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研究生(外文):M. D. Liu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Simulation of Excimer Laser Annealing for Recrystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films
指導教授(外文):R. D. Chang
外文關鍵詞:RecrystallizationAnnealExcimer laserHeat transferMonte Carlo method
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? ? 本篇研究的目的在於探討準分子雷射退火的過程,為了進一步的提升多晶矽膜的電子遷移率,結晶機制的瞭解是重要的前提。吾人觀察以 0.15 至 0.33 雷射能量退火後的非晶矽膜,非晶矽膜分別為 50nm 和 400nm 的厚度,由實驗的資料顯示出了部分融化、完全融化及近乎完全融化的結晶現象並對應於不同的退火條件。之後吾H藉由數值方法模擬出非晶矽膜中的溫度變化,模擬的結果顯示了輻射不同雷射能量時表面融化的寬度。吾人對非晶矽的熱傳導係數和雷射的反射及吸收係數和實驗數據進行校正。隨後藉由使用蒙地卡羅的方式,吾人去模擬再結晶的過程,並調整介面自由能、及成核和成長的前項因子去校正,得到模擬的結果符合實驗的數據。吾人建立了準分子雷射退火的模擬系統以得到二維的溫度分佈和三維的結晶分佈。

Analysis of the annealing process during excimer laser irradiation was discussed in the research. The mechanisms of grain growth were studied for promoting mobility of poly crystalline films. The experiments of laser annealing were designed to observe recrystalline phenomenon for 50 nm and 400 nm amorphous silicon films at laser energies from 0.15 to 0.33 . Experimental data revealed partial melting, complete melting and near complete melting in different conditions during laser annealing. Temperatures in films were simulated by numerical methods. Simulation results also show molten widths at different laser energy. Conductivity of amorphous silicon, absorption coefficient and reflectivity of laser were calibrated by experimental data. Monte-Carlo method was used to simulate recrystallization process. The interface free energy, prefactors of nucleation and growth were calibrated. The simulation results are consist with experimental data. We built up a simulation system for excimer laser annealing to get two-dimensional temperature distributions and three-dimensional grain distributions.

Table of Contents
授權書………………………………………………………………….…….. iii
Figure List……………………………………………….………..…………vi
Table List……………………………………………………………….……...……x
CHAPTER 1 Introduction……………………….……...……...…….. 1
1-1 Liquid-crystal display……………..……………………………...1
1-2 Development of low temperature poly silicon …………….……2
1-3 Research purpose……………..……………………………………3
CHAPTER 2 Theory of Excimer laser annealing…………............ 5
2-1 Heat transfer……………………………………………….……… 7
2-2 Laser irradiation………………………………………………… 9
2-3 Recrystallization…………………………..…………….……..10
CHAPTER 3 Experiment and observation……..…………..…….. 15
3-1 SEM plant-view observations………..………………………… 17
3-2 SIMS analysis……………………………………..………….. 23
3-3 Grain size distribution and image processing …..………… 25
CHAPTER 4 Simulation of Recrystallization by ELA……….…. 29
4-1 Heat transfer simulation …..………………………………… 29
4-2 Grain growth simulation …..………………………………… 39
CHAPTER 5 Conclusion……….……….…………………………… 47

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