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研究生(外文):Lee , Ting-Huan
論文名稱(外文):Design and complete equivalent circuits of capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer
指導教授(外文):Tsao , Jenho
  • 被引用被引用:3
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  由於cMUT為一個機電換能器,機械震動行為與機電轉換部分皆很複雜,不容易立即分析其特性。為了能快速精確的分析cMUT 元件, 需發展其等效電路模型 ,以做機電整合性的分析 。本研究由分析cMUT薄膜震動行為,計算出其機械性阻抗,並考慮直流偏壓的效應,推導出cMUT之完整等效電路,並輔以實際數據驗證,探討元件薄膜厚度、半徑與偏壓大小,對共振頻率與頻寬所造成的影響,進而訂定一設計流程,提供簡單且精確的方法,用以分析與設計cMUT。
In recent years, capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (cMUT) has been the object of extensive research in ultrasonic system. The volume of the transducer is small, and the cost is low. It can be integrated completely into a single chip. Thus both the parasitic capacitances and noise level are reduced significantly. It generates ultrasound in air more efficiently than piezoelectric transducers do because of its low mass. Moreover, the transducers match well with fluid loads which results in better bandwidth and efficiency.
Because the behavior of membrane vibration and transformation between electricity with machinery are complex, it’s not easy to analyze the characteristic immediately. In order to analyze the behavior of cMUT quickly and precisely , the model of equivalent circuit has to be deduced .Here , we analyze the behavior of the membrane vibration first, and then the partial differential equation consisting the physical phenomenon is derived. After that, the analytic solution of it and the mechanical impedance are also obtained in our study. Then we consider the effect of bias voltage to construct the complete equivalent circuit . We examine the result with practical values and we analyze the relation between parameters and frequency . Finally , we propose a design flow to design cMUT in simple and precise way .
第一章 概論
1-1 研究動機
1-2 cMUT 架構
1-3 工作原理
1-4 製程摘要
1-5 論文架構
第二章 cMUT 等效電路
2-1 薄膜振動行為分析
2-2 薄膜阻抗 Zm
2-3 薄膜阻抗化簡
2-4 cMUT 電機性到機械性部份
2-5 cMUT 機械性到聲波部份
2-6 傳播介質之聲波特徵阻抗
2-7 cMUT 等效電路
第三章 cMUT 之直流偏壓
3-1 cMUT 之崩潰偏壓
3-2 發射模式下直流偏壓對薄膜阻抗之影響
3-3 直流偏壓下發射模式之等效電路與頻率響應
3-4 直流偏壓下接收模式之等效電路與頻率響應
第四章 cMUT 設計
4-1 共振頻率、直流偏壓與頻寬和元件各尺寸之關係
4-1-1 水中發射模式之頻率響應對各參數之關係
4-1-2 空氣中發射模式之頻率響應對各參數之關係
4-1-3 水中接收模式之頻率響應對各參數之關係
4-1-4 空氣中接收模式之頻率響應對各參數之關係
4-2 參數設定
4-3 設計目標
4-4 設計流程
4-5 設計結果
第五章 結論與展望
5-1 討論與結論
5-2 未來展望
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