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研究生(外文):C. L. Lee
論文名稱(外文):The electrochemical behavior of hexachloroplatinic acid wastewaters
指導教授(外文):J. Y. Hwang
外文關鍵詞:hexachloroplatinic acidpolarographyrecoveryelectrolysis
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本實驗分為兩部分,第一部分是以方形波伏安極譜儀(SWV)分析氯鉑酸廢液中之鉑,建立一標準檢量線測鉑之濃度,結果發現2M NaCl的輔助電解質,pH值為7.53時,在電位為-0.386V時,波峰電流與鉑離子成正比,其反應為:PtCl62- + 2Hg + 4e- = Pt(Hg)2 + 6Cl-;第二部分係電解氯鉑酸廢液回收鉑,利用線性掃描伏安法(LSV),研究氯鉑酸廢液和加入其他添加劑(如HCl、H3BO3和HClO4)的線性掃描伏安行為,吾人發現電位在0.47V左右,有一氯鉑酸根離子之還原波峰為鉑沈積之還原電位。當添加HCl、HClO4和H3BO3,其還原波峰電流皆上升。接著分別使用碳、鈦、白金絲電極進行定電位法電解回收,以掃瞄示電子顯微鏡觀察其沈積情形,並以AA及極譜儀分析其濃度變化,發現以碳電極的回收較佳。

Platinum was widely applied in electrochemical and chemical industries such as electrodes for the fuel cell, inorganic and organic chemicals due to its good corrosion resistance, stable conductivity and the good catalytic to implement the property.
The first part of this thesis is elemental analysis of platinum by square wave voltammetry. The aim is to establish the calibration curves of aqueous standards and to measure the platinum. We found that the concentration of 2M NaCl(pH=7.53) is the best support electrolyte, because it has maximum ip at -0.386V and has better reproducibility.
In the second part, the electrochemical behavior of hexachloroplatinic acid wastewaters was investigated. At the first stage, the linear sweep voltammetry of hexachloroplatinic acid wastewaters and the addition of other additives such as HCl、HClO4 and H3BO3 in the solution are investigated. A reduction peak on potential 0.47V is found, and the chemical reaction of platinum deposition is PtCl62- + 4e-→ Pt + 6Cl-. When a hexachloroplatinic acid solution is mixed with HCl, HClO4 and H3BO3, the cathodic current peak increases. The best condition of plating solution is 24mM HCl, 12mM H3BO3 and hexachloroplatinic acid wastewaters. The last part is the recovery of platinm from hexachloroplatinic acid wastewaters by potentiostat method , which was rerified by examing the surface of cladding material by scanning electron microscope. We found that the carbon electrode can obtain better recovery percentage than other electrode. Its recovery amount was 4.23% platinum for the duration of 240 min.

目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 鉑之特性 1
1.2 研究動機與大綱 4
第二章 極譜儀分析鉑之研究 5
2.1 前言 5
2.2 極譜儀分析鉑之文獻回顧 8
2.3 實驗方法 11
2.3.1 藥品 11
2.3.2 儀器 11
2.3.3 實驗步驟 11
2.4 結果與討論 14
2.5 結論 23
第三章 電解回收鉑之研究 24
3.1 鉑之再回收利用 24
3.2 電解回收鉑之文獻回顧 25
3.3 原理 30
3.3.1 電解回收金屬之原理 30
3.3.2 線性掃描伏安法 32
3.3.3 電化學系統的特性 34
3.3.4 原子吸收光譜法(Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, AA)
原理 35
3.4 實驗方法 38
3.4.1 藥品實驗儀器和藥品 38 儀器 38 藥品 38 實驗流程 39
3.4.2 實驗步驟與操作條件 40 線性掃描伏安法 40 定電位法鉑沈積於陰極 41
3.5 結果與討論 44
3.5.1 氯鉑酸廢液在不同電極下之線性掃描伏安行為 44
3.5.2 加入不同添加劑於H2PtCl6溶液在碳電極之線性掃描伏
安行為 52
3.5.3 定電位法鉑沈積於陰極 64
3.6 結論 74
第四章 綜合結論 75
第五章 未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 77
符號彙編 81

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