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研究生(外文):Kong-Yi Kuo
論文名稱(外文):Effects of wheelcahir-sitting on basketball throwing performance in healthy young men
指導教授(外文):Yan-Ying Ju
外文關鍵詞:wheelchair basketballthrowingmovable basesitting posturekinetic chain
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目的: 本研究之目的包括:測量健康男性輪椅籃球投擲能力以作為參考標準,定量輪椅對於籃球投擲能力之影響,並進一步分析坐姿及輪椅移動性在此影響中所佔之比例。
方法: 共15位非籃球隊健康年輕男性參與本研究。受測者分別接受三種狀況下之籃球投擲能力測試,包括:(1)站姿;(2)坐於可移動之籃球專用輪椅;(3) 同(2),但輪椅之前後以穩固阻擋物限制其移動性。測試之項目為:(1)向上投擲之最大高度;(2)向前投擲之最遠距離;(3) 可達3.05公尺標準籃框高度之最大投籃距離。
結果: 三種投擲能力指標在三種姿勢狀況間皆呈現顯著差異 (p< 0.001),進一步分析發現坐姿使向上、向前及目標投擲能力之平均值分別降低26%, 27%, 31%,輪椅之移動性則進一步使其減少6%, 3%, 5%;變異係數 (介於20%至198%) 及標準化後投擲能力差異曲線之分散型式顯示上述比率具有相當之個別差異;其中坐姿之影響與受測者之站立投擲能力具有顯著之中到高度相關性,輪椅移動性之影響則與受測者個別之站立投擲能力無顯著相關性,顯示此狀況在動作協調的需求上具有較大的特異性。
意義: 本研究測量健康年輕男性輪椅籃球投擲能力之平均值及個別差異,並定量坐姿及可動基座對其投擲能力之影響。上述結果可作為輪椅籃球投擲能力評估時之基準,有助於釐清輪椅籃球投擲能力相關因子之影響程度,並提供教練及運動員擬定訓練計劃及學者日後對輪椅籃球運動員代償動作分析等相關研究之參考。

Purpose: The purpose of this study had three folds: to measure the basketball throwing capabilities of healthy young men as a data base for future reference, to quantify the effects of wheelchair sitting on basketball throwing performance, and to further analyze the relative contribution of sitting posture and the movable base in the above effects.
Method: 15 healthy young male participated in this study. A within-subject design with repeated measurements was used to compare throwing capabilities among different postural conditions: standing, sitting in a fixed wheelchair, and sitting in a movable wheelchair. Three variables were measured as indexes of throwing capabilities: (1) the maximal height of upward throwing; (2) the maximal distance of forward throwing; (3) the maximal shooting distance for the height of 3.05m (the official height of the basket rim).
Results: Significant differences (p<0.001) were noted in all three variables among three postural conditions. Sitting posture caused reductions of 26%, 27%, 31% in average for throwing height, throwing distance, and effective shooting distance respectively, with further decrements averaged 6%, 3%, 5% caused by movable base of the wheelchair. Individual differences existed in these reduction ratios as shown in the values of coefficients of variance (ranged from 20% to 198%) as well as the disperse patterns of the normalized-reduction diagrams. The correlations between these ratio indexes and throwing capabilities of the individuals varied in test items.
Significance: This study documented the average and variation of wheelchair-basketball throwing capabilities in healthy young men, and clarified the relative contribution due to sitting posture and a movable base quantitatively. The results provide a comparative reference for evaluating throwing capabilities of wheelchair basketball, and the knowledge about the relative contribution of sitting posture and the movable base on throwing capabilities gained in this study is beneficial for further investigation of the compensatory motor strategies used by various groups of players in wheelchair basketball.

Ch.1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Purpose of the Study
1.3 Research Questions and Rationale
1.4 Hypotheses
1.5 Significance and Implications
Ch.2 Review of Literature
2.1 Movement Studies on Basketball Throwing
2.2 Kinetic Chain in Throwing
Ch.3 Methods
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Subjects
3.3 Equipments and settings
3.4 Measurement Procedure
3.5 Data Acquisition
3.6 Statistical considerations
3.7 Pilot Study: Reliability of the tests
Ch.4 Results
4.1 Basic profile of the subjects
4.2 Descriptive statistics of the results
4.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
4.4 Variation and Correlations
Ch.5 Discussion
5.1 The throwing capabilities measured in this study
5.2 The effects of wheelchair sitting on basketball throwing
5.3 Inter-subject variation in the studied variables
5.4 Limitation of the study
5.5 Conclusion
5.6 Future directions
A The informed consent and questionnaire
B The margins for error in throwing-angle in upward and forward throwing by dropping locations
C Estimation of projection error in image recording for throwing height
D Tables of the original data
E Correlation between different indexes of throwing capabilities
F Consistency of the throwing performance in repeated trials
G Contribution of follow-through stepping in throwing distance
H The effect of wheelchair sitting on targeted basketball throwing for fixed throwing angle (45 degrees)
I The relationship of throwing height and distance with releasing velocity
J Observation: The displacement of wheelchair in basketball throwing Tasks

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