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論文名稱(外文):Discussing Political Warfare Organization from the Theory of Organizational Change
外文關鍵詞:ReengineeringPolitical Warfare OrganizationNational Defense Two LawOrganizational Change
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學生:范佐驊 指導教授:李友錚博士
摘 要
Discussing Political Warfare Organization from the Theory of Organizational Change
Student: Zuo-Hwa Fan Advisor: Dr. Yu-Cheng Lee
Reengineering is now one of the popular approaches that an organization has implemented to deal with change issues. As the overall political & economic systems of the nation have been changed, the ROC military political warfare organization is carrying out the critical change to cope with the reengineering program of national defense. The organizational reengineering of the political warfare system is regarded as a continuously evolved process of an organism. It aims to have an organization achieve the optimal effectiveness. The reengineering program has been started mostly because of its feedback to the internal external challenges. In addition , it’s attempt to gradually adjust and renew the solutions to problems of skills , structures , culture , mission and personnel , which have been out of date , by focusing on the integration of the organizational structure , the adjustment of the function , the reduction in employment and the improvement of performance process . As change is concerned, legislative essence of the National Defense Two Law is included. Moreover, the overall evaluation of reengineering is also included in addition to the feedback to what is related to newcomers, organizational simplification that emphasizes the adjustment to environmental change and the strategies of promoting efficiency.
Since the military was started at Whampoa , the political warfare system have been established to perform political mission . Since Eastern Expedition, Northern Expedition, War against Communists, War of Resistance against Japan, Suppress Rebels and moving to Taiwan, its organizational system, performance and mission have been adjusted and modified. In spite of the difference, its basic essence and mission have been consistent. In view of the political warfare organization that has been changed, its system has been adjusted to a degree as the nation faces change. White a new era comes and the system of national defense comes to a new stage, the political warfare organization must be developed on the basis of legislation, profession, knowledge and information. Being legislation, it has to cope with new challenges. Especially. The overall efficiency of the troops and the professional ability of the staff should be promoted to cope with the legislative requirement of the officers’ leading, power in alignment with responsibility and division of labor after the National Defense Two Law is implemented and the project of simplification is renewed, At present, the professional performance of the political warfare division goes down below the standard gradually to meet the cut-down budget of national defense and support the plan of modernization , as the development is observed . From the point of facts, this is what the organization will be in the future. That is, it exists only to meet the requirement of mission by stage. Besides, the limitations of environmental change that is inevitable, order fulfillment for obedience and standard of actualized legislation reduce the influence of its performance. Whenever change comes, the morale and power go down.
At this stage, organizational reengineering of the political warfare system is under a progression of implementation. Though it’s being implemented systematically and sequentially, people still doubt how effectively change works. Since the difference exists in the outcome and the goal, the key factors from the related issues should be examined to see whether they’re compatible with the theoretical basis. Finding solutions is now important for the military not to be simplified. This study focuses on the theories of organizational change. It aims to explore and make a diagnosis of the controversial issue about organizational reengineering of the ROC military. From Simplification Project to the National Defense Two Law are put into force, it includes the introduction of related theories of relative effectiveness of what change is and how change can be carried out by steps. Also, Delphi Method is applied to analyze and integrate the experts’ opinions to reinforce the arguments. In the end, seven statements are concluded as suggestions to promote academic value, In addition, it’s expected that the military can succeed in organizational change so that the political warfare system can be maturer and stay long.
目 錄
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
誌 謝 vi
目 錄 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究方法與流程 3
1.3.1文獻探討 3
1.3.2研究流程 4
1.4 研究範圍與論文架構 6
1.4.1 研究範圍 6
1.4.2 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 組織變革的定義與力量 8
2.1.1 組織變革的定義 8
2.2 組織變革的內涵 9
2.2.1 組織變革的類型 9
2.2.2 組織變革的基礎 10
表2.1 變革的基礎對照表 10
2.3 組織變革的過程 13
2.3.1 黎溫的變革模式 13
2.3.2 Hage組織變革四階段模型 14
2.3.3 完整的變革模式 15
2.4 組織再造的意涵與型式 19
2.4.1 組織再造的意涵 19
2.5 綜合評論 28
第三章 政戰組織變革 30
3.1 政戰制度沿革 30
3.2 政戰組織法制化內容與時代意義 34
3.2.1 國防二法主要內容 34
3.2.2 法制化的時代意義 36
3.3 綜合評論 36
第四章 研究方法 38
4.1 研究方法 38
4.1.1 德非法 38
4.1.2 運用步驟 39
4.1.3 優點與缺點 40
4.2 研究假設 41
4.3 研究設計 41
4.4 研究限制 43
第五章 結果分析與彙總意見 45
5.1 相關性分析 45
5.2 彙總意見 51
第六章 組織診斷與討論 65
6.1 變革力量部分 66
6.2 技術變革部分 69
6.3 結構變革部分 71
6.4 文化變革部分 73
6.5 任務變革部分 75
6.6 人員變革部分 77
6.7 變革模式部分 79
第七章 結論與建議 82
7.1 研究結論與發現 82
7.1.1 研究結論 82
7.1.2 研究發現 82
7.2 研究建議 84
7.3 未來研究方向 85
參考文獻 87
附錄 92
圖1.1 研究流程圖 5
圖2.1 黎溫變革的程序 14
圖2.2 組織變革流程 19
圖6.1 政戰組織再造診斷構想 66
表2.1 變革的基礎對照表 10
表2.2 變革模式比較表 15
表2.3 「組織再造」意涵相關文獻 23
表4.1 德非法運用步驟比較 40
表4.2 「抽樣結構」素質分析表 43
表5.1 因應驅離力量意向問卷調查意見統計 46
表5.2 技術變革意向問卷調查意見統計 47
表5.3 結構變革意向問卷調查意見統計 48
表5.4 文化變革意向問卷調查意見統計 49
表5.5 任務變革意向問卷調查意見統計 50
表5.6 人員變革意向問卷調查意見統計 50
表5.7 變革整體成效意向問卷調查意見統計 51
表5.8 調查意見綜整一覽表 52
表5.9 調查意見綜整一覽表 54
表5.10 調查意見綜整一覽表 56
表5.11 調查意見綜整一覽表 59
表5.12 調查意見綜整一覽表 60
表5.13 調查意見綜整一覽表 62
表5.14 調查意見綜整一覽表 64
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