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論文名稱(外文):A study of critical factors for a CPA firm to evaluate client's information technology internal control environment
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The height of the information science and technology develops. Each industry that make faces competition not be only being limited in the particular district or nation, but the world competes. Enterprise for reduce the cost with the result that a great deal of usage information science and technology, as a result all bargains are all through the information system processing. The original data of the financial report that examine as a result handle, collect through the information system. The information system handles the procedure and control, influencing the accountant to pay to have to the financial report in all aspects what examine the opinion.
The research is divided into three facets through the literature review:
The internal factors of CPA firm, the outside environment factors of CPA firm and the audit risk of its client’s computer environment. In this study, we used a Delphi method to identify some important factors, and then we constructed an AHP-based framework to analysis and prioritized the factors to big, medium, the small scaled accounting firm. The results reveal:
1. In spite of Delphi method or AHP-based framework to prioritized the factors audit risk of client’s the computer environment, the risk factors proportion higher.
2. With the big, medium and small scaled CPA firms and with three facets, the important factor of the internal factors of CPA firm is the computer software function and maneuverability. The important factors of the outside environment factors of CPA firm are all three factors and the three factors have prioritized the consensus. The important factors of the audit risk of its client’s computer environment are the artificial control to depend on the computer control, the working talent division of labor to concentrate and the possibility of the occurrence mistake and embezzle. The consensus factors are related with the computer processing. Is it represent whether each scale CPA firm sieves the usage computer?
3. It has the consensus the important factor to have 5 in the top ten :
Client of the understand and support to computer-aided audit technology, the client’s accounting system auditability, lack of the trading track, the occurrence mistake and embezzle, the artificial control dependence computer control.
4. To be prioritized with the big, medium and small scaled CPA firms. Four consensus factors in the top ten :
5. The client of the understand and support to computer-aided audit technology, the client’s accounting system auditability, lack of the trading track, the artificial control dependence computer control, the four factors are related with the computer processing. Is it represent whether each scale CPA firm sieves the usage computer?
Finally, this research is hoping to find out other procedures that the CPA firm audits client’s financial statement, in addition to find out the factors that the effect of information technology on CPA’s client of internal control.
謝辭 1
論文摘要 2
第一章 緒論 9
1.1 研究背景與動機 9
1.2 研究目的 11
1.3 論文架構與流程 12
第二章 文獻探討 14
2.1 會計師查核程序 14
2.1.1審計定義 14
2.1.2審計依循規範 15
2.1.3查核工作程序 15
2.2 資訊科技演進對內部控制或會計的影響 16
2.2.1企業電腦化演變過程 16
2.2.2資訊科技發展帶來變革 18
2.2.3資訊科技導致新查核方法或方向 19
2.3 內部控制與資訊系統 25
2.3.1內部控制定義 25
2.3.2內部控制的重要性 29
2.3.3我國對會計師查核內部控制規定 29
2.3.4電腦環境下的內部控制環境評估與內部控制測試 30
2.4 風險評估 34
2.4.1查核風險類型 34
2.4.2電腦環境下的查核風險評估 34
2.5 影響會計師事務所評估資訊科技內部控制有效性之相關因素 39
2.5.1影響會計師事務所評估資訊科技內部控制有效性之內部、外部環境因素 39
2.5.2影響會計師事務所評估資訊科技內部控制有效性之風險評估因素 42
第三章 研究方法 44
3.1 研究因素 44
3.2 研究架構及方法 50
3.3 問卷設計 52
3.4 資料的分析的步驟 54
第四章 資料分析 59
4.1 問卷回收情形 59
4.2 層級一致性檢定 60
4.2 整體一致性檢定 61
4.4 因素排行 62
第五章 結論及建議 74
5.1 研究結論 74
5.2 研究建議 76
5.3 研究限制 77
5.4 未來研究方向 77
參考文獻 79
附錄 82
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