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研究生(外文):Chien-Chieh Hu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of free volume and penetrant-polymer interaction on gas sorption and transport properties of polymeric membrane
指導教授(外文):Juin-Yih LaiJuin-Yih Lai
外文關鍵詞:Polymeric membraneDiffusivitySolubilityFree volume
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摘 要
鑄膜溶劑性質對高分子鏈堆疊的影響使薄膜有不同自由體積,一般認為在高於Tg溫度熱處理後,無論使用何種溶劑製膜相同膜材薄膜之FFV應該相似,本研究實驗結果證實經過熱處理之不同溶劑製備之薄膜的FFV明顯不同,熱處理提高薄膜之Tg同時降低PMMA薄膜之FFV。薄膜之氣體透過係數與溶解係數均因薄膜熱處理而下降,熱處理PMMA薄膜的FFV越高氣體透過係數越大,由於分子鏈局部塑化造成氣體壓力大於15 atm時薄膜的氣體透過係數有隨壓力增加而增大的現象,分子鏈局部塑化對薄膜氣體擴散係數的影響並不大。
除了鑄膜用溶劑及熱處理會影響高分子薄膜之氣體分離行為外,高分子之組成亦是影響薄膜氣體分離行為的重要參數,與氣體交互作用很小的norbornene含量不同使COC有不同分子結構,本研究使用組成不同COC薄膜探討氣體交互作用相似時分子組成對薄膜FFV、氣體吸附與傳輸性質之影響,COC薄膜中norbornene含量增加薄膜之密度降低但是玻璃轉移溫度與FFV提高,分子組成不同造成薄膜之FFV增加配合適當的分子鏈堆疊可同時提昇薄膜的氣體透過係數與選擇係數,COC薄膜之氣體溶解係數隨氣體操作壓力增高而下降(符合dual mode sorption之行為),FFV越高之薄膜氣體吸附量越大,薄膜之FFV與C’H呈線性關係。
為了釐清氣體-高分子交互作用與薄膜氣體透過性質之關係,carbonyl group density不同的緻密薄膜被系統性探討,高分子之carbonyl group density增高會增加薄膜氣體溶解係數,carbonyl group與氣體分子之交互作用會抑制氣體分子在薄膜中的擴散。carbonyl group density與Langmuir affinity constant呈正比線性關係。
Free volume and penetrant-polymer interaction were important parameters to control gas separation properties of the membrane. To develop high performance gas separation membranes, the free volume and penetrant-polymer interaction dependence of gas separation properties of the membrane need to be established. Initially, effects of casting solvent, heat treatment, and polymer composition on free volume, gas sorption, and transport properties of glassy polymeric membranes were estimated in this thesis. Subsequently, the relationship between penetrant-polymer interaction and gas separation properties of membrane was investigated. This study finally reports the effect of surface crosslinking of membrane, same FFV, on gas permeation of polymeric membrane.
This work reports glass transport temperature, fractional free volume (FFV), permeability, and diffusivity of Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) membranes, yielding information regarding the effect of casting solvent property on transport mechanisms in PMMA membranes cast from five different solvents. It was found that the free volumes of the membranes followed the order of the boiling points of the solvents from which they were cast. Nevertheless, the trend of Tg was very opposite of FFV. An increase in FFV increased the gas permeability but apparently did not increase the gas solubility. The results indicated that the gas diffusivity in the membrane was strongly affected by the fractional free volume of the membrane.
Membranes with different free volume result from polymer chain packing caused by casting solvent properties. It was believed that annealing above the Tg of membrane made membranes prepared by dry casting from different solvents had similar FFV. In fact, the FFV of annealed membranes prepared by casting from different solvents still had obviously difference. Annealing increased the Tg of membrane but decreased the FFV of membrane. The annealing of membrane was discovered to simultaneously decrease both permeability and solubility. Penetrant permeability in annealed membrane increase with increasing FFV. The plasticizing effect of CO2 on PMMA is well known, but we found that the permeability of oxygen also increased slightly with the operating upstream pressure. The solubility of oxygen initially decreased and then soon increased with the upstream pressure. It was suspected that the increase of gas solubility by pressure was due to slight plasticization occurring in the edge of inter-chain aligning region near the self-coiling domain. The partial plasticization increased gas solubility and permeability but had little effect on the gas diffusivity.
Polymer composition was an important parameter affect gas separation properties of dense membrane besides casting solvent and heat treatment. Cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) containing 40-66mol% norbornene, small interaction with penetrant, had different structure. The effect of molecular composition change of COC membrane on FFV, gas sorption, and transport properties was investigated in this work. Glass transition temperature and FFV increase with increasing norbonene content, but we found that the density of membrane decrease with increasing norbonene content. COC membrane combines increasingly FFV with suitable chain packing simultaneously increase permeability and selectivity. The solubility of COC membranes increase with increasing FFV, and the gas sorption behavior of COC membrane obey the dual-sorption model. It is found that there is a linear relationship between FFV and Langmuir capacity constant.
The object of present work was to search for the relationships between the carbonyl group density and transport properties in the membrane. The intrinsic gas transport properties, permeation, diffusion, and sorption in a series of dense membranes with various carbonyl group densities were investigated. It was found that solubility is improved by increasing the carbonyl group density on the polymer chains of various polymers and this effect becomes more pronounced with increasing penetrant condensability. It was observed that the carbonyl group in the membrane decreased the gas diffusivity because it might have a strong interaction with the penetrant gas molecules. In this study, a direct relationship was found between the carbonyl group density and Langmuir affinity constant.
In this report, effect of surface crosslinking of membrane on gas permeation was studied from the viewpoint of FFV of membrane was not change. Argon plasma was used to create surface crosslinking of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) membrane. It was found that membrane surface crosslinking decreased permeability but increased selectivity. Additionally, the plasticizing effect of permeant (CO2) on the surface crosslinked PMMA membrane is significantly reduced.
The factors of casting solvent, heat treatment, polymer composition, functional group, and surface crosslinking obviously affect the gas separation performance of polymeric membrane. The basic study of effect upon above factors could help us to clarify the gas separation mechanism of polymeric membrane.

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅳ
致謝 Ⅶ
目錄 Ⅷ
符號說明 ⅩⅣ
圖索引 ⅩⅧ
表索引 ⅩⅩⅣ

第一章 緒論
1-1 薄膜分離技術之回顧 1
1-2 氣體分離薄膜之發展 3
1-3 高分子薄膜製備與改質 5
1-3-1 平板薄膜之製備 5
1-3-2 管狀薄膜之製備 6
1-3-3 高分子薄膜之改質 7
1-4 薄膜之氣體透過理論 8
1-4-1 多孔性薄膜之氣體透過理論 9
1-4-2 緻密薄膜之氣體透過理論 13
1-5 玻璃態高分子薄膜之氣體傳輸 16
1-5-1 雙重吸附模型(dual-sorption model) 16
1-5-2 Dual mobility model 17
1-5-3 Langmuir-BET吸附模式 18
1-5-4 自由體積理論與塑化 19
1-6 研究背景 22
1-7 研究目的 31

第二章 實驗
2-1 材料 34
2-2 實驗儀器 36
2-3 實驗方法 38
2-3-1 PMMA緻密薄膜之製備 38
2-3-2 PC薄膜之製備 39
2-3-3 PPO薄膜之製備 39
2-3-4 COC薄膜之製備 39
2-3-5 PMMA薄膜電漿表面處理 40
2-3-6 機械性質測試 41
2-3-7 熱性質分析 41
2-3-8 全反射式傅氏轉換紅外線光譜儀測試 41
2-3-9 原子力顯微鏡觀察 42
2-3-10 薄膜密度量測 42
2-3-11 薄膜氣體透過測試 43
2-3-12 薄膜氣體恆溫吸附測試 45

第三章 鑄膜用溶劑對高分子量PMMA薄膜自由體積、氣體吸附及傳輸之影響
3-1 研究目的 47
3-2 前言 47
3-3 結果與討論 49
3-3-1 鑄膜中之殘餘溶劑 49
3-3-2 鑄膜用溶劑對薄膜FFV之影響 49
3-3-3 鑄膜溶劑對薄膜氣體透過之影響 53
3-3-4 薄膜氣體吸附 57
3-3-5 薄膜氣體傳輸性質 61
3-4 結論 64

第四章 熱處理對高分子量PMMA薄膜自由體積、氣體吸附及傳輸之影響
4-1 研究目的 65
4-2 前言 65
4-3 結果與討論 67
4-3-1 熱處理對薄膜FFV之影響 67
4-3-2熱處理對薄膜FFV與氣體透過之影響 70
4-3-3 熱處理對薄膜氣體吸附之影響 77
4-3-4 FFV和壓力對熱處理薄膜氣體透過係數比之影響 83
4-3-5 FFV對氣體擴散係數之影響 86
4-3-6 分子量對PMMA薄膜氣體傳輸性質之影響 88
4-4 結論 92

第五章 高分子組成對COC薄膜自由體積、氣體吸附及傳輸之影響
5-1 研究目的 93
5-2 前言 93
5-3 結果與討論 96
5-3-1 Norbornene含量變化對薄膜物理性質之影響 96
5-3-2 COC薄膜之氣體傳輸 98
5-3-3 COC薄膜之氣體吸附 106
5-4 結論 115

第六章 氣體-薄膜交互作用對薄膜自由體積、氣體吸附及傳輸之影響
6-1 研究目的 116
6-2 前言 116
6-3 結果與討論 118
6-3-1 薄膜之物理性質 118
6-3-2 薄膜之氣體透過 120
6-3-3 薄膜氣體吸附分析 127
6-4 結論 138

第七章 表面交聯對PMMA薄膜氣體傳輸性質之影響
7-1 研究目的 139
7-2 前言 139
7-3 結果與討論 141
7-3-1 PMMA薄膜之表面交聯 141
7-3-2 電漿處理對PMMA薄膜表面形態與機械性質之影響 144
7-3-3 表面交聯對PMMA薄膜氣體透過性質之影響 147
7-4 結論 154

第八章 結論與未來展望
8-1 結論 155
8-2 未來展望 157
參考文獻 159

Fig. 1-1 Schematic diagrams of the principal types of membranes.
Fig. 1-2 Knudsen’s tube model. Reprinted from Separation Science and Technology, p. 75, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Fig. 1-3 Specific volume of an amorphous polymer as a function of the temperature.

Fig. 2-1 Chemical structure of cyclic olefin copolymer.
Fig. 2-2 Dense membrane casting process.
Fig. 2-3 The Schematic diagram of the plasma reactor system.
Fig. 2-4 Schematic diagram of density measurement apparatus.
Fig. 2-5 Apparatus of gas permeation.
Fig. 2-6 Apparatus of gas sorption.

Fig. 3-1 Thermogravimetric analysis of PMMA membranes cast from different solvents (PMMA-D cast from dichloromethane; PMMA-T cast from THF; PMMA-E cast from ethylacetate; PMMA-B cast from butylacetate; PMMA-M cast from MIBK).
Fig. 3-2 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of nitrogen (PN2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 3-3 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of oxygen (PO2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig 3-4 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 3-5 Pressure dependence of the solubility coefficient of nitrogen (SN2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 3-6 Pressure dependence of the solubility coefficient of oxygen (SO2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 3-7 Pressure dependence of the solubility coefficient of carbon dioxide (SCO2) in PMMA membranes at 35℃.

Fig. 4-1 Molecular chain conformation model of PMMA membranes.

Fig. 4-2 Effect of FFV on the permeabilities (P) of heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-3 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of helium (PHe) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-4 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of oxygen (PO2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-5 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of nitrogen (PN2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-6 Effect of pressure on the permeabilities of carbon dioxide (PCO2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-7 Effect of FFV on the gas solubilities (S) of heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-8 Sorption isotherms of nitrogen (SN2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-9 Sorption isotherms of oxygen (SO2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-10 Sorption isotherms of carbon dioxide (SCO2) in heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-11 Effect of pressure on the permeability ratio of heat treatment PMMA membranes at 35℃.
Fig. 4-12 Effect of FFV on the effective diffusivity of heat treatment PMMA membranes.
Fig. 4-13 Effect of PMMA molecular weight on the carbon dioxide permeability (PCO2) of PMMA membranes.
Fig. 4-14 Effect of PMMA molecular weight on the carbon dioxide solubility (SCO2) of PMMA membranes.

Fig. 5-1 The effect of upstream pressure on helium permeability (PHe) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig 5-2 The effect of upstream pressure on nitrogen permeability (PN2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 5-3 The effect of upstream pressure on oxygen permeability (PO2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig 5-4 The effect of upstream pressure on carbon dioxide permeability (PCO2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 5-5 Sorption isotherms of nitrogen (CN2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 5-6 Sorption isotherms of oxygen (CO2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 5-7 Sorption isotherms of carbon dioxide (CCO2) for COC membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 5-8 Plot of Langmuir capacity constant, C’H vs. FFV for COC membranes.
Fig. 5-9 Comparison of O2/N2 separation performance for COC copolymer and various traditional polymeric materials used in gas separation membrane.

Fig. 6-1 The effect of upstream pressure on helium permeability (PHe) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-2 The effect of upstream pressure on nitrogen permeability (PN2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-3 The effect of upstream pressure on oxygen permeability (PO2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-4 The effect of upstream pressure on carbon dioxide permeability (PCO2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-5 Sorption isotherms of nitrogen (CN2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-6 Sorption isotherms of oxygen (CO2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-7 Sorption isotherms of carbon dioxide (CCO2) for various membranes at 35oC.
Fig. 6-8 Plot of Langmuir capacity constant, C’H, vs. FFV for various membranes.
Fig. 6`-9 Langmuir affinity constant, b, of membranes as a function of carbonyl group density.

Fig. 7-1 A comparison of ATR-FTIR spectrum of PMMA membranes.
Fig. 7-2 Thermogravimetric analyze of PMMA membranes treated with argon plasma.
Fig. 7-3 AFM image of the top surface of the PMMA membranes: (a) original membrane; (b) plasma-treated membrane obtained by 100W plasma treatment for 10min.
Fig. 7-4 CO2 permeabilities at 35℃ for PMMA membrane treated with argon plasma.
Fig. 7-5 CO2 permeabilities at 35℃ for PMMA membrane treated with argon plasma.
Fig. 7-6 Helium permeabilities at 35℃ for PMMA membranes treated with argon plasma.

Table 3-1 Physical properties of the casting solvents used for the preparation of the PMMA membrane
Table 3-2 Physical properties of PMMA membranes cast from different solvents (without heat treatment during membrane desolvent)
Table 3-3 O2/N2 ideal selectivity of PMMA membranes at 35℃
Table 3-4 Oxygen and nitrogen diffusivity and solubility in PMMA membranes at 35℃

Table 4-1 Physical properties of the PMMA (M.W.=996000)
Table 4-2 Permeabilities a and ideal selectivities of PMMA membrane at 35℃
Table 4-3 Solubilities and solubility selectivities of PMMA membrane at 35℃

Table 5-1 Physical properties of COC membranes
Table 5-2 Mechanical properties of COC membranes
Table 5-3 Pure gas permeabilities, diffusivities and solubilities at 4atm and 35oC
Table 5-4 Ideal selectivities, diffusivity selectivities, and solubility selectivities for COC membranes at 4 atm and 35oC
Table 5-5 Dual mode parameters for COC membranes at 35oC

Table 6-1 Physical properties and helium permeability of PMMA, PC, COC, and PPO membranes
Table 6-2 Pure gas permeability, diffusivity and solubility at 10atm and 35oC
Table 6-3 Ideal selectivity, diffusivity selectivity, and solubility selectivity for various membranes at 10atm and 35oC
Table 6-4 Dual mode parameters for various membranes at 35oC
Table 6-5 Parameters of DD and DH for various membranes

Table 7-1 Mechanical properties of PMMA membranes treated with 100W argon plasma
Table 7-2 Summary of the roughness of the top surface of the PMMA membrane treated with 100W argon plasma
Table 7-3 Gas permeability and selectivity of PMMA membranes treated with argon plasma
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