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研究生(外文):Lin, Yu-Pin
指導教授(外文):Sen-Yeu Yang
外文關鍵詞:superplasticinjection moldingthin-walloperation windowwarpageshort shot
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本論文致力於探討三明治夾層超塑性複合射出成型(Sandwiched Superplastic Injection Molding, SSIM)之製程。利用射出成型技術製作出內、外層皆有塑膠,並且將鋅鋁超塑性薄板夾於其間之電腦外殼成品,目的是使之具有電磁屏蔽之效果。成品尺寸為近10吋螢幕之筆記型電腦的外殼,厚度主要是1mm,並且成型2.3mm厚的成品,以比較厚度的影響。在PC/ABS的充填與保壓過程中,可利用融膠本身的溫度和壓力,將與PC薄板結合完成之超塑性薄板擠壓變形,使之與模穴貼合。由SSIM所成型之成品平整度與超塑性射出成型(Superplastic Injection Molding, SIM)所成型之成品比較。SIM的製程與SSIM類似,但超塑性薄板未與PC薄板預結合,因此在成品的剖面結構上有兩層,取代了三明治的結構。在平整度的結果上,SSIM的不論在厚度為1mm或是2.3mm都比SIM的為佳。

This study was devoted to the development of sandwiched superplastic injection
molding (SSIM) process. Injection molding process was used to fabricate a plastic housing part with A Zn/Al superplastic sheet embedded between inner and outside plastic layers for EMI prevention. The heat from the PC/ABS melt and the pressure during filling and post-filling stages of injection molding were used to deform the superplastic sheet with one side pre-bonded with ABS plates. The size of the part is close to that of the housings for display in 10-in notebook computers. The thickness is mainly 1.0 mm. Parts of 2.3 mm are also molded for comparison. The flatness of the parts molded with SSIM process is compared to those molded with superplastic injection molding (SIM). The SIM process is similar except that the superplastic sheet was not pre-bonded with plastic plates. Therefore the part has a two-layer (superplastic alloy/plastic) structure, instead of sandwiched (plastic/supeplastic alloy/plastic). The flatness of SSIM molded parts was found to be better than that of SIM molded parts. The SSIM molded parts of 2.3 mm thickness yielded the best flatness.
A few variations of processing, including using high mold temperature during
filling, high melt temperature or different mold temperatures in stationary and moving molds etc., were carried out to improve the flatness of the SSIM molded parts. Significant improvement was observed in parts molded at high (90℃) mold temperature and slowly cooled to low (50℃) mold temperature before ejection. However, the cycle time was too long. Other variations such as using high melt temperature but slow injection speed, and using different mold temperatures on stationary and moving molds, showed little effects on improving the part flatness.
All of parts went through thermal cycling tests yielded worsen flatness, indicating the difference in coefficients of thermal expansion of superplastic alloy and plastic reduces the capacity of sustaining temperature variation.

中文摘要 I
目錄 II
表目錄 IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 導論 1-1
1.1電腦外殼的電磁屏蔽與超塑性材料 1-1
1.2傳統超塑性材料成型 1-2
1.3超塑性金屬披覆射出成型 1-3
1.3.1超塑性吹製射出成型 1-3
1.3.2超塑性合金披覆射出成型 1-4
1.4超塑性金屬夾層射出成型簡介 1-5
1.4.1三明治夾層超塑性複合射出成型 1-5
1.4.2超塑性夾層雙射出成型 1-5
1.5研究動機 1-6
1.6論文架構 1-6
第二章 文獻回顧 2-1
2.1電磁波干擾理論 2-1
2.2電磁波屏蔽理論 2-2
2.3薄殼射出成型 2-3
第三章 實驗設置與理論分析 3-1
3.1前言 3-1
3.2實驗材料備製 3-1
3.2.1超塑性材料薄板 3-1
3.2.2塑膠材料 3-2
3.3實驗設備 3-2
3.3.1射出成型機 3-2
3.3.2塑膠烘料設備與模溫控制系統 3-3
3.3.3熱壓設備 3-3
3.3.4冷熱衝擊試驗機 3-4
3.3.5三次元量測儀 3-4
3.4模具 3-4
3.5各種製程步驟之說明 3-5
3.5.1超塑性成型與三明治夾層複合射出成型 3-5
3.5.2超塑性夾層雙射出成型 3-6
3.6成型製程參數 3-6
3.7品質評估 3-7
3.8數值模擬分析 3-7
3.8.1模擬分析 3-8
3.8.2 模擬與模具設計 3-8
第四章 結果與討論 4-1
4.2 SIM與SSIM之成品比較 4-1
4.2.1 影響翹曲的因素 4-1
4.2.2 翹曲之比較 4-2
4.3 改善SSIM翹曲的方法 4-2
4.4 厚度對於SIM與SSIM之影響 4-3
4.4 各種製程翹曲分析 4-3
4.5 冷熱持溫測試 4-4
第五章 結論 5-1
5.1結論 5-1
5.2未來發展方向 5-1
參考文獻 R-1
附錄A塑膠材料性質一覽表 A-1
附錄B射出成型機規格 B-1
附錄C冷熱衝擊試驗機規格表 C-1
附錄D 純塑膠射出成型之探討 D-1
D.1 射出成型波前與模擬結果之比較 D-1
D.2 翹曲分析 D-1
D.2.1 2.3mm與1mm厚度之翹曲 D-1
D.3 冷熱持溫試驗 D-2

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