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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Composite Electrodeposition of Ni with Nano-graphite-diamond Powder
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Over the past two decades a considerable number of studies have been made on composite electrodeposition and its application has been received much attention. Up to now, composite electrodeposition which is successfully expand into the automobile and mold industry has been well developed unceasingly. The study of composite electrodeposition contains kinetic, dispersed of particle and the influence of different parameters. In this paper, the mechanical and electrochemical properties of codeposition layer were studied, and proved these properties by microstructure. In addition, the geometry and diameter of nano-graphite-diamond particles were also observed by TEM and Ultrafine Particle Size Analyzer.
The composite electroplating was conducted in a nickel sulfomate bath containing various contents of graphite-diamond nanoparticles. The composite deposits were plated with different current densities and rotation speed. The composition, pH and temperature of plating bath were kept constant. The surface morphologies, electrochemical properties and their hardness variations of the composite deposits were analyzed after electroplating with different parameters.
Experimental results indicated that the hardness of the nickel deposit was apparently improved by adding nanoparticles in the deposit. Furthermore, the hardness increased with increasing the content of nanoparticles in the bath. In electrochemical analysis, the corrosion potential, critical potential and passive current density of the composite deposits were strongly depended on the plating parameters. Nodular morphology of the composite deposit can be observed with SEM. In the microstructure, the distribution of graphite-diamond nanoparticles in the composite coatings was identified by using SEM/EDX.

第一章 研究背景及文獻回顧
1.1 複合鍍簡介及其應用發展
1.2 電鍍之金屬沈積原理
1.3 電鍍均厚能力
1.4 複合電鍍共沈積機制
1.5 粉體與鍍液之介面
1.6 添加劑的影響
1.7 複合鍍層表面形貌及機械性質
1.7.1 表面粗度
1.7.2 微硬度
1.8 複合鍍層表面陽極極化分析
第二章 研究目的
第三章 實驗流程
3.1 試片備製及前處理
3.2 複合電鍍
3.3 機械性質測試
3.3.1 微硬度測試
3.3.2 表面粗度量測
3.4 動電位陽極極化掃描
3.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡
第四章 結果與討論
4.1 粒徑分析結果
4.2 微硬度測試
4.3 表面粗度量測
4.4 陽極極化測試
4.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察
第五章 結論

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