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研究生(外文):Hsu-Sheng Lu
論文名稱(外文):ROI retrieval for sets of similar compressed images
指導教授(外文):J.D. Lee
外文關鍵詞:image retrievalcompressionimage databaseimage retrievaltexture
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由實驗結果證明,我們也發現檢索中值影像之特徵影像的正確率比檢索中值影像的正確率高約4 %,所以我們在對中值影像的特徵影像時,特徵擷取使用DC值檢索正確率89.52 %。每一區段的區塊數在3~5塊之間的有較佳的檢索正確率。

In this paper, a novel scheme has been proposed for image retrieval task using the features in a region of interest (ROI), extracted directly from a compressed or uncompressed image. The texture information is first extracted by exploiting the multiresolution nature of wavelet decomposition, which represents the horizontal, vertical and diagonal frequency distribution of an image. We then calculate the mean and standard deviation of wavelet coefficients of each sub-band as texture features. The retrieval strategy finds out the centroid image of the whole set of similar medical images, and then finds out the feature image aiming at the centroid images of different formats (compressed and uncompressed) to represent the set of medical images. Moreover, the features obtained from the centroid image and the feature images are used to evaluate the retrieval efficiency in the term of Recall and Precision values. According to the experimental results, we found the Precision value using the DC feature obtained from the feature image is 89.52 %, which is superior approximately 4 % than the used features from the centroid image. The experimental results show that the retrieval efficiency is considerably improved by the proposed approach.

第一章 緒論.................................1
1.1 研究背景...................................1
1.2 研究動機及目的.............................2
1.3 論文架構...................................3
第二章 研究原理.............................4
2.1 影像壓縮模型.........................4
2.1.1 JPEG.........................5
2.1.2 JPEG2000.....................7
2.2 影像檢索模型........................13
2.2.1 影像特徵擷取................14
2.2.2 影像特徵比對................14
2.3 感興趣的區域(Region of Interest)....15
2.4 相似影像群的分類方法................15
2.5 中值法..............................16
第三章 影像檢索策略...........................18
3.1 檢索流程設計..............................19
3.2 特徵擷取模組..............................21
3.2.1 影像特徵擷取............................21
3.2.2 特徵影像................................22
3.3 特徵比對方法..............................28
3.3.1 傳統比對...............................30
3.3.2 循序分段比對...........................31
3.3 效能評估方法..............................33
第四章 實驗結果與效能比較.....................34
4.1 測試影像組................................34
4.2 實做環境..................................35
4.3 檢索結果..................................36
第五章 討論與未來展望.........................58

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