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研究生(外文):Chan-Min Lin
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Hybrid Genetic Algorithm in Re-entrant Flow Shop and Re-entrant Permutation Flow Shop Problems
指導教授(外文):Chao-Hsien Pan
外文關鍵詞:Hybrid Genetic AlgorithmRe-entrantFlow Shop
  • 被引用被引用:5
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Scheduling problem in production management can be defined the usage of time, equipment, and labor for a particular process in production. It is accomplish a job by allocating resources efficiently. Most production scheduling-related research assumes that a job visits certain machines at most once, but this is often violated in practical situations. A new type of manufacturing environment, the reentrant flow shop, has recently attracted attention. The basic characteristic of a reentrant shop is that a job visits certain machines more than once. These systems are particularly important in complex manufacturing environments such as semiconductor manufacturing where each wafer re-visits the same machines for multiple processing steps. This environment is one of the re-entrant flow shop (RFS) scheduling problems.
The reentrant permutation flow shop (RPFS) problem is a special case of the reentrant flow shop (RFS) problem. The RFS scheduling problem where no passing is allowed is called the RPFS.
The aim of this thesis is to minimize makespan by using the specialty of Genetic Algorithm to escape from local optimal solution to near-optimal solution for RFS and RPFS scheduling problems. In addition, hybrid genetic algorithms (HGA) are proposed to improve the performance of GA for solving RFS and RPFS.
Chinese Abstract I
Abstract II
Acknowledgement III
Contents IV
Contents of Figures VI
Contents of Tables VII
2.1 Flow Shop Scheduling Problem 3
2.2 Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem 3
2.3 Re-entrant Flow Shop 5
2.4 Re-entrant Permutation Flow Shop 7
2.5 Genetic Algorithm 8
3.1 Problem Description 10
3.1.1 Integer Programming Model for RFS 11
3.1.2 Integer Programming Model for RPFS 12
3.2 Basic Genetic Algorithm Structure 14
3.3 The Difference Between GA and Traditional Methods 16
3.4 Hybrid Genetic Algorithm 17
3.5 The Proposed Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Reentrant Flow-Shop and Reentrant Permutation Flow-Shop 18
3.5.1 Parameters Setting 20
3.5.2 Encoding 20
3.5.3 Generation of Initial Population 21
3.5.4 Crossover 22
3.5.5 Mutation 24
3.5.6 Other Genetic Operators 26
3.5.7 Fitness Function: 28
3.5.8 Termination 28
3.5.9 Selection 29
4.1 Examples 31
4.1.1 Example for RFS 31
4.1.2 Example for RPFS 37
5.1 Experiment Design 44
5.1.1 Types of Problems 44
5.1.2 Performance of Exact and Heuristic Algorithms 45
5.1.3 Experimental Environment and Facility 45
5.2 Analysis of RFS Experiment Results 45
5.2.1 Small Problems 45
5.2.2 Medium Problems 49
5.2.3 Large Problems 51
5.3 Analysis of RPFS Experiment Results 52
5.3.1 Small Problems 53
5.3.2 Medium Problems 55
5.3.3 Large Problems 56
5.3 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Study 58
5.3.1 Conclusions 58
5.3.2 Suggestions for Future Study 58
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