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研究生(外文):Chen, Ying-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Vibration Control of a Rotating Flexible Circular Disk by Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chang-Chiun
外文關鍵詞:disktransverse vibrationcontrol spolloverobservation spilloverfuzzy sliding mode control
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A centrally-clamped rotating flexible circular disk is the basic machine element of steam and gas turbines, grinding wheels, circular saws, computer memories, and CD-ROM. It is an important task to control the transverse vibration of a circular disk arising from the inertia effect of rotating motion.The vibration of a flexible circular disk has an infinite number of vibration modes. To eliminate the vibration, most papers used a finite dimensional system by retaining some low frequency vibration modes to design a controller. As a result, truncated high frequency vibration modes may lead to control spillover and observation spillover. In this study, an active control system is utilized to eliminate the transverse vibration. We adopt a fuzzy sliding control with the ability to handle noise disturbance and system parameters variation. The control law is switched continuously so that the system behavior gets close to the sliding surface. The controller can avoid system instability caused by control or observation spillovers. Furthermore, we choose the system’s ten vibration modes for controller design and twenty vibration modes to formulate the system model. Since state variables are not available, the full-order observer is designed to estimate the state variables. The simulation results show that our proposed control method can eliminate transverse vibration of a rotating disk by peacing a sensor and actuator at different position.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖表索引 VI
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻回顧 1
1.3 研究步驟 3
第2章 系統模式推導 5
2.1 旋轉撓性圓盤模型之建立 5
2.2 旋轉撓性圓盤橫向振幅動態方程式之推導 6
2.3 特徵值及特徵函數 10
2.4 旋轉撓性圓盤模組分析 13
2.5 旋轉撓性圓盤之狀態方程式 15
第3章 控制器的設計 17
3.1 MIMO系統迴授線性化 17
3.2 滑動控制器設計 20
3.3 模糊滑動控制器的設計 24
3.3.1 模糊滑動控制簡介 24
3.3.2 滑動控制的優點與缺點 25
3.3.3 模糊滑動模式控制器的設計 26
3.3.4 解模糊化(Defuzzifier) 26
3.3.5 模糊分割 27
3.3.6 定義歸屬函數 28
3.3.7 控制法則 29
3.4 全維狀態觀察器設計 32
第4章 模擬結果與分析 34
4.1 系統參數設定 34
4.2 旋轉圓盤之滑動控制 40
4.3 模擬一:系統保留十個模態,系統狀態為未知下之滑動控制 42
4.4 模擬二:系統保留十個模態之模糊滑動控制 49
4.5 模擬三:系統保留二十個模態之模糊滑動控制 52
4.6 模擬四:系統保留二十個模態,改變感測器位置 59
4.7 結果與討論 64
第5章 結論 66
參考文獻 67
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