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研究生(外文):Lu Chia Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Study on Hot Extrusion Characteristic of Aluminum Matrix Composites with micro- and nano-size SiC particles
外文關鍵詞:Aluminum Matrix Compositesnano-SiC particleshot extrusion
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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the mechanical properties of A6061 Aluminum and Aluminum Matrix Composites (AMC) under hot extrusion. By adding three different sizes of nano- and micro- SiC particles (102μm, 14μm and 50nm), and each reinforcement is properly measured by volume fraction. After powder sintering, the ingots are extruded under different extrusion temperatures of 420℃ and 470℃.
The ingots with different sizes and quantities of SiC are extruded under different temperatures. The products are treated by T6 heat treatment, then mechanical property tests of hardness and tensile strength are proceeded. Coordinated with the observation of cross-section under SEM after tensile test, the influences of adding different SiC particles on tensile strength of the products are analyzed.
The experimental results reveal that the most important factor affecting the hardness of product in aging treatment. On the other hand, the size of the reinforcements and volume fraction gave less effect. On the tensile strength aspect, adding nano-particles can apparently raise the mechanical strength of extruded product. Comparing with the Aluminum Matrix Composites (AMC) of adding micro SiC particles, the AMC of adding 1vol.﹪50nm SiCp has the same tensile strength with that adding 10 vol.﹪14μm SiCp, and it has better ductility and yield strength than the AMC of adding micro SiCp.
摘 要 I
Abstract II
誌 謝 III
目 錄 IV
圖表索引 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 奈米材料定義 3
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 金屬基複合材料的發展與應用 6
2.2 粉末冶金法製造鋁合金及鋁基複合材料 7
2.2.1鋁合金粉末的製造 7
2.2.2鋁合金粉末與SiCp之混合 9
2.2.3 鋁合金粉末之除氣 10
2.2.4 鋁合金之燒結 12
2.2.5 鋁基複合材料燒結之界面性質 14
2.2.6 傳統熱擠製之製程 17
2.3 鋁合金的析出硬化 19
2.4鋁合金之熱處理 20
2.5 鋁基複合材料的強化機構 21
2.5.1 淬火強化 21
2.5.2 Orowan強化和散佈強化 22
2.5.3 晶粒強化(grain strengthening) 23
2.5.4 微結構強化(sub-structure strengthening) 23
2.5.5 加工硬化 24
2.6 金屬基複合材料的機械性質 24
2.7 金屬基複合材料的破壞機構 25
第三章 實驗方法 27
3.1實驗材料 28
3.2實驗設備 30
3.3 粉末冶金製程 33
3.4 擠製負荷的量測 37
3.5 材料成品基本性質分析 37
3.5.1 恆溫時效曲線 38
3.5.2 拉伸實驗 38
3.5.3 微觀組織觀察 39
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1 粉末外觀之觀察 41
4.2 T6熱處理後之探討 42
4.3 熱間擠製溫度對於鋁基複合材料之影響 46
4.3.1 擠製溫度對擠製負荷之影響 46
4.3.2 擠製溫度對鋁基複合材料外觀之影響 47
4.4 鋁基複合材料之硬度 49
4.4.1未經熱處理之硬度 49
4.4.2 經T6熱處理後之硬度 52
4.5 經T6熱處理後鋁基複合材料之抗拉強度 55
4.5.1室溫拉伸下強化相顆粒大小的影響 56
4.5.2室溫拉伸時強化相體積分率的影響 57
4.6 經T6熱處理後鋁基複合材料之延性 59
4.7 鋁基複合材料破斷面觀察 62
4.8 鋁基複合材料顯微組織之觀察 70
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1 結論 74
5.2 未來研究方向與建議 75
參考文獻 77
作者簡介 82
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