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第一章 序論...............................................1
第二章 理論背景...........................................3
2-1 光纖傳輸波動方程式.................................3
? 2-2 光纖的線性效應.....................................4
? 2-3 光纖的非線性效應...................................6
? 2-4 CRZ信號產生方法....................................9
第三章 傳輸系統架構......................................10
?3-1 系統傳輸參數.......................................10
?3-2 信號傳輸品質評估...................................11
第四章 光放大器補償拉曼串音..............................13
4-1 連續波模式的拉曼串音..............................13
4-2 動態增益補償與固定增益補償........................14
第五章 數值模擬與分析....................................15
5-1 考慮預先瞬時頻率(chirping)的信號傳輸..............16
5-2 改變各波道放大器增益值補償拉曼散射之傳輸品質......17
第六章 討論..............................................20
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[6] W. Ding, Z. Chen, D. Wu, and A. Xu,” Asymmetry of Raman crosstalk in wavelength division multiplexing transmission systems,” Electron. Lett., vol. 38, p. 1265, 2002.
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[8] S. Chi and S. Wen, ” Recovery of soliton self-frequency shift by optical phase conjugation, ” Opt. Lett., vol. 19, p. 1705, 1994.
[9] S. Watanabe and T. Chikama, “Cancellation of four-wave mixing in multichannel fiber transmission by midway optical phase conjugation,” Electron. Lett., vol. 30, p. 1156, 1994.
[10] A. Royset, S. Y. Set, I. A. Goncharenko, and R.I Laming, ” Linear and nonlinear dispersion compensation of short pulse using midspan Spectral inversion,”IEEE Photon. Tech. Lett., vol. 8. p. 449, 1996
[11] P. Nouchi, P. Sansonetti, S. Landais, S. Borne, G. Borre’, C. Brechm Y Boniort, B. Perrin, J. J. Girard, and J. Auge’, ” Low loss dispersion-shifted single-mode fiber with high nonlinear effective area, ”OFC’95., San Diego, CA, 1995, Paper ThH2.
[12] S. Wen,” Bi-end dispersion compensation for ultra-long optical communication systems,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 17, p. 792, 1999.
[13] Senfar Wen and Tsung-Kun Lin," Ultralong Lightwave systems with incomplete dispersion compensations," IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., revised.
[14] N. Henmi T. Saito M. Yamaguchi and S. Fujita” 10-Gb /s 100-km normal fiber transmission experiment employing a modifield prechirp technique” OFC’91 San Diego CA, 1991 Paper TuO2  p. 54.
[15] N. Henmi T. Saito and T. Ishida” Prechirp technique as a linear dispersion compensation for ultrahigh-speed long-span intensity modulation direct detection optical communication system” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. vol. 12 p. 1706 1994.
[16] S. T. Cundiff, B. C. Collings, L. Boivin, M. C. Nuss, K. Bergman, W. H. Knox, and S. G. Evangelides, Jr., “Propagation of highly chirped pulses in fiber-optic communications systems,” J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 17, p. 811, 1999.
[17] A. Hodzic, B. Konrad, and K. Petermann,” Prechirp in NRZ-based 40-Gb/s single-channel and WDM transmission systems,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 14, p. 152, 2002.
[18] A. N. Pilipetskii, V. J. Mazurczyk, and C. J. Chen,” The effect of dispersion compensation on system performance when nonlinearities are important,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 11, p 284, 1999.
[19] C. J. Anderson and J. A. Lyle," Technique for evaluating system performance using Q factor in numerical simulations exhibiting intersymbol interference," Electron. Lett., vol. 30, p. 71, 1994.
[20] H. S. Seo,K. Oh,W.Shin,U. C. Peak,”Compensation of Raman-Induced Crosstalk Using a Lumped Germanosilicate Fiber Raman Amplifier in the 1.571-1.591-μm Region” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., vol. 13, p28, 2001.
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