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研究生(外文):Ming-Chieh Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Numerical study of the flow structure and heat transfer effect in a horizontal CVD reactor
指導教授(外文):Tsarng-Sheng Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Chemical vapor depositionflow structuresreturn flow
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Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is one of the important techniques used in the semiconductor processes. The flow structure and heat transfer effect in a CVD reactor have significant impact on the uniformity and growth rate of the thin film. In the present study, numerical simulations are performed to investigate the effects of gas inlet velocity, operating pressure, and reactor geometry on flowfield structures and heat transfer rates in a horizontal CVD reactor with single wafer. The governing equations are the three-dimensional (3-D), incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with ideal gas law and temperature dependent viscosity as well as conductivity. A 3-D, non-uniform and staggered grid is adopted with an implicit finite volume formulation in accordance with the SIMPLEC-type algorithm.
Numerical results show that a return flow is induced as the gas flows through a bottom heated horizontal CVD reactor, due to the interactions between buoyant and inertial forces. The return flow region decreases as the inlet gas velocity increases for constant pressure conditions. For different operating pressures, the return flow region is reduced with decreasing pressure, and hence the film deposition uniformity is improved effectively. Effects of the tilted top and bottom walls on flow structures are also investigated. The return flow region and thermal boundary layer decrease as the tilted angle increases. The effectiveness is more pronounce with bottom wall inclination. In addition, a baffle is added to the top wall at several different positions to investigate its effect on flow structures. The addition of the baffle affects the position of return flow structure, but has no improvement on the uniformity of thin layer.

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1
 1.1 前言……………………………………………………………...1
 1.2 CVD製程介紹…………………………………………………..1
 1.3 文獻回顧………………………………………………………...3
 1.4 研究目的………………………………………………………...4
第二章 物理模式………………………………………………………6
2.1 CVD反應爐流道模型………………………………………….6
2.2 基本假設………………………………………………………..9
2.3 統御方程式……………………………………………………..9
2.4 流體物理特性…………………………………………………10
2.5 邊界與起始條件………………………………………………12
2.6 無因次參數……………………………………………………13
第三章  數值方法……………………………………………………..14
3.1 數值模擬軟體簡介……………………………………………14
3.2 離散化…………………………………………………………15
3.3 速度和壓力的偶合演算………………………………………16
3.4 數值求解流程…………………………………………………16
3.5 收斂條件………………………………………………………18
3.6 格點測試………………………………………………………18
3.7 數值解驗證……………………………………………………22
第四章  結果與討論…………………………………………………..24
4.1 研究內容……………………………………………………….24
4.2 改變流體速度及操作壓力的影響…………………………….25
4.2.1 改變流體速度及操作壓力對流場結構的影響...…………26
4.2.2 改變流體速度及操作壓力對溫度分佈的影響…………...27
4.2.3 改變流體速度及操作壓力對薄膜沉積均勻性的影響…...28
4.3 改變流道形狀:傾斜加熱段壁面的影響……………………..29
4.3.1 傾斜加熱段壁面對流場結構的影響……………………...29
4.3.2 傾斜加熱段壁面對溫度分佈的影響……………………...30
4.3.3 傾斜加熱壁面對薄膜沉積均勻性的影響………………...30
4.4 改變流道形狀:加熱段上壁面不同位置處加置阻板的影響...31
4.4.1 加熱段上壁面不同位置處加置阻板對流場結構的影響...31
4.4.2 加熱段上壁面不同位置處加置阻板對溫度分佈的影響...32
4.4.3 加熱段上壁面不同位置處加置阻板對薄膜沉積均勻性的影響………………………………………………………...32
第五章  結論與未來展望……………………………………………..55
圖1-1 CVD反應步驟示意圖………………………………………….2
圖2-1 基本水平式CVD反應爐模型示意圖………………………….8
圖2-2 加熱段壁面傾斜角度示意圖 (a) 上壁面 (b) 下壁面……….8
圖2-3 加熱段上壁面不同位置放置阻板之CVD反應爐模型示意圖.8
圖3-1 Segregated程式架構求解流程圖……………………………..17
圖3-2 在Y = 0 cm、Z = 50 cm處,不同格點數之U、V、W、T分
圖3-3 在Y = 0 cm、Z = 50 cm處,不同格點數之U、V、W、T分
圖3-4 基本水平式CVD反應爐模型非均勻格點示意圖 (a) 三視圖
(b) 俯視圖 (c) 側視圖……………………………………...21
圖3-5 在Y = 0.2 H,Z = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70 cm位置的軸向速度W (cm/sec)分佈圖………………………………………23
圖4-1 P = 101 kPa,在不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re = 25
圖4-2 P = 50.6 kPa,在不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re =
圖4-3 P = 10.1 kPa,在不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re =
圖4-4 P = 101 kPa,不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re = 25
圖4-5 P = 10.1 kPa,不同雷諾數 (a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re =
圖4-6 P = 101 kPa,不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re = 25
圖4-7 P = 10.1 kPa,不同雷諾數 (a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re =
圖4-8 P = 101 kPa,不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re = 25
圖4-9 P = 10.1 kPa,不同雷諾數(a) Re = 100 (b) Re = 60 (c) Re = 25
圖4-10 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ =
- 3∘(b) θ = - 6∘ (c) θ = - 9∘之三維流線比較圖……...42
圖4-11 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ =
- 3∘(b) θ = - 6∘ (c) θ = - 9∘,在不同X位置的YZ剖
圖4-12 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段下壁面傾斜角度(a) θ = 3∘
(b) θ = 6∘ (c) θ = 9∘之三維流線比較圖………………..44
圖4-13 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ = 3∘(b)
θ = 6∘ (c) θ = 9∘,在不同X位置的YZ剖面之流線圖...45
圖4-14 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ =
- 3∘(b) θ = - 6∘ (c) θ = - 9∘,在不同X位置的YZ剖
圖4-15 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ = 3∘(b)
θ = 6∘ (c) θ = 9∘,在不同X位置的YZ剖面之等溫線圖
圖4-16 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面傾斜角度(a) θ =
- 3∘(b) θ = - 6∘(c) θ = - 9∘,加熱段下壁面的局部紐賽爾數分佈圖…………………………………………………..48
圖4-17 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段下壁面傾斜角度(a) θ = 3∘(b)
θ = 6∘(c) θ = 9∘,加熱段下壁面之局部紐賽爾數分佈圖
圖4-18 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面加阻板位置在(a) Z =
30 cm (b) Z = 40 cm (c) Z = 50cm (d) Z = 60 cm 之三維流線
圖4-19 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面放置一阻板在(a) Z =
30 cm (b) Z = 40 cm (c) Z = 50 cm (d) Z = 60 cm,在不同X位
圖4-20 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面放置一阻板在(a) Z =
30 cm (b) Z = 40 cm (c) Z = 50 cm (d) Z = 60 cm,在不同X位
圖4-21 P = 101 kPa,Re = 100,加熱段上壁面加一阻板位置在(a) Z =
30 cm (b) Z = 40 cm (c) Z = 50 cm (d) Z = 60 cm位於加熱下
表1 基本水平式CVD反應爐模型變化雷諾數及操作壓力參數設定…………………………………...………….………………..24
表2 水平式CVD反應爐模型加熱段上下壁面傾斜角度參數設定..25
表3 水平式CVD反應爐模型加熱段上壁面加置一阻板參數設定..25

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