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研究生(外文):Hsu Wei-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):An Constraint-based Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm - Iprefix-growth Algorithm
外文關鍵詞:sequential patternsequential pattern miningconstraint
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序列型樣探勘(sequential pattern mining)是一項重要的資料探勘問題,其具有非常廣泛的應用。包含顧客購買行為的分析ヽ網路存取網頁的分析ヽ科學實驗的分析ヽ疾病治療分析ヽ天然災害分析ヽDNA序列分析等等…。許多資料探勘相關演算法都著重正確率和效率,而資料探勘演算法加上限制條件後,將更能呈現使用者的需求。另外限制型序列型樣探勘(constraint-based sequential pattern mining)在探勘過程中只需探勘符合某些特定情況的型樣。所以只要把限制條件融入探勘過程中,將會同時顧及到正確率和效率。也因此許多實務應用上,在序列型樣探勘中加上限制條件是必須的。近幾年來有愈來愈多人研究有效率的序列型樣探勘演算法及其應用,然而限制型序列型樣探勘卻仍然缺少系統性的相關研究。近年來,Jiawei Han等人提出了一個限制型序列型樣探勘演算法,prefix-growth演算法,其使用前序單調性質(prefix-monotone property)涵蓋大部分的限制條件。本篇論之Iprefix-growth演算法,修正了prefix-growth 演算法架構,以下限檢查法(lowbound-checking method)和分段檢查法(split-checking method)提昇限制型序列型樣探勘演算法處理單調限制(monotonicity)ヽ部分非單調限制(anti-monotonicity)以及規則表示限制(RE constraint)的執行效率。論文最後再與prefix-growth演算法比較探勘速度並且歸納出本演算法與prefix-growth演算法不同的特性。
Sequential pattern mining is an important data mining problem with broad applications, such as the analyses of customer purchase behavior, Web access patterns, DNA sequences, and so on. Many data mining algorithms emphasize efficiency and effectiveness, while sequential pattern mining algorithms with constraints will represent users’ requests better. Additionally, it searches only on mining patterns that match the constraints. As the result, constraint-based sequential pattern mining will take both efficiency and effectiveness into account, so it is necessary to combine sequential pattern mining and constraints in many practical applications. While a great number of papers have been written on the efficient sequential pattern mining algorithms and their applications, many of them entirely fail to consider systematic study of constraint-based sequential pattern mining. In Jiawei Han et al’s paper, they propose prefix-growth algorithm that is a constraint-based sequential pattern mining algorithm, by covering a great part of the constraints with prefix-monotone property. Our algorithm, Iprefix-growth algorithm, modifies the framework of prefix-growth algorithm, which deals with constraint-based sequential pattern mining by improving its efficiency on monotonic constraints, some anti-monotonic constraints, and RE constraints with lowbound-checking method and split-checking method. Finally, we will compare our algorithm with prefix-growth algorithm on mining speed and different properties, respectively.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation
1.2 Related Works on Constraint-based Sequential Pattern Mining
1.3 Purposes of This Study
1.4 Overview of Our Study
Chapter 2 Related Studies
2.1 Description of The Problem
2.2 Classification of Constraints
2.2.1 Classification of Constraints on Applications
2.2.2 Classification of Constraints From a Classical Framework
2.2.3.Prefix-Monotone Property
2.3 GSP Algorithm
2.4 Prefix-Growth Algorithm
2.4.1 Related Definition and Prefix-projected Mining Algorithm
2.4.2 Bi-Level Projection Method
2.2.3 Prefix-Growth Algorithm
Chapter 3 Iprefix-growth Algorithm
3.1 Iprefix-growth Algorithm
Chapter 4 The Experiments
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works
5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Future Works
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