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研究生(外文):Po-Hsiang Wang
論文名稱(外文):QueryFind: Search Ranking based on Users' Feedback and Expert's Agreement
指導教授(外文):Hahn-Ming Lee
外文關鍵詞:RankingUsers' FeedbackSearch Engine
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有鑑於此,我們於本篇論文中提出一種新的網頁排序方法,叫做QueryFind,這個方法不僅利用使用者回饋而且還有原始搜尋引擎的推薦。基於這個方法,我們利用使用者回饋來判斷每個網頁的品質且也利用了Meta-Search的慨念來給予每個網頁一個以內容為導向的排序分數。因此,使用者花在從搜尋結果中找出想要的網頁的時間可以減少且比較相關的網頁也可以呈現給使用者。在實驗中,我們使用蕃薯藤搜尋引擎(YAM)一個星期的查詢紀錄(Query Log)來評估我們的排序方法。另外,我們也提出一個新的評估準則來驗證QueryFind的可能性。這個評估準則是擷取網頁的排序順序和它被使用者點的次數來做評估。藉由實驗分析結果,使用者可以比以往更快速找到所需要的資訊。

Given a query word, search engines can retrieve vast amount of Web pages from the World Wild Web to users. However, the main challenge of search engines is to effectively rank vast retrieved Web pages to meet users’ needs. Because the traditional ranking method is based on content-oriented approaches to give each Web page a score for ranking, the ranking score is calculated by some sophisticated approaches and it is independent of users’ query words. Therefore, the relation between Web pages and users’ required information cannot be completely matched. In this manner, the most relevant Web pages to users’ query words might not be shown at the top of the search result list. That is, users still need to spend time for seeking out their required Web pages. Therefore, a novel ranking method named as QueryFind, based on learning from historical query logs, is proposed to predict users’ information needs and reduce the seeking time from the search result list. Our method uses not only the users’ feedback but also the source search engine’s recommendation. Based on this ranking method, we exploit users’ feedback to implicitly judge the Web pages’ quality. We also apply the meta-search concept to give each Web page a content-based ranking score. Therefore, the time users spend for seeking out their required information from search result list can be reduced and more relevant Web pages can be presented. In our experiments, Yam Search Engine’s query log over one week is used to evaluate. We also propose a novel evaluation approach to verify the feasibility of our ranking method. The approach is to capture the ranking order and Web pages that users have clicked from the search result list. Finally, our experiments show that the time users spend for seeking out their required information can be reduced significantly.

List of Figures........................................VI
List of Tables.........................................VII
CHAPTER 1 Introduction.................................1
1.1 Motivation....................................1
1.2 Challenges of Current Ranking Methods.........3
1.3 Goals and Design..............................5
1.4 Outline of the Thesis.........................6
CHAPTER 2 Background...................................7
2.1 Performance Measure in Information Retrieval..8
2.2 Search Engines................................9
2.2.1 Subject Directory.......................10
2.2.2 Robot-Based Search Engine...............11
2.2.3 Meta-Search Engine......................13
2.3 Ranking Methods in Search Engines.............16
2.3.1 Ranking Based on Human Judgments........16
2.3.2 Ranking Based on Link Information.......17
2.3.3 Ranking Based on Users’Feedback........23
CHAPTER 3 QueryFind....................................25
3.1 Concept of QueryFind..........................26
3.2 Details of QueryFind..........................28
3.3 Architecture of QueryFind.....................32
3.3.1 Log Extractor...........................33
3.3.2 Query Grouping..........................34
3.3.3 Users’Feedback Collector...............35
3.3.4 Content-Oriented Converter..............36
3.3.5 Fusion Mechanism........................36
3.4 Characteristics and Limitations of QueryFind..38
3.4.1 Characteristics.........................38
3.4.2 Limitations.............................38
CHAPTER 4 Experiments..................................40
4.1 Characteristics of Experimental Data Set......40
4.2 Evaluation Criterion..........................42
4.3 Experimental Results..........................46
CHAPTER 5 Discussion and Conclusion....................56
5.1 Discussion....................................56
5.2 Conclusion....................................58
5.3 Further Work..................................59
REFERENCES ............................................61

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