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研究生(外文):Chang Shun Chao
論文名稱(外文):A Distributed and Cooperative Mechanism for Solving Black Hole Attack in Ad Hoc Networks
外文關鍵詞:Ad Hoc NetworksBlack HoleNetwork SecurityRouting Protocol
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黑洞攻擊(black hole attack)是存在於隨意網路(Ad hoc network)中極待解決的一種阻斷攻擊問題,黑洞的惡意節點會利用路由協定的路由回復封包,告知來源端經由惡意節點有到目的端的最短路徑,而當來源端將資料封包傳出,惡意節點將不會協助轉送資料封包並且將其丟棄,如此將照成網路中資料無法傳遞。在本論文中,提出一種分散(Distributed)與合作(Cooperative)的機制,讓行動節點(Mobile node)利用合作的方式解決黑洞攻擊問題,我們的方法利用區域資料收集步驟分析鄰近節點是否可疑;為避免網路資源耗用,先利用區域偵測步驟達到簡易的評估;為求更高的評估可信度,才進行合作偵測步驟;並在全域回覆步驟中提出更適當的方式,來告知網路上的所有行動節點有黑洞惡意節點存在。利用此機制不單能解決黑洞攻擊問題,同時能防止黑洞惡意節點利用合作的方式攻擊,且此機制能夠讓偵測更可靠與偵測時的網路資源浪費更少。
Ad hoc network is collection of mobile nodes that dynamically form a temporary network. There exists a black hole attack problem in ad hoc network. In this attack, a malicious node uses the routing protocol to advertise itself as having the shortest path to the node whose data packets it wants to intercept. In our dissertation, a distributed and cooperative mechanism is proposes to solve the black hole attack. Every node analyzes whether 1-hop neighbors are suspicious by collecting local data. Network traffic can be avoided, because nodes will achieve simple appraisal by exploiting local detection and will limit the detection scope to a neighboring area of 1-hop neighbors. When the node is confirmed to be suspicious, cooperative detection will be started for reaching more reliable detection. This method can avoid single and cooperative black hole attack. And this method can make detection more reliable and also decrease network traffic during detection.
1. Introduction 1
2. Background 3
2.1 Ad Hoc Networks 4
2.2 Black Hole Attack 6
2.3 The Protocol Stack 9
2.4 Ad Hoc Routing Protocols 13
2.4.1 Proactive Routing Protocols 14
2.4.2 Reactive Routing Protocols 15
2.4.3 Hybrid Routing Protocols 18
2.5 Security Principles 19
3. Relate Work 22
3.1 Eliminating Single Black Hole 23
3.2 Eliminating Single Black Hole 25
4. The Distributed and Cooperative Mechanism 29
4.1 Local Data Collection 31
4.2 Local Detection 34
4.3 Cooperative Detection 38
4.4 Global Reaction 42
5. Simulation Results 44
5.1 Simulation Model 44
5.2 Evaluation Metrics 45
5.3 Simulations Results 46
6. Conclusions 51
7. References 52
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