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研究生(外文):Chang, Pei-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of Employee Stock Grants and Their Impact on Firm''s Performances
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yann-Ching
外文關鍵詞:employeeemployee stock grantsbonusfirm characteristicsperformances
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實證資料顯示員工分紅入股之激勵效果確實存在,員工分紅入股的程度與公司的績效表現呈正向關係,本研究中以公司股價異常報酬、平均股價、資產報酬率、淨值報酬率、以及Tobin’s Q比率等五項指標來衡量公司的績效。此外,我們發現若只是單純的配發高額員工股票紅利,其本身並無法為公司帶來更好的績效表現;當公司為了其較高的成長機會或為了吸引員工留任而配發較多的員工股票紅利時,其激勵效果更為明顯,可使公司績效表現更好;但若公司的槓桿程度較高,即其負債比率較高時,其配發之高額員工股票紅利,反而對公司績效產生不利之影響。而高額的員工股票紅利能夠為小公司相對於大公司帶來更大的激勵效果。
To examine the impact of the magnitude of employee stock grants on firm’s performances, about 300 electronic and information firms whose stocks are traded in markets of TSE or OTC are selected to make up the sample.
The employee stock grants means actually to distribute the bonuses to employees in common form of stock shares. This special compensation system is quite different from the employee stock option system, which has been popular in U.S.A., for it doesn’t need any cost from employees. I have found that firms tend to grant more employee stocks when they have more growth opportunities or greater needs to hire and retain employees. There is weak evidence supporting that firms augment the magnitude of employee stock grants when facing financial constraints. Besides, larger firms tend to grant more employee stocks than smaller firms do.
Empirical results reveal that higher magnitude of employee stock grants have positive impact on firm’s performances, which is captured by abnormal returns, average stock prices, return on assets, return on equities, and Tobin’s Q ratio in this research, though the positive impact on abnormal returns is not quite significant. Furthermore, there are also evidences in favor of the hypothesis that greater employee stock grants in response to the firm’s more growth opportunities or higher needs of retaining employees induce even better firm performances. However, greater employee stock grants of high-leveraged firms are harmful to firm’s performances. Lastly, high magnitude of employee stock grants is proved to create more value in smaller firms than in larger firms.
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.........................................1
1.1 Foreword...................................................1
1.2 Issues Concerned...........................................2
1.2.1 What Is The Granting Standard?...........................2
1.2.2 Motivation Effect........................................3
1.2.3 Dilution Effect..........................................3
1.3 Organization Of The Thesis.................................4
CHAPTER 2 SURVEY OF PAST RESEARCH..............................5
2.1 Meanings of Employee Stock Grant...........................5
2.1.1 Qualified Employees......................................5
2.1.2 The Approval Of Employees'' Stock grant...................6
2.1.3 The Amount Of Earnings Distribution To Employees.........6
2.1.4 Market Value Or Par Value?...............................7
2.1.5 Comparison Of Ways that Employees Get Common Stocks From Their Company..................................................7
2.2 Measurements Of Firm’s Performance And Value.............10
2.2.1 Tobin’s Q Ratio........................................10
2.2.2 Book value and Market value.............................11
2.2.3 Alternative Information Other Than Accounting Earnings..11
2.3 Dilution Or Motivation Effect of Employee Stock Grants....12
2.3.1 Dilution Effect.........................................12
2.3.2 Motivation Effect.......................................13
2.4 Issues On The Employee Stock Options......................13
2.4.1 Determinants Of Employee Stock Option Grants............13
2.4.2 Performance Impact Of Employee Stock Options............15
2.4.3 Economic Dilution of Employee Stock Options.............15
CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF RESEARCH..................................17
3.1 Hypotheses Development....................................17
3.1.1 Determinants of employee stock grants...................17
3.1.2 Impact Of Employee Stock Grants On Firm’s Performance..18
3.1.3 Source Of Better Performance............................19
3.2 Research Method And Variables Definition..................19
3.2.1 Variable Definition.....................................20
3.2.2 Research Method.........................................26
3.3 Sample Selection and Data Description.....................28
3.3.1 Employee Stock Grant Activities.........................28
3.3.2 Firm Characteristics....................................29
3.3.3 Firm Performances.......................................29
4.1 Firm Characteristics And The Magnitude Of Employee Stock Grants........................................................33
4.1.1 Correlations Between The Variables......................33
4.1.2 Explanatory Power of The Determinants...................34
4.2 Impact Of Employee Stock Grants On The Firm’s Performances..................................................37
4.3 Sources Of Better Performances............................40
4.3.1 Employee Stock Grants In Response To Financial Constraints...................................................40
4.3.2 Employee Stock Grants In Response To Growth Opportunities.................................................41
4.3.3 Employee Stock Grants In Response To The Need Of Retaining Employees...........................................42
4.3.4 Employee Stock Grants Of Larger Firms...................42
5.1 Conclusions...............................................49
5.2 Limitations Of Research...................................50
5.3 Future Works..............................................51
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