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研究生(外文):Ming-Shuan Lee
論文名稱(外文):Linux Based Digital Video Recorder System
指導教授(外文):Mon-Chau Shie
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本數位影像擷取及錄影系統的硬體部份能夠支援十六路的影像輸入,其運作原理是使用高速開關陣列晶片 (MT8816) 將十六路的影像輸入到四顆影像擷取晶片 (BT878) 之中,而四顆的影像擷取晶片透過PCI橋接器 (PCI 6140) 連接至PCI匯流排上,將此硬體架構以PCI介面卡實現,並配合x86的電腦系統,構成本系統的硬體部份。
(1) 十六路影像擷取及錄影,減少硬體成本。
(2) 採用MPEG-4影像壓縮格式,具長時間錄影功能且畫質清晰。
(3) 系統架構於Linux作業系統之上,提高系統穩定性和可靠度。
(4) 相容於視窗系統的檔案系統,錄影資料可輕易的備份。
(5) 友善GUI介面,方便操作和管理。

For a long time, the security system is a line of defense crimes. The traditional security system storage device is tape which is damage easily and need large storage space to be stored, and it don’t support video compressed, so video information is very huge. Recently, the digital security system is in for traditional security system, and it support video compressed format which are MJPEG, Wavelet and MPEG-2 specifications, etc., and these specifications neither have high compression ratio nor support long time of video recorded. For hardware, a capture card support one to four numbers of video channel, therefore the cost of system is higher. Others denounce it don’t have enough stable and reliable since it base on Microsoft Windows series.
In this paper, the digital video capture and storage system support sixteen video channels, and this has two principles. The first is combining a high speed switch array chipset (MT8816) transferring video information from sixteen video channels to four video capture chipsets (BT878) and the other is a PCI-PCI Bridge connecting four video capture chipsets to PCI bus. These components are fabricated become a PCI card integrated into x86 computer system, which is built all hardware part of the digital video system.
The digital video system not only increase stable of system performed also flexibility of platform selected as it base on Linux operation system. As soon as the device driver is loaded to Linux kernel, the device is usable under Linux operation system. Through the application of video manager with GUI, user can easy to operate it. The feature is listed in the below:
(1) Supports sixteen video channels and reduce hardware cost.
(2) Supports MPEG-4, and supply long recoded time and high video quality.
(3) Base on Linux, and provide high stable and high reliable of video system.
(4) Windows file system compatible, and backup video information simply.
(5) Friendly GUI, convenient for operator and manager.

摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表索引 VI
第一章 前言 1
1.1 傳統監視錄影系統 1
1.2 數位監視錄影系統 3
1.3 研究動機 3
第二章 相關知識 5
2.1 Linux作業系統 5
2.2.1 Linux作業系統簡介 5
2.1.2 Linux 核心 8
2.1.3 Linux裝置驅動程式 10
2.2 Linux視窗程式 11
2.2.1 X-Window 11
2.2.2 視窗系統開發工具 14
2.3 MPEG 16
2.3.1 MPEG-2 16
2.3.2 MPEG-4 17
第三章 設計原理 18
3.1 系統架構 18
3.1.1 一般的數位影像擷取及錄影系統架構 18
3.1.2 十六路數位影像擷取及錄影系統架構 19
3.1.3 系統運作流程 20
3.2 硬體部份 21
3.2.1 高速開關陣列晶片 (MT8816) 21
3.2.2 影像擷取晶片 (BT878) 23
3.2.3 PCI橋接器 (PCI 6140) 25
3.2.4 十六路影像擷取卡 27
3.3 影像裝置驅動程式 27
3.4 影像管理程式 29
第四章 系統實作 32
4.1 硬體 32
4.2 驅動程式 32
4.2.1 video4linux 33
4.2.2 MT8816的控制 37
4.3 影像管理程式 39
4.3.1 影像裝置的初始化 39
4.3.2 影像擷取 41
4.3.3 影像搜尋 41
第五章 結論 43
5.1 結果展示 43
5.1.1 16路影像畫面 43
5.1.2 影像畫面搜尋 44
5.1.3 系統效能 45
5.2 未來展望 45
參考資料 47
作者簡介 50

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