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研究生(外文):Chi-Chen Wu
論文名稱(外文):The Association of Family Conflict, Interpersonal Coping and Psychosocial Distress among Children
指導教授(外文):Tony Szu-Hsien LeeLee-Lan Yen
外文關鍵詞:childrenfamily conflictcoping stylesocial anxietysocail loneliness
  • 被引用被引用:33
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The main objectives of this study were to explore: (1) the relation of family conflict and children’s psychosocial distress; and (2) to test the association of interpersonal coping with family conflict and psychosocial distress. Social anxiety and social loneliness were used as indicators of psychosocial distress among children in this study. Data analyzed was part of Children and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-Term Evolution-2002. Participants were 1844 five graders who self-reported family conflict and is not the only child in the family. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the relation of family conflict and psychosocial distress, and Structural Equation Modeling was used to test association of coping, family conflict, and psychosocial distress.
Results showed that family conflict, gender, parental support, discipline, number of friends, and peer relationship were significant predictors of social anxiety and social loneliness. With respect to social loneliness, there were direct and indirect influences of family conflict and coping. Only direct effects of family conflict were found in terms of children’s social anxiety.
According to the findings, it is suggested that parental conflicts and conflicts among siblings should be avoided, and to teach children how to confront and solve the conflicts and support them to develop a better social relationship.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 兒童的社會性心理困擾及其影響因素 3
第二節 家庭衝突對兒童健康的影響 6
第三節 因應的理論與其對兒童健康的影響 8
第四節 總結 10
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 研究目的 11
第二節 研究架構 12
第三節 研究對象 13
第四節 研究工具 13
第五節 資料收集 16
第六節 資料處理 16
第四章 研究結果 19
第一節 研究樣本的特性 19
第二節 研究樣本之家庭衝突與社會性心理困擾現況 22
第三節 家庭衝突與背景因素的關係 24
第四節 社會性心理困擾與背景因素的關係 26
第五節 家庭衝突對社會性心理困擾的影響 28
第六節 家庭衝突、因應模式與社會性心理困擾之關係 30
第五章 討論 50
第一節 家庭衝突與兒童社會性心理困擾之關係 50
第二節 兒童面臨社會性心理困擾的情形 53
第三節 家庭衝突、因應與社會性心理困擾的間接效果 54
第四節 研究限制 56
第六章 結論與建議 59
第一節 結論 59
第二節 建議 60
參考文獻 63
附件 70
附件一 CABLE 2022年 五年級兒童問卷 70
附件二 模式一(家庭衝突、因應模式與社交焦慮感)之相關矩陣 84
附件三 模式二(家庭衝突、因應模式與社交孤寂感)之相關矩陣 85
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