受褐腐菌腐朽之鐵杉測點推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of Chinese hemlock decayed by brown-rot fungus --- 35
Fig.16 台灣杉褐腐12週與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Taiwania --- 37
Fig.17 台灣杉白腐12週與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Taiwania --- 38
Fig.18 台灣杉對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Taiwania --- 39
Fig.19 台灣杉之實際密度與推估密度相關性圖
The correlation coefficients of appraised density and actual density of Taiwania --- 39
Fig.20 紅檜褐腐12週與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Taiwan red cypress --- 41
Fig.21 紅檜12週對照組之鑽孔抵抗圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Taiwan red cypress --- 41
Fig.22 紅檜對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Taiwan red cypress --- 43
Fig.23 紅檜之實際密度與推估密度相關性圖
The correlation coefficients of appraised density and actual density of Taiwan red cypress --- 43
Fig.24 柳杉褐腐12週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Japanese fir --- 45
Fig.25 柳杉白腐12週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of Japanese fir --- 46
Fig.26 柳杉對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Japanese fir --- 47
Fig.27 柳杉之實際密度與推估密度相關性圖
The correlation coefficients of appraised density and actual density of Japanese fir --- 47
Fig.28 杉木褐腐12週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of China fir --- 50
Fig.28 杉木白腐12週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 12 weeks and control group of China fir --- 50
Fig.30 杉木DmP檢測結果與試材之對照
DmP investigation of China fir on specimens ------------------------- 51
Fig.31 杉木對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of China fir --- 52
Fig.32 杉木褐腐12週之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of decayed by brown-rot fungus for 12 weeks of China fir --- 53
Fig.33 杉木之實際密度與推估密度相關性圖
The correlation coefficients of appraised density and actual density of China fir --- 53
Fig.34 台灣櫸褐腐8週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 8 weeks and control group of Taiwan zelkova --- 55
Fig.35 台灣櫸白腐8週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 8 weeks and control group of Taiwan zelkova --- 55
Fig.36 台灣櫸對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Taiwan zelkova --- 56
Fig.37 相思樹褐腐9週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by brown-rot fungus for 8 weeks and control group of Taiwan acacia --- 58
Fig.38 相思樹白腐9週後與對照組之鑽孔抵抗比較圖
The comparison between the group decayed by white-rot fungus for 8 weeks and control group of Taiwan acacia --- 59
Fig.39 相思樹對照組之推估密度圖
Appraised density distribution of control group of Taiwan acacia --- 60
Fig.40 DmP檢測結果與鐵杉試材之對照
DmP investigations of Chinese hemlock on specimens --- 63
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